Cunt Autiste Fiona O'Leary managed to shut down some polish edgelord who was due to have a gig in the Radison. Ps i heard there are nudes of her around.
1/2in pipe with a 3/4in pipe + end piece and a nail glued to the end piece. 3/4in pipe fits over the 1/2in pipe and the half inch also perfectly holds a shot fun shell.
Zachary Martinez
You guys need some help? The gal is from your side of things
I have the trigger from an old parts kit but no thank you glownibba
Samuel Hill
give me an rpg and a pint and a packet of peanuts
and a oul drone
armed to the teeth out here only need to open the ric rifles and get the rest of the stuff and we wil be grand
Kevin Adams
The IRA is gone theres nothing to worry about go back to sleep
Lucas Watson
>and a oul drone Predetor or domestic?
Owen Ortiz
domestic but i think we can get the big lads from iran during the chimpout
Gavin Walker
Oh /Eire/pol! Enlighten me with your knowledge and wit
Cameron Hughes
>EU flag I'll ignore that... If the Irish army are not training units to use quadcopters for urban combat they are after missing one of the biggest leap forwards in live stratigic battlefield assessment since the fucking radar was invented.
Think about it. A 4 man squad pinned down by enemy fire deploys a small domestic drone and can see the battlefield from a birds eye view without leaving cover. That's just one sinario. It's hard to think of a single sinario that it wouldn't be useful on the battlefield.
Even isis uses domestic drones. Fart into a cup and leave it upside down for a relatives or partners to pick up and release the craic'en
Ian Stewart
I was talking earlier with a friend about a possible Brexit solution and I came up with the following. Ireland to be regulatory harmonious, no hard border, backstop mark 1. Ireland to have a free trade area with Britain. Ireland to remain part of the EU. We need to be both part of a free trade area with Britain and to be in the European Union at the same time. The EU and the British government need to accept this arrangement in order to maintain peace on the island of Ireland.
Angel Kelly
>Think about it. A 4 man squad pinned down by enemy.............. lel
Xavier Morgan
2fucking hours? C'mon
Nicholas Reed
Abandon hope all ye who enter
Asher Russell
brexit is fucked
John Gray
>Abandon hope all ye who enter It was one of the first comments on this website on dissenter
Adam Cooper
anyone get an odd message on politicalirish about the website being compromised
Camden Bailey
Every website is compromised and so is every device. They just don't have the processing speed to work through the information so can't make sense of it so they store it. All interactions on the internet are captured and can be referred to later.
Angel Smith
>All interactions on the internet are captured and can be referred to later. This came out with the snowmen leaks btw It's called prism. There are a few different information collection projects that are more localised. Ireland is in one of them but I can't remember the name.
Daniel King
Down along the falls road thats where i want to be Lying in the dark with a provo company
Asher Gray
I'll watch it tomoz, want to watch some blacked tonight
Michael Turner
Henry Barnes
how do you say "fuck the EU" in irish?
Bentley Foster
going off but fuck jannies and leah doherty should stop having sprogs
the irish right are armed to the teeth hope the lefties and establishm*nt know that and make good choices regarding stopping the flow of "migrants" and the bullets will stay rusting in the packets and the irish right will stay in the mams basement not throwing away my genetics for non whites unless they are part irish also fuck repeal and gaypilled tards wearing weapeal shirts made from ching chongistan sweat factory
Luke Jenkins
A comrade on me left, aye another one me right, and a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!
Cameron Evans
How about some Irish Yids to ease in the morning for ya! Let's start with Ed Byrne. Apparently he's meant to be funny or something but to have a sense of humour would mean he'd have to be Irish.
what id you just say to me you fucking fortnite kid ill have you know we trained in 69 operation mission in guerilla war of the 2024 irish repubic army and fuck jannies so bad that they doxed themselves and made pussy english cowards in mi6 building regime change themselves after hit by rpg rocket and the alternative universe where bongs cope in real life because armada míl espaine land in sassana and make sassana agus túrcaí mudslíme agus iudách cóipe everywhere
Sebastian Jenkins
Shouldn't you lads be on with the rest of the lefty potato niggers?
Henry Cox
after hours board is pol tier good for lurking but wouldnt be caught dead posting on that shithole just like how ive never fapped and never will