Race and IQ are Related. The consequences of a multiracial society are immeasurable


The link above is to a study sited in The Bell Curve, which adds to the heaping pile of evidence that genetics (race) and IQ are related
we need to talk about this more
we need to come up with a palatable way of bringing this conversation to the mainstream

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Race and IQ are Related

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between 1924 and 1947 there were several hundred men and women adopted in or around copenhagen

In adulthood, they were compared with both their biological siblings and their adoptive siblings
surprise surprise
the biological kids turned out similar to each other
whilst the outcomes of the adoptive siblings differed wildly/inconsistantly

Work occupation is determined by many things, but one of the main factors is IQ
dumb dumbs drive buses
smarty pants invent shit

the biological kids all turned out similarly in regards to job occupation due to inheriting a similar IQ

If you're interested give this a look, very comprehensive study proving the race iq differences.


still reading through the bell curve
i finally broke down and bought the book so I can read it in its entirety for once instead of reading the book in a billion different snippets on pol

Glad to hear, I think a robust understanding of the vast (inherent) racial differences in intelligence is vital to understanding and advocating for pro white policies, and it's a shame that a lot of Jow Forums users don't have a scientific understanding of why niggers are such subhumans.

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The time for arguments have passed.

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These subhumans are in your government, your police forces, your hospitals, your military. It's already too late.

pol is low quality anymore
i dont know why I still lurk here
then again
its an absolute free speech zone on the internet
and its still kind of funny
just dumb as fuck anymore

gtfo newfag, you know nothing

Sadly there's no where else on the internet you can discuss these things, at least not that I know of. Plus I've been here too long now to leave.

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you're a leaf

do I even have to say anything else ?

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>Oy vey!

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I have been lurking for about 4 years now
time flies

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fucking hahahahahahaha
that shit is funny but sad

I mean, look at the average IQ of any country in Africa, they ARE retarded by western standards

Ethiopia pffft
Average IQ in Ethiopia: 69

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Yeah me too dude, I basically grew up on this damn website lol

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nice comic
is that supposed to be juden petersteinberg


Here are some books I recommend reading

There's one good example of why the threshold for mental retardation was decreased from an IQ score of 80 to 70. because if the threshold is 80 then 40% of black people are classified as retarded.

I got introduced to this website because everyone else who worked in politics with me used it to discuss stuff. There are way more chan shitposters on the hill than people tend to think.

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Yeah it's pic related
Nice, I'll check it out. I need to spend less time shitposting and more time reading.

How did you go from discussing politics to arriving here? Lol

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lol, I bet
this is the place to let off some steam if ya know what I mean

dealing with retards on the hill must cause a lot of frustrations and people tend to start screaming the N-Word when they get frustration

imma right

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Nope, but where you are raised is a huge factor

Idk sometimes you need to blow off steam and talk about stuff strait. Not many other places to do that. And the other places that do individualize you into accounts, so eventually people will figure out who you are and what you do.

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culture can impact your IQ, sure
but you can't pluck a nigger from Ethiopia and plant his retarded ass around Harvard and just magically grow a Harvard educated nigger

a nigger is gon' nig, and to ask him not to nig is
like asking a cheetah to change its spots

reading is a great way to just get away from everything
I mean that literally
its not connected to the internet
its just you and some text
you're not influenced by outside forces
you are the one responsible for how you interpret the text
you are the one who gets to decide if the information is credible or not
its peaceful
its a great way to stretch out your mind every now and then