Female Cop Almost Killed in California

A 21 year old man easily wrestled her to the ground and took her gun while she was firing it. He fires a couple shots in her direction. Finally, backup arrives and he shoots at them too. He goes down in a hail of bullets.


Looks like he will survive. Happened in Victorville.


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Women should not be in any positions of power.


They are helpless. As soon as she is in danger she reverts to the helpless woman cries and screams meant to illicit mercy. This is a language as old as humanity, and it works because the negroe was merciful and fired only a couple warning shots, sparing her life.

(except for whats for dinner. I leave them that power)

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cop here

If I am ever in a situation where I lose control of my sidearm, I hope my backup is as fast as hers.

Also, she shouldn't be a LEO after this. If you draw your weapon, you better be ready to use it. If you don't, learn how to retain it.

Wow she is hot. Why didn't he rape her? Was he gay?

I will make you lick concrete in order to ensure that they will continue to do so, incels

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Nobody asked for the opinion of an 80 IQ nigger that had to be a cop because he was too fucking stupid to contribute anything else. Go produce something, dickhead.

Hope you get killed pig.

Also, whose idea was it to have this inferior gender ride alone without male back up?

the only way to bring a brother down is with bullets, whites don't stand a chance against our superior strength, bitch would've gotten stretched by a massive bbc if backup didn't arrive RIP...


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Diversity hires come in many different colors.
Merit, on the other hand, is usually self-evident.

You are not a woman.

if you were actually a cop you'd know why she didn't kill the nigger. If she actually de-escalated completely and killed the useless criminal, even if she was under extreme duress and just doing her job, she'd be just another White cop killing an 'unarmed black male' and probably end up losing her job. The culture is responsible for causing her to hesitate, and it almost killed her.

Letting women have rights was a mistake

I am female and I hold all the power in my relationship with a man :). Theres literally nothing you can do to stop us and all you can do is make your incel comments on here. Your world revolves around women and it's time you realize that, little boy.

If I was her I'd fucking go ham on those bullets or die trying
But I'm not a female so I wouldn't be tackled anyway.

Where was her back up?

stop larping

I killed my first piece of shit convict when I was 22. 20 years later, I shot a nigger in the chest with buckshot from point blank.

Those are my contributions, what are yours?

Amen brotha. He is rapin white bitches wit the angels now.

he should've blasted that roastie in her motherfuckin face

fuck outta here glowie

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She should not have drawn her weapon then. Pistols are easy to retain with modern retention holsters - and actually, old flap style holsters are also easy to keep your weapon.

also Gayfaggot shut the fuck up, I hardly ever cruise here and you're making me want to fuck you up already.

>I am female and I hold all the power in my relationship with a man
maybe with a faggot, because if you were with me (which would never happen) at any time I could overpower you, pin you down, forcefully rip off your close and violate you repeatedly without consent. The only thing stopping me from doing that is the fact that I'm a well-adjusted White man who understands the consequences of my actions.
At no point in time in the relationship would you ever truly hold power over me, only the power I would let you think you hold over me


Good thing niggers can't shoot for shit. Terrible news that the nigger lived though. We'll be paying for it's meals and housing for years.

SEETHE nigger

About time blacks start to fight back

Prove your power and post tits

Youre a faggot
Yoire job is to STEAL money from peoductive whites on behalf of greedy jews

Coos and niggers are two aides of the same coin
Eat shit faggot


>t. seething man hater.

Just here for some torment i see, If your not dishing it out you're feeling it.

Your where you aught to be, And thats a realisation you might never come to terms with.

Youll do nothing as usual

inb4 liberals defend him HE HAD HIS HANDS UP HE DINDU NUTHIN

Killing you is always justified
Cant prove me wrong either

ugh i typed close
im fucking retarded

Our job is to fine you into oblivion until you finally start obeying traffic laws like a civilized human being.

Nobody fucking cares about your nigger tier opinions on anything, ZOGbot.

No shit, faggot.

i'm a grill btw

Thatsbthe culture that cop wants to uphold too
I Iove that piggies own system will gobble them up if they dont worship the sacred cow of niggery

Imagine, putting the boot to your neighbors on behalf of jews while that same system is about to throw your ass in prison for doing your job

Cops are the scum of the Earth
Fuck you

ay it's pretty hard to unsling our holstered dicks, you bitches lucky we aint torn into more white pigs

bitches search around my dick for probable cause all the time, they can't resist, they all wanna cop a feel

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>men pls halp!

You, daily


Why do these faggots have no lives?
>hurr durr, Im just pretending to be retarded

>*gun gets taken*

Lmao pottery.

He let her live, wouldn't have done that for the male. Probably an instinctive wait-pass for the women, as she was screaming and running away from him. Did he threw a gun after he came to police cars, or kept it with with his hands up?

You collected revenue for jews who want to throw YOU in jail on behalf of niggers
Youre a toadie

>faps to gayporn

yo I just checked the news and it turns out my nigga lived, home boy even got his dick sucked by that cop

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No, niggers dont got heaven you vile coon
For real, youre nigger is burning in hell and has been since the cops shot him


So edgy arent you nigger

But muh vaginy has powers.

thats the reason why you shouldnt allow your woman to leave the house
shame on her owner

>larping as a nigger

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Nigger detected

it's absurd that women are allowed to be cops. The only thing stopping them from getting killed every day is the restraint of the people they arrest. Any guy they interact with could easily take their weapon and put one between their eyes.

post chastity cage pics

Real bad b8 m8

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You can tell she is fat as fuck just by a single post

Seeing GI Jane disarmed and almost killed by completely untrained, a half-retarded, skinny manlet nigger should be a redpill to most people, but the only way to change a liberal's mind is to scramble it with a bullet.


>Female police officers are good at their job
>Female soldiers are good at their job
>Niggers aren't violent apes

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Put this shit up on every forum. Every stream site. FB, twitter, instaslut; all of it. Everywhere. People should wake up everyday and see this in their feed until people get it through their GOD DAMNED SKULLS that this shit should never happen. Equality movements LIED TO WOMEN, and TRICKED THEM into entering the harsh world of reality first hand.

how cute
now tits or gtfo whore

It's funny analyzing the way police work in the US. If one cop start shooting they all do. Probably a internal policy of the department. KEK. So there are no loose ends.

how adorable
now show me tits or gtfo whore

>A 21 year old man easily wrestled her to the ground and took her gun while she was firing it. He fires a couple shots in her direction. Finally, backup arrives and he shoots at them too. He goes down in a hail of bullets.
Women cops are completely useless. He knew that literally all he had to do was grab her gun arm and then she would be helpless. Whereas for a man there is at least some doubt if you can overpowerhim.

>roasties are smart and intelli-..

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If drawn, shoot. End of story. Unfortunately, he may have led her on that he was going to allow her to handcuff him, and then he simply overpowered her like any manlet 5'6" male, or larger, could.

You can TRY faggot
Ive spent over 20 fucking years smoking grass and shooting guns
Fucking up a cop id just another day to me

Youte actual job is to protect niggers and make sure epstein has children to fuck


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b-but we are all equal

But...but...but...women are “equal” to men, right?

Damn shame she wasn't killed

What kind of training is this? If someone (A NIGGER) is quickly moving in a menacing matter in your direction, aka assaulting you, shouldn't you open fire right away? I thought this was America.


Cant say onions because if a filter
'Im a cop' should be filtered into 'im a kike slave' or 'niggerwrangler2000'

Cops are. ajoke
You cant be a patriot AND a cop

Sexier than the fat ass man hater I hope?

In all fairness, even male officers are entirely worthless. I have never met a single helpful or willingly good officer in the entirety of my life on planet earth.
They don't protect.
They don't investigate.
They don't do shit.
They don't fucking care about you or anything else other than when their shift ends.
They are literally an arm of the government who's only job is to extort money from you. That's it. Period.

t. bottom feeder cope

This is rich, a browncel larping as a streetnigger

that nigger a democrat i ask because he took her gun

>the only way to bring a brother down is with bullets, whites don't stand a chance against our superior strength,
Any average man could take a gun away from the average woman cop in about 5 seconds.

>being in jail for lofe is cool!

Fucking niggers, lel

based cop

>I will get more women hurt or even killed
Kek, sounds like you hate women a lot more than we do. You sure YOU aren't the "incel"?
Because I think you are.

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That's true, but for the fraction of police who actually do more than extort citizens, they should be at least strong enough to do those jobs.

Fucking fools

>Your world revolves around women and it's time you realize that, little boy.
The point of what you are saying is just to end heterosexuality, which is what is happening. You don't know this, because women are mentally retarded and cannot think ahead to things like transwomen dominating sport.

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>radio silence


Delusional keyboard warrior. Get rid of your chicken strips if you're so cool.

but who the fuck man enough to stretch a hoe, us, we got the tools and the muscle to pull that off no white man could ever pin a bitch down but every time we do it it seems like they in heat
your life is a mother fucking prison, sniffing underwear in your mothers basement n shit the fuck outta here with that bullshit

I'd probably quit after that

Lets just get trans men to be cops. Like they do in the uk

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Good Post....this shithole is seething with vile Jews so ignore them

None of that works if your a dumbass tho

Blue niggers