Is comedy officially dead?
Is comedy officially dead?
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No. It's getting jolted back to life.
Everything that becomes BLACKED is dead !
comedy is eternal, that’s why dante called it the comedy
dont tell me Jow Forums got fucking triggered by dave chappelle
Yep... its dead jim
You are living in the biggest comedy act known to man. Laugh!
You're the only shill here kike.
More or less. Go watch Eddie Murphy's special from the 80's on Netflix. They wouldn't air that on Comedy Central anymore
Kikes are seething that people are enjoying and supporting Chappele. They don't want any discussion about this.
Those RT ratings expose a lot about the current state of things. Censorship being used to silence millions while a loud vocal minority remain. This is why social media is removing shit like "likes" and they wanna even do comments eventually.
Owen Benjamin at you're welcome
You're a spammer.
Fuck off, faggot
no i'm funny af
The fact that mods allow these shills to destroy or derail every thread should expose how fucked this board has become. Israeli shills are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want while Anons probably get banned for the most innocuous shit.
>t. angry shills
>t. seething Jew
The closer to the end the more you neurotic kikes lose your minds. Tick tock Avi. Won't be long now.
The exact opposite
>trying to pretend that shilling for (((Netflix))) isn't completely Jewish
I can't imagine the next wave of jannies is going to do much either.
>Thinks Dave Chappelle is a new wave of BLACKED comedians
Did you just turn 18?
It's been dead. I haven't laughed at a stand up in years.
Welcome to 2012
hows it shilling for netflix? I didnt use netflix to view it.
It was dead when Netflix took off the fan ratings because Amy Schumar sucked a fat dick.
Guess it really is just about saying trannies were weird. Guy spends 2 hours we wuzzing and pulling the same tired evil stuck up white men schtik with a handful of trannies are mental jokes and the retards come out of the woodwork to declare it nazi propaganda
Honestly, it wasn't even that great of a special. I'm glad he pissed of that fags by mocking trannies but that's just because Chappelle went on hiatus and doesn't realize it's not 2006 anymore.
Comedy might go underground. There won't be big televised shows and specials. Comedians will still do live shows at smaller venues and you will see videos of them shared online. Comedy and political satire has been around a long time. It existed long before it was insanely profitable because the real value isn't in the profit. The value lies in getting the message out.
Nobody said anything about new wave,you edgy turd !
You know what I like? The idea of masked comedy. Where you can't see the comedians face, and their microphone is pitch altered so you can't pinpoint their voice. Watch everyone lose their minds when comedians start saying what they really fucking want
As for the special, it was okay. Average. Nothing even close to 80s Eddie Murphy who made fun of fucking everyone without the nigger woe is me act sprinkled in.
Wasn't impressed with that special or any of his Netflix specials
Guy lost his perspective with the fame and now thinks he's some kind of social commentator instead of a nigger that's up there to entertain people out on a date night
Yeah. Most stand-up isn't really funny anymore. I think the medium is obsolete.
I wasn't triggered. I found his "redpilled" humor charming, but his jokes weren't really funny.
I've been watching stand-up comedy since I was a kid, including Chappelle. He used to be absolutely hilarious, but nowadays his jokes are really basic and unfunny.
It’s comedy realize the fuck of you Jew loving fudge packer
Holy fuck where did Canada import you from? That is some top tier esl bantz
Literally this
Killin Them Softly and For What it's Worth are hilarious sets. His Netflix stuff is really dogshit.
And no, I'm not offended by him. I'm DYING for a comedian to go anti SJW and actually be funny, but it's really hard to come by. Chappelle is washed up.
Comedy is bigger than it has ever been with more avenues to get in.
The thing I worry about is with the next generation of comics. You have comedians like Chappelle and Bill Burr who are GOATs and Netflix knows they will still make tons of money on them even if SJWs whine online about it. I don’t know if new comics that are doing this edgy shit are going to be given these types of opportunities.
Either way, you can still hear these people on podcasts which I prefer over standup specials anyway.
is this already a thing? I want to know more
Theo von is probably the closest I've found
Comedy has been used by Jews to subvert White western Christian society, and now that they are in control, they fear the goyim using comedy in the same manner to subvert their power.
God no, he is part of the ass kissing left. Listen to incestuous podcast networks these people all participate in. He is fucking awful and nothing more than a failed MTV reality tv D list "celebrity".
Comedy started off as "non-profit" act to entertain commoners while making fun of elites. "commercial" comedy (about last 100 years) was created to use the original idea with a twist to push desired cultural and social engineering as part of the bigger plan to control population.
patrice he could have stopped it all.
It felt like the first real stand up in a long time, regardless of how good it was. Comedy is about pushing boundaries. The faggot kikes that run things used to pretend to be about that, except the only boundaries they wanted pushed were anti-christian/anti-white ones. Comedy is dead because anti-christian outrage cultures rules, and unlike the Christians, they dont let you throw their symbols into toilets and shit on them for laughs
im listening to ryan dawnson on sam Tripoli right now. sam tripoli sounds like a retard. dawson is based as fuck. i dont know much aboit theo vonn or tripoli. r they pol approved?
anyone else cant stand his voice now? lol why does he sound like that
Chappelle stole a joke!!!
Chappelle is Amy Schumer
He's been smoking since he was a teenager.
Bump so people can see he's a joke thief and bike thief
Owen Benjamin couldn't make it in Hollywood so he decided to be a controlled opposition retard for Israel. Hilarious.
>Joey Diaz enters the room
plot twist: this guy's a conservative
What did Chappelle do to get expelled from the church of leftism? Last time I checked he was literally one of their saints, along with le black science guy.
Hilarious story teller at first, ran out of stories so now it's half truths and whole lies
Still funny but I think he believes his own bullshit
This, I can't take Cuckwen Benjamin seriously after his fake feud with Fuentes. What kind of "man" literally acts like a bitch-made sissy when a little kid insults him?
Owen’s joke is better. There is some irony here though that Owen got banned for his Nigger Stole my Bike song when he stole it from the meme. He literally plays the Punch-Out theme and everything.
Dave Chappelle hasn't changed in the last 15 years. That makes him a nazi.
Comedy died with the rise of political correctness. Much of comedy is about being edgy and pushing limits so everyone can have a good laugh but now that will get you CANCELED
Comedy is dead and political correctness killed it
this i want a tldr of the skit, other than its riddled with politics and the schizoboomer claiming false flag
No, but the only way to get access to quality comedy now is to DONATE TO MY PATREON!
The only two comedians that are "powerful" enough to rise above being cancelled are Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr, who has a new special coming out next week. Bill's gotten a little softer on his talk show and podcasts lately, but I'm looking forward to see if he pushes the envelope more with his new set as a fuck you to the blue checkmarks going out of their way to kill comedy.
He talked shit about trannies again, using an Asian man instead of the attack helicopter meme, then follows up the joke with an Asian stereotype straight from anti-Jap WWII propaganda. "HERRO!!!! I'M CHINEEESE!!" There's also a part in a follow-up Q&A where he recounts an encounter with a hysterical woman who shouted "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!" when he was making #metoo jokes. As she was escorted out of the room, he said to her, "It's not your fault you were raped, but it's not mine either. Ta-ta, bitch." Also deliberately yelled the word FAGGOT twice.
No, but the DNC is.
>Susan Goldbergstein
you can't get more jewish than that
It is definitely in the uk, a comedy pug doing a nazi salute could land you in prison.
If he was still alive today he would have been blacklisted into oblivion.
He’s been on thin ice with (((Hollywood))) ever since he quit the Chappelle Show. TLDR is that since then, the left has gone fucking insane with intersectional idpol shit and abide by arbitrary, unwritten rules like “straight black men can’t joke about the LGBT.” Because it’s current year, and (((we collectively as a society))) have moved past that sort of humor.
Chappelle’s shtick hasn’t changed. Just the audience.
Anoyomous comedy
-Michael Jackson probably didn't do it
-best way to avoid being a victim of gun violence is to arm yourself
-if women are allowed to make the choice on abortion, men shouldn't be forced to pay
-trans are weird and their predicament is hilarious but you're not allowed to insult them
-lol jussie smollet
I would like this approach at my office. I'm tired of holding back.
1-If you are a shill, open one of those links
1.1-Both have same content, the pastbin one is to make 100% sure you know you wont be tracked by me.
1.2-If they dont allow you to visit the link, there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.3-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one site with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
I saw that new worlder nigger's show and some of it was decent and ok funny.
but a lot get lost in translation I fear. He use American talking points and current American phenomenons in his jokes and as a foreigner I just dont get that. So cant really judge it.
That special was hilarious
fuck off back into your cave
Being serious, Chapelle is one of a handful of black guys I like, but as an expert on such things, I wasn't that impressed by his special. It was...OK.
You sound as triggered as the tranny
Comedy was never good.
Yoh! *sniff* (scratch scratch) you got any on you doe?
Like... Or who gotta good tape right now? (Scratch) *cough cough*
>Michael Jackson probably didn't do it
incapable of admitting that the most successful, most popular, and wealthiest american black man in history was just a sick pedo that loved sucking little white boys' cocks.
Stand up comedy always was cancer for normies that are easily humored.
>haha he said fart
>haha an insuot
>haha current events
´comedy has been dead for a long fucking time. It isn't about laughs anymore. It is more about clapping. You know the "important" comedians who say things that the audience agrees with and then everyone congratulates each other by clapping.
Shut up, amy schumer talks about real issues and she have a funny vagina
*blocks your path*
Yoh! *sniff* (scratch scratch) you got any on you doe?
Like... Or who gotta good tape right now? (Scratch) *cough cough*
*Pull trigger*
*Have a sip*
*Go North*
*Sit on body*
Im pretty sure the entire game died with Patrice O'neal
Oh shit!!!
Based and bearpilled
This whole world is a comedy dude. It is thriving
You have been visi-ted by the L-aura of Horribl-e Ce-real No-ises.
YOU HAVE TO B-BUM-P THE TH-READ! It's c-coming-, don'-t you unde-rstand?! It's c-comi-ng! And if you hav-en't b--bumped the t-hread by the time it gets here-, the thr-ead is goin-g to D-DI-E!