Trump is losing his mind

Look at a speech from him these days compared to 3 years ago, then 20 years ago.

He's gripping the podium, constantly flubbing his words, acting confused by the end of the day.

The problem is the media is dishonest so they've cried wolf about Trump so many times that now no one is going to believe it when it's actually true.

Look at the state of him here

Attached: donald-trump-5.jpg (1000x633, 656K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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You can do better than this, kike.

Mods are terrorists. Trump will win 2020.

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Accessed your phone an got this beaut of a pic of you OP.

Attached: Screenshot_20190901-162039_YouTube.jpg (1080x2280, 559K)

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Attached: trump.jpg (540x420, 53K)

>Hillary has seizures on camera gets thrown into a van by bodygaurds
>Biden has a stroke on camera and his eyeball fills with blood
>Shills run to the webs and screech that Drumpf is unfit!
>Reference pic is the guy pushing his hair back; a normal action most people perform 50 times a day.
Fucking K Y S

Attached: national global 2.jpg (555x492, 68K)

The polls are stressing him out, he knows his next term is toast

Fake and gay, Heeb.

Attached: its_afraid.png (222x227, 99K)

>b-but what about Hillary!!1

Mfw op is a fat fuck purple hair commie lazy fuck.

I notice you didn't want to talk about the brand new incident where the D frontrunner developed brain damage in front of a live audience while promoting the climate hoax in between gaffes and on-camera gropings...

Fuck Drumf

Attached: jewsrejecttrump-tower-1200.png (1200x630, 339K)

Ad hom

>Developed brain damage
I don't like Biden, and a burst blood vessle in your eye isn't 'developing brain damage on tv'

Attached: trump national embarrasment.jpg (471x365, 38K)

And whay about Nancy Pelosi? Fucking idiot.

Nancy Pelosi isn't running for potatus son

>3 years ago this story was already making the rounds.

he's idiosyncratic and funny.

Maxine Waters, Alexandria Of Cocaine, etc... These motherfuckers can't put a normal person on the stage. They've got Pete Buttplug up there lecturing us about 'values'.

no he's actually the best public speaker president we've ever had, retard

1 person, and only 1 person in the room had that happen. Possibly only 1 person in the whole state. Totally normal. Totally Drumpf who has issues.

wtf i hate trump now

Please stop. This is really mean. He is just doing his best.

he is an insane lunatic God help us I hope the Generals never gave him the real nuclear codes

Is this supposed to make me not like Trump lol?

This psy op shill thread has failed. Still votimg Trump 2020. Are trannys mad?

Woop woop. Suck my dick faggot retard leftist pussys.

your last 4 digits...prophecy

You kikes had better damn well hope trump can get his minor reform passed. Your heads will be on a fucking stake if whites arent appeased.


>no he's actually the best public speaker president we've ever had, retard
Totally agree. He speaks clearly, free of pretense and political jingo-ism. He talks like a lot of blue collar type dudes, straight to the point, no account for your feels, even when he flubs people know what he meant without having to explain

>I don't like Biden, and a burst blood vessle in your eye isn't 'developing brain damage on tv'
except that sometimes it literally is

> demoralization shill post
stopped right there, faggot

>even when he flubs people know what he meant without having to explain
lol wut? Even when he speaks perfectly what he's saying is often ambiguous or nonsensical.

>sometimes it is
>therefore it is this time
Sometimes shills make posts like yours. Therefore you are a shill.


>The problem is the media is dishonest is the MEDIA that is dishonest.

Attached: Massive Fucking Retard.jpg (1024x512, 74K)

ITT we experience recycled bullshit from 2016

Attached: nationalism vs globalism.jpg (1000x900, 205K)

Dorian let me down. Just like in 2013...

Attached: Dorian 2013.png (1021x828, 774K)

25th amendment
25th amendment
25th amendment
25th amendment

pull the trigger, do it faggot, i dare ya

Why even post if you're not trying at all?

because youre a retard

i undersatnd everything hes saying crystal clear

you forgot to call him Blimpf

because 2 cents per post

>what he's saying is often ambiguous or nonsensical.
the map is not the territory you dull, linear, pedantic, autistic faggot

Hes old as fuck
But, smart as a whip compared to biden, Sanders and Warren

>Sometimes shills make posts like yours. Therefore you are a shill.
you will never be one of us
>.02 has been deposited to your account

Because that memeflag causes you to sperg out.

There is no more chad move than posting with a memeflag, and it makes me walk with my head held high.

>But, smart as a whip compared to biden, Sanders and Warren
that's not a high bar to clear, user

we know you can't walk, hotwheels...

The media is dishonest in the sense they have ran silly articles about Trump, but Trump uses that fact to gaslight people into thinking that ANYTHING bad about him in the media is 'fake news'.

That pic is a good example, he's caught red handed bullshitting about the path of Dorian and yet still insists he wasn't.
In 2016 he was on Bill O Reilly and Bill called him out on that 'Thousands of muslims cheering in New Jersey after 9/11' and he still wouldn't admit he was wrong even after being played a clip showing he was wrong.

>Insulting the President on 'Politically Incorrect' must be bannable!!!!!

Sounds like you need a safe space sonny jim!

And it doesn't change the fact that having a burst blood vessel in your eye is not 'having a stroke' or 'developing brain damage on live tv'. You sound like the fake news yourself.

>The truth is 'demoralization'
Cry more.

>bullshitting about the path of Dorian
Fucking. Retard. Nobody knows the path, not the weatherniggers, not anybody. But Drumpf is to blame. Literally the stupidest story of the year: The Motherfucking Sharpie Incident of 2019

>And it doesn't change the fact that having a burst blood vessel in your eye is not 'having a stroke' or 'developing brain damage on live tv'. You sound like the fake news yourself.
9/10 times youd be right - but biden is such a massive dipshit, people naturally assume somethings deeply wrong with his brain functions, mostly because it's plainly obvious common fucking sense

At least his eyes aren’t exploding

Sperging intensifies, something big is coming.

Why do leftists spasm, have seizures, have flies crawling on their face at press conferences, fall down stairs, have their eye fill with blood -- meanwhile to get a right wing libertarian chad to go down the neighbor has to form tackle him off his lawnmower.

Attached: Rand.jpg (1000x665, 93K)

>meanwhile to get a right wing libertarian chad to go down the neighbor has to form tackle him off his lawnmower.
because chads gonna chad, you weird sentence forming fuck

You just realised this? lmao. They drugged his ass as soon as he was inaugurated.

Biden might be losing his mind too.
That doesn't change the fact that Trump looks to be, but I can say that because I'm not a sycophant.

>right wing libertarian chad
Pick one and only one.

I'm a child of divorce, give me a break...

Attached: Dorsia.jpg (1920x816, 99K)

Yeah but look at how the cultists start seething when you point it out.

If it was any other politician Jow Forums would be all over it but the artificial Brad Parscale presence here bottlenecks all discussion.
I want him to lose so these idiots fuck off for good.

Who should I vote for?

Whoever you want, voting is a meme.

Biden literally has a fucking aneurysm on stage and this is the best you and Shareblue can come up with?

Attached: Biden-Eye-640x480.jpg (640x480, 36K)

I'll admit I've moved on from Lolbertarianism. It was fun while it lasted.

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>Nobody knows the path
That must be why Trump held up a picture with a fake path sharpied onto the image of the NOAA one.

Hurricanes are driven by pressure systems, not magic. It's not their fault that the Potatus has no conception of such things.

>That doesn't change the fact that Trump looks to be
fuck huh? lotta non native speaking burger flags out today

shut the fuck up David Brock! Your dirty nap is coming!

>I'm a child of divorce, give me a break...

Attached: 1561493483572.gif (274x250, 1.58M)

Dude NOAA changed the path projection 6 times a day for 8 fucking days. They're still fucking with it. How about we discuss the climate change faggots deciding to measure the wind speeds at 10,000 feet instead of at the ground to make every hurricane seem absolutely psycho when nothing ever happens?
>Totally climate change gon kill us all!
>It was a CAT 5 for REAL!
>200mph winds THIS ISN'T NORMAL!
Meanwhile I monitored 20 cities on the coast and the highest wind speed in the last 6 days was 25 mph in West Palm Beach. That's 4 days a week in Kansas.

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dude's sundowning almost as hard as biden

OP spelled Biden wrong...

>the guardian
yeah, no cherry picking here at all

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I'll meet you here in November.

Looks normal to me

OP is a faggot.

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He's going senile.

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Short of something ridiculous, my support for Trump will probably never wane in favor of any of the democratic candidates. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, hippie.

The NOAA changed their predictions, but they never had a prediction that involved that sharpied on addition that Trump made no matter how much he claims they did.

He put that on because he said it would hit Alabama.

It's a video of him speaking at CPAC.
You can watch the whole thing if you want, he's a mess.

Why's he even speaking at Cuckpac anyway

He's turning the engines on for the 2020 campaign. 2016 Trump will begin shortly.

To be fair, he's not a great prompter reader. His best material is off the cuff.
Also, the person writing his material doesn't really get his flow.

You have been visi-ted by the Laur-a of Horrib-le Ce-real No-ises.

YOU HAVE TO B-BU-MP THE THRE-AD! It's c--coming, don'-t you u-nderstand?! It's c--coming! And if you ha-ven't b-bum-ped the thr-ead by the time it gets he-re, the thr-ead is g-oing to D-DIE-!

Attached: 1544258481971.jpg (628x473, 79K)

What's the point of sage posting you fucking nigger?