How do we fix Japan?

The highest debt/GDP in the world, the lowest fertility rates, super high suicide rate.
Degeneracy and loli garbage everywhere.

Japan needs a major overhaul.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There is nothing that we can do. The Japanese have brought this upon themselves.

returning to edo period birthrates, whats the problem? japan is fine, fuck off.

Ask Jake Adelstein or Debito Arudou. I'm sure that they have some good ideas.

All they need to do is reform their work culture. Everything will fix itself after that.

Fuck off, Japan is based how it is. Only thing they need to do is have more babies and they're perfect.

Fix your own country, retard

Educate yourself. The eternal Jew never rests. They’re pushing immigration.
OP I started a Riot server and the goal is to turn Japan against diversity and multiculturalism. If you guys want in, let me know. We need intelligent, dedicated people.

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JFYI, this poo is mayor of Edogawa, the largest Indian community in Tokyo. It's not just that libtard japs are being globalized, it's that they're being replaced by an influx of migrants. People don't talk about it much, but Japan is actually takes in more immigrants that many 1st world countries.

Are you an English teacher? We really need someone on the inside. We are also looking to connect with a native to translate things.
I hope we can stop it, and wake up something deep within the Japanese people. I love them, but my God, they’re so naive.

Just found this also

Politicians always have some excuse for demanding power. In the west it's global warming. In Japan it's birth rates. It's all bullshit.

I'm a Japanese citizen. If you'd like to discuss what's really going on here, I'd be interested to discuss it.

Any poo rapes happen yet?

Politicians are fearmongering to get votes. They do that everywhere.

Of course.

>Lowest fertility rates
>Fertility rates literally higher than Germany and Poland
You do realize the only reason some white countries have higher fertility rates than Japan is because of immigration. Fuck off with this like talking point, you're just trying to push immigration on Japan. Fuck off Shlomo.

Populations don't just keep growing until everyone starves like many people used to think. How is this a bad thing?

I very much so appreciate it. The first thing I'd like to ask, is this. Is there any way that I could get in contact with you outside of Jow Forums? Discord, email, anything? My group is currently operating from Riot. It is like Discord, but fully encrypted.
Second question is if someone wanted to spread news throughout Japan, or an Idea, How would 2chan contribute to that? Do you think it could spread outside of 2chan?






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Japan doesn't need to be fixed
Fuck off

Japan needs to rediscipline itself. Western interaction has overcome it. Freedom is a huge HUGE YUGE thing for asians to get hit with. Enormous cultural differences. Their loli/porn shit is a problem for them just like us. It fucks up esteem expectations and perverts sexual intent.

What are the chances of a populist party springing in japan to deal with foreign invaders?

it's still going to be on 4plebs so deleting it is pointless desu

At least one politician has been caught poo-mongering

Basically none. There is zero discussion or awareness of the rapidly increasing number of foreigners. No media coverage, no visible concern. What IS increasing however, is calls for anti-discrimination and anti-hate speech laws many of which have passed, increasing (((NGO/NPO))) groups that advocate more immigration and diversity, etc.

The only group that has anything remotely close to what Japan would need for a right swing is the Nippon Daiichi party:

Unfortunately they have no seats in the DIET and are widely considered crazy fringe.

please answer...

Besides mass media and the typical jew portals dispensing poison as they typically do in countries, a significant reason for the spread of cultural marxism in Japan stems from the international school. Temple University Japan Campus just opened a week ago. Let's take a look at some of the offered classes, shall we?

Art History Writing Intensive: Art and Queer Theory
Contemporary Japanese Art
Arts in Cultural Context
Special Topics in Asian Studies I: Social Inequality in Asia
Japan in a Changing World Order
Special Topics III: Japan's International Relations
Ideology and Social Change in Japan
Writing Seminar in Asian Studies: The Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia
Writing Seminar in Asian Studies: Immigration and Integration Issues in East and Southeast Asia
Politics of Identity in America
Representing Race
Dissent in America
African American History to 1865
Contemporary Media Issues: Journalism and Japan's Geopolitical Impact on the World
Ethical Issues in Journalism
Journalism and Globalization
African Americans, Equality and the Law: Weapon or Tool?
The Making of American Society: Melting Pot or Culture Wars?
Development & Globalization
Japan in a Changing World Order
Human Sexuality
Topics in Psychology: Prejudice and Discrimination in Japan
Topics in Psychology: Intercultural Marriage
The History & Significance of Race in America
Ideology and Social Change in Japan

And there's much, much more. And yes, the head of the faculty is Jewish, many of the professors of these classes are Jewish. They are here in Tokyo, Japan, teaching Japanese students on a daily basis the same cultural marxist curriculum that is being taught at Berkley and many other (((higher education))) institutions in western countries. It should be no surprise then why the younger generation is so supportive of social justice now.

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Riot looks fine. Just point me where to go.
As for your second question, as the answer might be used for nefarious purposes as much as they could for positive, I'd prefer to discuss this in a private setting, such as the previously mentioned.

Excellent. Give me your Riot ID, and I’ll add you in.

The only thinkg I would suggest for Japan is parental rights...

Western fathers of halfu kids usually want to retain contact and legal rights.. Your courts say they are looking at this, but do fuck all.

It seems you're content to allow a single mother to struggle to raise kids on low wages... even though there is a father more than happy to continue providing for them

I have been in Japan for 20 years and it is getting worse each year, and I am seeing a lot more Africans and especially pajeets. It is amazing how many pajeets are now in Japan. Seeing a lot more Muslims, too, mainly of the Indonesian hijab female kind.

I fucking love Japan. Anything they do I love. Fuck off.

>Temple University Japan Campus just opened a week ago.
Temple University has been in Tokyo for 30 years, what do mean "opened a week ago"?

They moved to a new campus in Sangenjaya. Opened last week. Go see the degeneracy for yourself.

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>They moved to a new campus in Sangenjaya. Opened last week. Go see the degeneracy for yourself.
Thanks. Your post is a great example of the Jewish cabal at work to subvert a nation.

If you’re interested, I’d like for you to join Riot too. It’s an app and desktop client. No email to register, fully encrypted. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but the goal is to gather redpill information, fabricate an idea that links everything full circle. An idea that strikes a cord within anyone who reads it. Spread the idea via 2chan, twitter and other media outlets. Hopefully striking fear of cultural death within Japanese. I thought about somehow planting an idea that hints at Korea or China being behind Immigration to Japan. Kind of like a conspiracy to weaken or kill culture and blood. The problem is I need people who are dedicated and on regularly. People to help gather information, organize, an and then translate to how a native would talk. Essentially we shill Japan to wake them up, and turn them against the very thing that is happening.

Japan needs me

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still waiting on the invite btw

Look up a 14 year old kid named Shosei Iwamoto

he is an ascended being. The culmination of centuries of discipline culture. He's shitty on most athletes with some of the most ridiculous feats of human ability.

Japan has never been better. Why is Jow Forums just like the News? full of BS and manipulation

Moar rapefugees obviously. Diversity is our strength goy!

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Your Japan needs me, bitch

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Economies and birthrates and degeneracy are temporary downturns. But in 100 years Japan will still be Japan while every western country will be a brown and yellow cesspool of globohomo.

But hey at least you got muh economic growth while the jews turned your Anglo Saxon nation into a colony state for China, India, Mexico, and Africa.

>highest debt/GDP in the world
The debt is domesitcally owned, unlike yours
> the lowest fertility rate
Not true. Poland, Spain, South Korea are worse and Japan is about equal with Germany, Spain, and Hungry.
> super high suicide rate
Japan: 14.3 / 100,000
USA: 13.7 / 100,000
Not that different. The big difference is Japan's rate is dropping while the US rate is increasing.

You should probably worry about the browning of your own country.

Attached: japan is good.png (1083x497, 82K)


You sure they aren't just, y'know, tourists?

There was an article a few years back about Jews dumping money into the failing yakuza groups. Then the porn starts getting gay and foreign.

Sauce on tits in that image?

Ya dude, just went to renew my license at Konosu yesterday, the fucking station was crowded with Poo's, not 1, not 10, but like a hundred. These Yids really are relentless

And now the fastest growing genre of porn in Japan is:

>biggu burakku penisu

No really. Since "cock" isn't an identified term in Japan but "penis" is, that's what they went with. Japanese guys are going hard blacked cuck role.

>Poland, Spain, South Korea are worse
>assuming low birth rates are bad
Population has nothing to do with quality of life. Why does anyone care?

Shit, I've always wanted to visit Japan. How long do I have? (I wanted to visit before the olympics, which I know will be a shitshow).

>work 24/7 until you drop dead

2chan is pretty effective at sowing dissidence, i'm a Canadian born German (both parents krauty as fuck) I get a long well here, because of blonde hair, height and the fact that nips and krauts were allies. Insider tricks. My wife is Jap, we have kids, yup i'm a race traitor, don't give a fuck, either way. She browses 2chan nightly, has a degree in psychology, loves mindfucks, as do I with 4 chan. I could certainly spread a message, in World of Warcraft of course.

>wahhhh muh loli

Shut up abrahamic. They dont need your (((help)))

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Make weed legal in japan

Still worth it to flee the (((west))) for based Nippon or do you think they will get jewed as well?

Do your children look like you at all? If I had kids and they looked full asian I might commit sudoku desu

wrong thread you double nigger

>how do macro-economics work

Nope. Right thread.

Just spread the messages. We want the Japanese to value their blood, and culture.


You're a jew.

I don't think Japan will get Jewed, they're too deep with their traditions, that transition would be way too uncompatible, and a lot of angry elderly. It's not going to happen. I've seen Grandpa's spit on Paki's outside of Cainz, and the best part is, they can't do anything because Japanese law is so strict, that if the aggressor is a foreigner, you're getting shipped back to your 3rd world homeland. Powerless, unlike immigrants in the USA that can murder without impunity

Do my kids look like me? I'll drop a pic, lemme scrub the exif first though, but yeah, they do.

>lowest fertility rate
Wrong, actually South Korea has the lowest fertility rate, a whopping Low 1.19. Although Japan is too at the lower end at 1.49

What messages though, I didn't pass those tests in College, throw me a bone, and i'll make it happen.

pathetic that you married into asian genes.

whoops, wrong post, plus go fuck yourself Steinberg.
Was meant for...

says the fella that masturbates to the vagina that I fuck nightly.

>I don't think Japan will get Jewed
You are gravely and dangerously misinformed then, my friend. Seeing as you are a family man, it makes sense that you would not be exposed to the signs of these changes and therefore be unaware of what is happening. I don't have time to drop the blackpills on you now, but if you look around, you will understand.

Interesting chatbot.

id rather be an incel than have HAPA children. how does it feel looking at your own children & barely recognizing them?

We need the Japanese to realize that diversity cripples a nation. Spread ideas that Korea or China is behind encouraging immigration and they want to dilute Japanese blood and culture. If you say something enough, people will start to believe it.

What? Only the major cities are pozzed. If anything, Japan is gonna get bleached more and more, the girls have a huge propensity for white guys, you're a Davido-kun, you should know. Go to starbucks on sunday morning and just look at a girl, enjoy your fucking night, bring a condom. Unless you're a nigger or a paki, than all bets are off lol

my kids look identical to me lol, what are you on about, you fucking memeflag Yid. lemme drop a pic, hold on

Same can be said for Korea, E. Europe, and now more and more western countries.

There WILL be a reversion to the mean. Ying follows Yang follows Ying. America had one in 2016. Let nature take its course.

your wife hates her own people and wanted to breed with you. and you fell for it.

calling other people "yids" when real yids are dancing in glee at what an idiot you are to have had mixed race children with a slant-eyed Jap. MUH SIDES

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You have to go back too.

>Spread ideas that Korea or China is behind encouraging immigration and they want to dilute Japanese blood and culture
Yeah, that's a big issue here, trust me. Those two influences would probably hit the heart more than anything else, with the populace here. Check into Clinton foundation ties to that weird S. Korean feminist cult. It's the Yids working off of scions and proxies. I can spread a message for you.

>Get rid of female liberation = major overhaul

Attached: learn from you.jpg (896x1024, 180K)

This is my last kid, out of 6, Blonde hair, goofy fucking Kraut eyes, like Hitler and Rommel, no slanty gook shit, the best part, never vaccinated any of them, seethe on that you insufferable Yid. All my kids have blonde/brown hair, just like I do, and they all look like me too.

Tell me about white priviledge again, and how you can't score with white girls.

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Ok, now I know this is a joke.

That's literally an asian baby with slightly yellowish hair (that will ofc turn black within a few years).



no, it's gotten more blonde because of sun exposure, she was only 12 weeks old in that pic, her hair is lighter than mine is.... with nip admixture. You're getting angry that your house of cards is falling down around you, eh, Jacob

Make weed legal in Japan so autism will die

Regardless of what happens, hapas have severe mental health issues. there are entire communities on reddit hosted by race-obsessed hapas. It's become a "thing". You irresponsibly decided to bring these children into the world with a jap. woman. White + asian don't mix in terms of kids.

Sorry for telling you this bro, but this was just a horrible decision. I kinda understand having sex with asians, but actually having children with em? horrible, horrible idea.

I would rather have hapa kids than raise kids here in this abrahamic shithole to be vaccinated, mutilated, clamped and fluoridated.

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Keep the jews out...Leave them alone

Oh hey, it's the jew from the circumcision thread.

>if youre against abrahamic mental poison and mutilating kids you are a jew!

Youre actually insane. You should go back to the Donald

All my kids have pink nipples and pink genitalia, they're probably 400% white than you are. We live in a country that fetishizes hapa kids with white ad mixture. Try to tell me i'm not doing what's best for my children. I can go back to north america, and let them get addicted to meth, let them get raped or murdered by niggers or spics..... or, you know, just stay where I am, and let them get an education, with proper fathering, so that they can oust kikes like you in the future. Kinda made up my mind already, you ugly Yid.

You were me 15 years ago. Never lose that drive, bud.

You're a jew.

Put some white people in there

Are you Amermutts aware that America methodically destroyé de their culture after ww2,they were fine before, no suicides, high birth rates, high unity of the people

You’re literally the ones who changed that

Whatever you tell yourself when you touch yourself at night, is ok with me... fag

>they're probably 400% white than you are.

Stfu idiota. even most ashkenazi jews are more white than your kids.