Anyone who still supports this kikesucker in 2019 is a double-digit IQ turbotard.
Inb4 'but da dems are werse.'
Anyone who still supports this kikesucker in 2019 is a double-digit IQ turbotard.
Inb4 'but da dems are werse.'
shill rat cuck face
/ptg/ is a bad general
This guy gets it. Third position all the way
Fuck you.
I hate the migafags but if they stay in their containment thread, it's ok. But they don't respect our borders and after they invaded from fucking Reddit this board has become full of Jews. Disgusting and unnatural
There's around 200 threads in the catalog right now but you are so angry about 1 of them that you had to make this sad bitchy thread about it.
Why can't you just ignore it?
You mad or something? If so, pray, tell us why good xir.
Trumptards btfo bump
you’re not wrong but you need to lurk moar anyway
refugee niggers must go back
Fuck Trump. And Transphobia will not be tolerated in this thread. Thank you
only if maine and nh and can form their own union and have nothing to do with those other liberal shithole new england states
Nice thread with next to no replies, faggot. Saged
i'm surprised nobody are talking about this. it shows how ignorant he is or that he is a shill. i cant see it being any other way.
Nice president with next to no accomplishments.
Yeah let's elect people who want open borders reparations and gun confiscation instead you dumb fucking faggot
Da dems r werse!
Trannies can go gas themselves
Once we get rid of Orange blumf, well get rid of bigots like you
>Anyone who still supports this kikesucker in 2019 is a double-digit IQ turbotard.
Eat shit you dumb fucking tranny, your argument sucks.
The left cant meme
drumpf is done, you moron.
your little forced cartoon isn't gonna save him, delusional bastard
Falseflagging ptg cuck, kys.
Seriously though, can any trump supporting american justifiy shit like pic related?
Trump wants "legal" migrants, and i quote "In the largest numbers ever". But hey, go ahead and vote for a President thats financed by Sheldon Adelson, whose kids are all married/dating Jews, while not batting an eye for selling you out, fucking retard.
MIGA. You're just as bad as trannies, but i'll admit, at least not as mentally ill.
Saved. I didn't see this one in the discord. Added to my Drumf folder to BTFO these pol incels.
show your real flag
We're gonna keep resisting and fighting drumf.
/ptg/ is such an obvious nigger-tier kike psy op it would be comical if it wasn't so sad
Your memeflag larp is as unconvincing as your tranny girlfriend, ptg cuck
Heres an old rule from
Way way WAYYYY back then zoomer
Don't feed the trolls
This is a chink narrative
This is a troll thread bumper
and several 1 post by id were also the same people self bumping on another device
This is a great example of an artificial thread being pushed.
Ok retard.
non americans have no say in our political cycle. its sad that you care enough to comment here. its like faggy europeans just live in the shadow of america and live vicariously though us
I'm not a zoomer, and i've been on here probably for far longer than you (which im not proud of tbqh) and i have nothing better to do at the moment. just pointing out the obvious ptg cuck behind the curtains. cheers
>This is a chink narrative
Wow, you seriously bring the alex jones retard argument as if "chicoms" actually give a shit in stirring US elections to that extent, as compared to Israel which is deepthroating your entire nation. Ever heard of AIPAC? Tell me, who financed Trump? Who is his son-in-law? What about the syrian bombings and Golan heights? Fucking brainlet, lay off the mcdonalds and think for a bit. Bump.
Get lost, Jew
We are the face of the resistance. Fuck Drumf and fuck all the goys who support him
blumpf is lideriary hortler
>US GDP 19 Trillion
>Chink GDP 12 Trillion
>Jew GDP 240 Million
US/Chink Trade 360 billion deficit US side
>Talks Alex Jones
>Uses chink tier logic to connect trump to jew overlords via Jew organisation
Damage control.
Artificial -->all disingenuous
He was clearly libshitposting
I mean, who will unironically type
>drumpf is done
On this website?
Right on. We will keep resisting him brother. We've seen this before and we won't let it happen again. Shalom
I mean, who will unironically type
>drumpf is done
Chinks. Major narrative push on an election year.
Please stop with the racial slurs in this thread. Thank you
Why do you insist on telling us? We can think for ourselves, it's not like we don't criticize him. He's pushing for a social credit score to ban firearms sales now, and isn't going after tech censorship. I will stay home if this continues and let accelerationism happen.
>stop the racial slurs
Its not 2016 anymore.
>deflecting with MUH GDP
I don't give a shit about that, your arguement was that chinese are stirring anti-trump narratives. Now answer every question i asked in the post you replied to, and tell me again how Chinese control the US, you absolute brainlet. Go ahead, you didn't answer a single one of them, surely if you were right and i was "artificial", you'd be able to answer hmm?
This is the keel. Steering--likely on several devices. Also bumping this artificial thread.
How’s that pic not based? Trump is doing what any gentile dreams of doing. He knows his place. He does as he is told. How can you deny that the jews are right about goyim, specifically Amerimutts?
The invading hordes of redditors will not stop shitting up this board. They won't go back either.
You're not genuine. You're theme is obvious. You're logic is clearly twisted and disinterested in consensus and agreement.
1 post by id.
2 now faggot.
Okay, Alex Jones. Not every thread you dislike is a CIA op. Take your meds.
>8 posts by this id
How much is Kushner paying you?
>I said it was china
>Interjects something that I never said about the CIA
Anti china task 4orce makes 45 an hour.
Then if you don't want us to care, stay the fuck out of Europe and the rest of the world. But we know your kike masters won't let you.
I'm convinced ptg threads are full of paid shills or bots.
>Let me dismiss everything you say because i deem you to not be genuine, which is why i won't argue with you but still keep posting in this very thread for damagecontrol.
>It's China
>It's Russia
>It's the Dems
>It's the shitlibs
>It's Iran
>It's Lebanon
>It's shareblue
>It's ctr
>It's freemasons
>It's ayys
>It's the squad
It's the Jews.
Get lost kid.
this thread has maybe 4 real posters.
Oh the truth is better than that but just as bad if not worse to be honest.
This. /ptg/ is the only organic thread on Jow Forums anymore.
>It's women
>It's spics
>It's niggers
>It's shitskins
>It's commies
>It's trannies
>It's cultural marxism
It's the Jews.
It was her turn but Russia cheated and helped you guys.
Save it, pass it around. This is the greatest weapon to use against /ptg/ shills
Imagine unironically believing this.
>It's Hillary
>It's Bernie
>It's shills
>It's nazis
>It's X
It's the Jews.
Where did the Orange Man touch you? Show us on the doll
>More shit posts that are cut-paste from a million other threads
The sad part is some people still think this is anything but trite.
But at least he got A$ap out of jail.
Jews, Jews everywhere.
>Trump is a liar
>but look at this thing he said and take it as your absolute future
I'm convinced they're full of delusional boomers and t_d refugees.
I'm convinced all German flags are either kikes or arabs
I guess that means no wall hahaha
Don’t you support Judaism? And that’s why you shill for Trumpenstein? The fuck are you using the word “kikes” for, jew boy?
This. None of the image is true, r-right fellow pedes?
Seething MIGAtard
You didn't see the threads a couple days ago? You're gonna have to find a new angle
I'm not jewish, nor do I support judaism. So try again
I'm not the one that made a thread with the most shilled image on this board kek
They are doing SEM optimization. They spam these threads because google archives them and if you search any of these topics all of these narratives that have been spammed here for months are ranked higher because of how their algorythem works.
These posters give zero shits about anything beyond page ranking their whatever retard narrative they're working up.
What law did Trump pass that upsets you, that didn't already have super majority support, and what did it cost us?
Muh shills!
I remember some australian posting a picture of a t_d post which called for the subreddit to go to Jow Forums and help the poster "combat the shills".
Shills like the OP?
Potato Drumpf "meme" was proven to be a bot shill
But they are worse though. It's an undisputable fact.
>muh shills
>muh shills
>muh shills
3 ways of saying:
>i can't win an argument
Then enjoy it faggot.