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bitch lost

They consider that a top tier meme

I don't get it. Like, traps as in benis boipucci?

As the creators pioneer, the non-creaters imitate and grasps at greatness.

Ripping off your opponnent's slogan is terrible persuasion. And shouldn't that be on a feathered headress?

Why,does fakahontas have no feathers in her cap.


>democratic candidates copying Trump
Yeah that'll go over well.

She's so unbearably nerdy and lame

Are democrats losing on purpose? Jesus Christ they don't stand a chance in 2020

so the want another ice age?
bros, why do they hate trees so much?

Uh oh.

Attached: merlin_159015771_b826a899-c61e-41c9-817d-56817098c2e5-jumbo.jpg (1024x685, 358K)

trap house

no way that's real

that's one shitty looking hat

>muh dick


Will it ever stop?

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Attached: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Drinks w the Boys & Is Pro Laser DESUS & MERO SHOWTIME - YouTube.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

it means "to be riddled with homeless drug addicts"

like a house full of traps?

Haha what is this show? Buttigeg throwing back 40s with some homies from south bend, but the homies dont bend south if you know what I mean.

I'm sure he's drinking white wine or something else gay

She’s basically admitting Trump’s branding is perfect

Kind of looks like he left the cap on

>Are democrats losing on purpose?
I have been askimg myself that question for three years straight. But they are not. They genuinely suck.

No, trap began as a code word for slanging crack. “I’m out here trapping”. Then trap house= crackhouse. Drugs sales have changed now trap is anything drugs or basically illicitly involving.
t. I asked the same question when it was being referred to as boi Pucci.

>the left can't meme.


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Fuck that Australia is getting colder every fucking year I'm fucking freezing.