Antifa is the real threat to American liber-

>Antifa is the real threat to American liber-

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Imagine going through the effort of drawing this garbage but not realizing these "huwhite nationalists" are a bit too on the nose with no consistency in their views.


these antifa comix are the most cringy cheesy stuff i ve ever read...the question is if they really believe this redcon

I can’t even imagine the quantity of drug consumption required to agree with this

Leftist comics are terrible. Jesus christ. These people are completely delusional.

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They really do live in retard fantasy land.

>These people are completely delusional.
It could be argued that this is a pre-requisite for that level of creativity.

>lefty hides the fact that shooter was a yang gang lefty

I don't see any creativity.

they're funny

mass shootings are a psy-op. no one ever dies. now hand over your gun goyim


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Rightists are worse, they do nothing just bitch and moan like the cuckservatives and christcucks they are. At least the leftists try. But it makes no difference, they both are equally incapable. Only real Jow Forums can meme, and real Jow Forums is not right or left, but National Socialist. Heil Hitler

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>created before an antifa mass shooting in Ohio and after an antifa cop killing event in Dallas

We dont actually have to do anything, marching around with tiki torches and having faggy rally's is counter productive, all the left needs to do is speak their ideas and we win.


Hate Antifa as much as the next guy.
But the absurdity in this comic is funny.

100 random people dead every year is the price we have to pay for destroying the family unit Bigot!

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its time for more liberal truths

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Was this drawn before or after the most recent mass shooting that was commited by an antifa terrorist?

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Which one?

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Dayton, literally a month ago dude.

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>Implying the average pantifag wouldn't run away in the event of a shooting.

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>Some guy saying mean things is the same as a psycho murderer

We all know what the “”””artist””””” meant when he shit this one out

There was also the Antifa member that shot up those senators and representatives at a baseball practice.

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Reminder rightwingers are recognized as terrorists in the US

Imagine basis beliefs on a cartoon you drew.

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if antifa and kikes didn't try to push their disgusting agenda there would be no "white nationalists"

Whats the issue?
Isnt bombing weddings fun?

Powerful. This comics opened my eyes.

>Throwing water to a Shooter
The Nigger is lucky he got arrested

The fuck is that

when did happen in real life? when did antifa stop a mass shooting with a milkshake?

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If only this actually happened.

>sounds of the city

Plus the only time I’ve ever seen anyone catcall anyone was homeless niggers

post the one with the fake limp dick

The same one where antifa did a mass shooting and was stopped by the police

How can people actually be this absolutely fucking stupid

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God, this is annoying

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That's actually because a lot of faggy groups nowadays demonize white people and patriots/nationalists. That's what created all of this shit.

Jow Forums BTFO

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look bitch, just because you need 3 mattresses to fit your gross body doesn't mean you should tell other people to buy 3 as well



>faggy groups
all of which have kikes funding them

These enrage me so much and I can't quite describe why.
I see them and all I they do is just get me wanting to punch the people involved in it.

Things Trump said he wanted to do to "Make America Great Again"
>Construct a border wall to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs, and gangs
>Hold Mexico accountable
>Enforce current immigration laws
>Create incentive for private sector businesses to stop outsourcing to China
>Support the growth of small businesses
>Stop crooked Hilary from taking office

Things that Trump never said he wanted to do to "Make America Great Again"
>Deport non-white American citizens
>Cede absolute power, becoming a dictator
>Banning gay marriage and killing members of the LGBT
>Establish a new white supremacy kingdom after exiling or geocoding all minorities

Things that liberal fake news claimed Trump was going to do to "Make America Great Again"
>Deport non-white American citizens
>Cede absolute power, becoming a dictator
>Banning gay marriage and killing members of the LGBT
>Establish a new white supremacy kingdom after exiling or geocoding all minorities
>Also something against black people but we haven't decided yet, just trust us Trump hates black people lol

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The big ones maybe.
But the hate wagon on Nationalism and Whites has enough traction nowadays to be self sufficient, esp on the small scale

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If you vomited on a pile of horseshit itd me much better than watching this shit comic calling this comic shit offends the turds its filth from another planet


Tumblr comics shrink my prostate

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That's literally inciting violence

Primarily feminist yet with just a bit of race mixing.

Based and actionpilled.

Does that even matter when you're crazy?

Are these ironically critical of feminists or are they written by a genuine feminist? I can't tell.

>White guy screaming nice tits
>Not a nigger or spic who goes on about needing brown cock while scratching his balls

What you need a redpilled cartoonist like M.Rasheed.

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That is a call to action and is not considered protected speech.

Imagine unironically believing that the only people antifa attack are terrorists, or even white supremacists for that matter.
What’s even crazier is that these aren’t fringe views.

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These fetishes are the fucking best. Convince a woman that it's a sexually exciting thing to do and they voluntarily put themselves in their place, thus establishing that men were right to do so from the beginning. Nothing is more redpilling/hilarious than realising that submission/rape play are the biggest turn ons for women, universally.

It is yet to be known. But author claim it is genuine.

Sad that the tranny/ladyboy community is so fucked up in the head that they think “deadnaming” is proportionate with calls for extermination. Deluded faggots.


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>mongolian humor

those acctually have entertaining value

I'm a degenerate

They're elaborately critical of how shallow feminists are, but that could be the work of delusion too.

It's almost reached levels of Hilldawg at this point.

the comic says:
>i can't read
>i'm imagining things
>my illiteracy and mental illness makes me cry

This uncertainty is beautiful. It is true art.

what kind of left wing is this, i mean for fuck sake US leftwing drones live in country with vast gap between the rich and poor. Industry is shipped abroad, remeaning workrers are threated poorly, no public health care and oligarchic corporations running federal politics. Meanwchile instead of organizing against that shit those morons prefer to champion another sexual minority like good bourgeoisie kids they are. With no proper left wing you will end up with marxist latino militias shooting you all in next 20 years