Is estonia nordic?

Is estonia nordic?

Attached: Nordic_Countries_including_Estonia.jpg (4269x3045, 1.71M)


Attached: party-crasher.jpg (700x2650, 515K)

There is significant nordic mixture in the balts, particularly on the western coasts. However, their population remained isolate enough to be their own ethnic group.

No, but more nordic than Sweden and Norway

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No, they're gooks.


>Balt russian rapebabies
Literally the WE WUZ KANGZ of Europe at this point.

Estonia is your DADDY!

>full of niggers
>full of arabs
>swecucks and norcucks cucked in paying taxes to feed said niggerarabs

>no niggers
>no arabs
>won't go to jail for being racist

Not nordic and thank fuck for that.

Attached: 0e9.jpg (499x499, 26K)

Northern? Technically yes.
Nordic? Nope.

If Spurdös are Nordic, your incest version of the language is also. I can't tell the difference between a kantele and a kannel.

I can't understand why Finns want to be Nordic.
Why can't we be Baltic. Finno-Baltic Federation when?
>not a faggot language
>not cucks
>Brothers with Eesti

Jewish propaganda, it's the same shit when they claim that we are white.

>Brothers with Eesti

Attached: 1471791635772.jpg (500x500, 108K)

Yes. there is no love ad strong as with Finland and Estonia.

here we can see the average dane and average swede

>there is no love as strong as with Finland and Estonian booze prices.

Attached: Flag-of-Estonia-proposed-in-1919-940x598.png (940x598, 129K)


Attached: 11641802t1hf0d8.jpg (1980x1320, 236K)

Some mutts. They have Finnish blood, but it isn’t pure.

I like the guy holding the sign's coat.

yup, and look at how he's properly wearing a reflector for maximum visibility and safety

Attached: uhke.jpg (720x960, 90K)

A safe Estonian is a good Estonian.

You're not cucked enough to be Nordic. Import niggers and Arabs and celebrate lgbtqaiirttpp2+ to be Nordic.

>pokemon go
