Why do Americans watch this shit?

Why do Americans watch this shit?
Are they retarted?

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>meme flag
>kekistani nigger
kill yourself when possible

what's not to love about drama with a great storytelling?


Yes, it's a retarded circus where it takes 5 hours to play 60 minutes.

Thank God there's only 26 days to hockey.

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show flag, homo

With the Africanization of the Western World as we know it this will soon be every sport.

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it's unironically better than s*ccer

A bunch of niggers catching and throwing a fucking egg. LMAO. Very entertaining.

90 million for nose ring nigger. I'm praying for a career ending injury in game 1

There's only around 14 or so minutes of actual football being played in those 4 hour marathons.
So are you watching a sporting contest broken up by commercials or a commercial fest,occasionally broken up by football?

So Ed didn't get enough tart the first time?

What's the most patrician sport in your opinion?

Only Chad's watch rugby

Starcraft 2 or Brood War.

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Because it’s a time for the average joe to forget his daily troubles and take a 3 hour vacation in an otherwise mundane life where the cards are stacked against you in a game you are expected to foot the bill for with no chance of ever ever ever winning. It is sad however when people let their self esteem be tied to how well their favorite group of niggers win and lose though.

>Why do Americans watch this shit?

Teaching how to grab a box of Nike's and hightail it.

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only the most mentally retarded watch nigger collision

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It’s an entertaining sport that combines strategy, athleticism, teamwork, and brute force.

Each play has the potential to effect the outcome of the game and each game will have highlights that include incredible displays of athleticism and/or crushing hits.

Denying the appeal of the game is a losing strategy. Doing something because it feels good/entertains you is not inherently justifiable.

If we did that we would eat shit food, play vidya all day, and mainline heroine.

Football is a degenerative waste of time and promotes nigs in higher education. Fuck football on that basis.

It's gladiator battles
We train them, exercise them, pay them money so they can buy shiny things
They entertain us by jumping around, running and beating the shit out of each others bodies
I love it

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All sports are retarded and repetitive. Sports are for children. That's why you play sports.

Football-stuff happens every minute
Soccer- stuff happens every 45 minutes

Seriously, Rugby is way more entertaining.

>throw bunch of n i g g e rs against each others, literally destroying each others
>kike owners chill back and make bank
>modern day galdiators
thats America 101

actually laughed out loud

sportsball for the slines

this. the sport is completey intertwined with advertisements. the advertising industry has shaped the development of the sport.

subsistence farming

One where the players aren't just corporate hired guns abusing their wives and covering up for the insane rip offs the stadiums are for city taxpayers

I can only imagine a few things MORE cucked and faggot-y than PAYING to cheer on multimillionaires play a game in a stadium that ripped off the taxpayers on the order of hundreds of million dollars. How the fuck do people not get how big of a charade, joke, disgrace this garbage is?

Get a load of this poisonous, defeated, blackpilled, shell of a human being. Sickening

Get a grip on your life, faggot

if you're white and dont watch hockey, the true white mans sport, but instead watch all these BLACKED sports like, soccer, football, basketball... kys.

Out of all the different forms of entertainment, why? It's so boring