Mexicans arent whit-

>Mexicans arent whit-

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let me finish your sentence

Mexicans arent white

1. not white
2. lower than tha rats

They have partial Spainard genetics so they are mixed.

"White" Mexicans still have native admixture, just less of it.

Mexicans are niggers.

I'm half beaner but I look full white


This is a mestizo honeypot thread thanks for participating wetback.

Some are, most aren't. What's your point?


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What kinda gun is that nigger holding I can’t tell

>Mexicans arent white.
>Mexicans arent safe to have sex with.
Pick both.

God that's such a shitty stereotype
>inb4 i-i-it's a stereotype cuz it's t-true
it aint, lol. I lived in arizona and never met a single hard working mestizo, met a lot of hard working white guys and black guys though

Hey OP there must be something wrong with your eyes or your brain because that dude is clearly mixed race. And being mixed with white, doesn't make you white, it makes you mixed.

Mexicans aren't white.

Sure ya have laddy, sure ya have!!!

lmao like less than 30% of Mexico has Spanish genes. And no before you link your self-reported census, I do not consider your """"evidence""""" as evidence to support said data.

You can have the whitest skin on earth but if you get a bunch of tribal as fuck garbage tattoos then you have turned your white card in and are little more than a nigger.

inb4 i-i-it's a stereotype cuz it's t-true

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they may not be quite as hardworking but they are a hell of a lot more cheap to hire

Mexicans are aztec rape babies ruled by spantard yuropeans.

AR Pistol with a magazine more than 10 rounds, sir.

Your post disproves your argument

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White skin isn't enough. Shit i've even seen niggers with blue eyes, so that's not enough either. Blood is blood. Period.

Does it matter that they're hard-working if they're not paying taxes?
From the perspective of the sustainment of the country, which is the argument I presume.
Obviously the cartoon is attacking the moral character instead.

They aren't very bright either. That's why they couldn't hack it in their own countries. The illegals are the poor, dumb, lazy people of their countries. So it's no surprise they come here and are employed in low wage, low skill jobs. They are basically mongrel spanish speaking monkey robots

That's a modern white man.

Pic not related

The US shall become a latin american country with socialists at the helm. Basically third world.

my man


Welcome to Mexico

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Correct. Indios are in fact not white.


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It depends on if they do crime or not.

If they do crime, they get counted as white.

For everthing else, they are poor, oporessed poc.

>Adolf Hitler tries to form alliance with Mexico
>Aryan Brotherhood forms alliance with Mexicans
Have you guys taken the ultimate redpill? Mexico is the last of the true Aryans

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I just realized that pol is so fucking retarded.Like imagine underestimating other people just because their race.I mean, shit man i took the pill long time ago, i know that whites nords are the higher point of human evolution, but just look at us.We're so pathetic, really we are so full of hate and most of us are under 25 yo so we actually don't know shit but we pretend we do.Wtf am i doing with my life nigga

Germany also did that in ww1, doesn't mean the beaners are our friends fag

That doesn't look very enjoyable

Which is his point.
Op cherry picked an image of a dude that clearly has some Spanish heritage.
Try not to be so ass blasted.

That webm, mexicans are always outdoing themselves.

The only solution ia brain scans and genetic testing. Think you can pass?

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Brazil is our future

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you understand because youre probably a med, iq's important but if you're a shit person that's it.
one shouldn't love their race unconditionally, only the best of their race/tribe. ideals and ideas are everything, internet bickering is nothing.
i'm not white though, armenian, so what do i know, right? anyway, it's for you, your family and children to change status quo, and only our deeds make change

Why does that matter? Should one not fight towardd something if it has consequences? What do you think war is?

One can fight for humanity, which I argue the man you quotes is by his ideals, without oneself benefitting. I'd even argue its rather noble to do so.

also Jow Forums just become shit so that's it, jews retards and fags. everything based happens irl, not here

Mexicans aren't mesti-

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checked and based

wait until they're in Iberia Portugal-chan

Based.I just realized that hating mestizo for example, is fucking dumb.Idk if I'm white since my father family is white (they have blue eyes) but my mom is like from middle east so she has incredibly white skin like pale, but black eyes and hair so i have purely white skin (like nordic color practical pale) with white facial features but dark brown eyes and light brown hair.So yes im a mixed dude but i kinda starting to don't give a fuck and that makes me so happy.I just to get sad when people called me a Nigger, but now i realize they're just retarded incels

I used to get sad*


Some mexicans are white

Native American dna dilutes pretty easily. It's not like nigger blood where you can be 15% nigger and 85% white and still look like a complete nigger

Nahuel those are salvadorans

Trust me if they had more european genes they wouldn't be in jail in the first place.

Europeans, for example, aren't so much in this nordicist bullshit, they take pride in their heritage, in their tribe, not focus on white/non-white debates It's a New World thing, identity crisis of people who live on the land that is not soaked with blood and sweat of their ancestors.

If you appreciate your ancestors and your lineage you'll take pride in the simplest things which are the people of your tribe, who are your extended family, they may be ugly, beautiful, dumb, smart, doesn't matter they - they are your kin, you have to be better as a person and should try and make them better, not love them for superficial reasons, only for their blood and shared destiny and that should make you hate the worst and love the best in them.

Where is your mother from exactly?

Dude, idk, I may have pale skin but I'm hairy and my hair and eyes are black and I like it becuase I look like other members of my tribe, why would I think about it?

Focus on your life, your DUTIES and GOALS. That is everything that matters. Don't fall for traps that losers place here, on the internet. Do what your gut tells you to do, bro.

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Based natsoc user.