>The first humans on earth were black people. And since that is so and has been proven by historians, scientists, and archeologists, it is safe to agree that Black people dominated many parts of Europe for thousands and hundreds of years, before the European (Caucasians) stock moved in.
How will Jow Forums recover from THIS?
Other urls found in this thread:
we must state that many accounts about the origin of Rome that is found on the internet or even in modern books are lies. They are >Caucasian versions to usurp the true identity of the Etruscans, who occupied Etruria (ancient Rome, Greece, and parts of Aegean).
>The albinos (Caucasians), who were called “the Latins” started to migrate from the Eurasian plains to Italy. They most likely traveled with the Hellenes people into Greece and then moved further into Italy, which was a Black territory.
bumpann for JUSTICE XD
Here's a contemporary fresco of the Etruscans:
Niggers are a species of wildlife indigenous to subsaharan Africa.
Etruscans werent niggers
>we wuz romans
They are the cursed descendants of Ham
It was da whyte bahbahreeins who made time fell
Pompay wuz a black man
>no named source
a (((newspaper)))
Blacks did not evolve is the moral of the story
The first Romans were dinosaurs, because they were first there before white people.
Then we evolved.
Niggers were the first to rape infants because they think it cures aids.
Whats worse its probably not even a kike making the claim but white guilt trash.
We get it. U wuz kangz and shit.
Now go back to turning every place your kind creates into third world shitholes.
I swear. Niggers are so fucking mentaly deficit.
They have no history or achievements and try to cling on anyones doing and we wuz it as a sense of identity.
Could be worse tho.
You could be abos.
Why do you faggots never post a link. Sage. Make a decent thread faggot dont just pull one out yur ass.
If they were so widespread and dominant, then why didn't they defeat caveman whitey?
Hey man, they invented the lip plate. Cut them some slack.
Just so everyone knows, ancient artists often followed simple conventions in their depictions of people. For example, the more important person was usually portrayed as larger than everyone else. This is called "hierarchy of size". Another common thing was to depict men (regardless of skin color) as having darker skin with women being portrayed with lighter skin. This was meant to show that the men had been out working all day in the sun basically.
It's good they got put in their place over time. Black folks devolution seems to be trend.
If the first romans were niggers, that explains all the orgies and paganism which is pretty much nigger culture.
So whites came later, had less time to do shit and accomplished infinitely more? Got it
Imagine being a nigger who thinks like this. So you literally wuz super advanced people and got btfo at least a thousand years by cave dwelling pale skins? Makes sense.
we already know it. Everything and everyone that every existed was black, Wikings, Romans, Anglos, everyone
what the fuck
If dey wasn't black den why dey paint dem black pol Haha BANG BANG nigga wypipo gonna PSYCH nigga
this is such BS
Like...actually what?
Also bongs can you and scandis stop producing movies portraying niggers as historical European heroes and figures please?
Let them make their own movies about their own.
Oh wait. They can't.
They never properly recorded history.
Never did anything worth jackshit on the world stage and still live like they are stuck in the stone age mentally.
They are literarely unevolved retards that are good for nothing but being used as slaves.
"But muh slavery ended"
We all know that's a ruse. They are still being used as cattle and made to do jobs no one else will do because they are to mentaly deficit to realise they are being used.
If muricans didnt tell them they where ever slaves. They probably wouldnt even have ever figured it out with how retarded they are.
I sometimes wonder how they even remember to walk on two legs instead of 4 like the apes they are.
Irrefutable evidence user-kun. I bow before the glory of ancient black civilizations.
Like these? Yeah it's a joke but guess just like you said, they have no culture or history so need to represented someway by the (((media))).
>Could be worse tho.
>You could be abos.
But they are abbos
Hmmmmm debatable I guess....
King tut shares DNA with 70 pecent of brits, 50 percent of europeans and only 1 percent of modern egyptians. Modern eypytians are more closely related to subsaharian africans than ancient egyptians. m.youtube.com
We wuz romans and kangz
yeh the first playstation was really shitty too
Abos are the ultimate nigger.
They score lower on IQ tests then fucking apes.
I used to live among them, you don't have to convince me
There are still Etruscan city ruins with remains in them. Simple DNA would disprove this bull shit easy.
Niggers have such poor history and even poorer records of what history they did have that they have taken to trying to steal every other history.
Image thinking your people made every single great civilization ever and none of them lasted or stayed black.
romans slaughtered the etruscian tyrant and then built a great empire after mopping up the res tof the etruscians pathetic empire.
It's a retarded try at trying to calm them
You realise that's why they keep representing them in the media right?
Its along the lines of the retarded boomers political and media games tought that if they represent them thru muh heroes they will somehow decide to want to integrate into western society.
Here is the trick tho. They won't.
Niggers are to mentally deficit for that.
Thousands of years of being alive and still living in tribes and acting like the apes they are.
Change tribes with gangs in the west and you will see these literal vermin to society never change wherever you put them.
Race is real. And one exception to the norm doesn't prove shit.
Niggers have been and always will be literal unevolved human cattle.
Lloyd is that you?
If it's you. You know where to message my ass.
>(((another historic article)))
Etruscian are white. The people of Costantinople are those called ETRUSCHI
>expecting inteligence from basically high functioning apes.
Wew lad.
Its beautiful to see them try and cling to the achievements of others.
They all know deep inside they have no history or achievements.
The only achievement they ever had was being slaves. Because that's literarely the only thing they are good at.
Mossad threads, racial baiting, stupid questions,.....
> you can't shitpost in multiple threads.
If maybe you retards didn't get baited in the main threads and fucked up massively we wouldnt be here shitposting to get some steam off.
I really wish a janny would sometimes
Tell us more!!!!
I want a nigger to tell me why would a giant lip plate be a good idea.
I can lie on the internet too!
Black people have contributed positively to humanity's growth.
You idiots.
Etruscans didn't found Rome or anything besides degenerate priesthoods.
Romulus was not Etruscan, read a fucking book before making your stupid slide threads
Here we go. Lol was waiting for this
god, is disgusting how those nortcunts, try to represent us
What the fuck is this bullshit?
Etruscans weren't black tho
daily reminder that Hitler was black, Mozard was black, Stalin was black, Mao was black, Ayy lmao is black, I am black, my cat is black, the earth is black, the sun is black,
everything iz kangs
>Bix nood: 100
Ayyyy we wuz legionaries n sheeiitt
Tar is black
Shit is black
Dead flesh is black
>when your best response to white nationalism is black nationalism but you do some research and learn you have nothing to be proud of in your own race so you just start claiming the accomplishments of other races and hope fake news memory holes actual recorded history in favor of your woke revisionist history
They were literally Russians, it's in their name. Stop stealing our history, niggers, we were the real kangz.
>Eutruscans lived in the area first
Of course
>Eutruscans were Roman
>Eutruscans weren't white
>Hitler was black
The greatest hate crime never told
The first Romans were Romans.
I'm tired of hearing about people trying to retroactively lionize blacks as being able to form stable societies. If they could do it thousands of years ago in the iron age, what is their excuse now?
lol actually etruscans got their shit stomped in and looted by TRVE ROMANS
Pompay was a plack man.
Only in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.
god that image..
niggers want to be romans so much and jews too.
it's like niggers really wonna be white
whitey, duh
Geez I guess it's time to open our borders and get overrun by shitskins.
Is that so they don't have to wash the dishes? Brilliant.
Sure is a fuck load of evidence coming up that niggers and other shitskins were the origin of civilization. Now that we've established that, maybe they'll finally have the confidence to do it again.
Actually the most recent evidence points to the first people being from the Mediterranean area near Greece. That still isn't proof that is where the first humans are from but it does debunk out of Africa.
It's starting to seem like the only solution to this is for fair skinned people to start deliberately getting tans to stay darker. Hmm, you know come to think of it, as retarded as liberals can be, this -might- have been the easiest solution against their "white privilege" claim.
>hurr you have white privilege
>No, I don't
>ya u do hurr
>no, see I am tan
>error: subject is white but not white skinned
>error error error error-
>NPC head asplodes
Shit why didn't I think of this sooner?
Look how black they are!
But user.
They didn't even back then.
Just imagine being part of a race that since the dawn of its existence couldn't even form a proper society.
Yet alone record history.
>niggers valuable to humanity
Ok...maybe valuable in a sense.
Their retardation makes them good slaves.
>india is aryan and therefor white
>india means black and therefor KANGZ
really makes me tink, nigga.
The goal is to make it seem like Europe has always been diverse. People can't long for an alternative they don't know. It's quite formidable if you think about it, through feeding children media like this from a very young age they will develop a hearsay consensus that Europe has always been diverse. At the same time every attempt for clarification can be immediately shut down by referencing racism.
You have to consider that we are more or less the last generation to have experienced western Europe without the presence of negroids. You can already see this in full effect in the USA. While blacks are obviously the direct cause of many prevailing problems, most Americans will even actively attempt to make any such conclusions. Part of the reason is that it is much harder for them to long for a negroid free nation that they have never experienced in their life times.
das righ
Today, I will remind them.