I want to ask the biologists of Jow Forums a question

I want to ask the biologists of Jow Forums a question

If I want my kids to be at least 6'0, should I deliberately impregnate a girl who is at least 6'2?

I'm a 5'7 manlet thinking of making sure my bloodline is taller. Basically as an Asian guy I think I'm probably best of getting with a white girl who is at least 6'2 to have kids with, because I'd like to make sure my kids have an easier time in general in American society.

Is it a near 100% chance that my kids will be tall if I impregnate a taller girl? I'd even deliberately get with a girl who is white and whose every relative is tall. I can get any girl I want for the most part anyway so that shouldn't be any trouble.

Thanks in advance.

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White women don’t date Asian men, Ling. Also, you’re a fucking degenerate for even wanting to race mix.
Kys and sage

im a biologist. basically height is from the guy only, that's why you cant get laid. have sex and take your meds

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Nice Reddit spacing too, chink.

dietary habits play a big part in height

>I am a biologist

That doesn't make sense though. Wouldn't the mother's height also factor in?

You jelly at your women being taken by someone with a slight fresh off the boat Taiwanese accent, Joe?

fuck an african and make a giraffe i don't give a fuck.

actually im jewish

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I live in a city with a 40% Asian demographic and I see virtually zero AMWF couples. Everybody knows that WMAF outnumbers AMWF by a large margin.
Also, very bold of you to assume that I’m full white, faggot. I’m actually half white half Chinese (WMAF) and I’m currently dating a Norwegian girl who studies abroad at my university. Cope harder rice-cel, you’ll never be white.

AMWF exist in the world, I am an exceptional individual who can defy the statistics. Just because it is hard to be white and compete with black NBA basketball players does not mean there aren't any good white NBA players.

You are not very smart

I'm pretty sure hapacels rank a few levels below ricecels in the overall hierarchy.

>I am an exceptional individual who can defy the statistics
Dude just go back to r/incels already, you’re embarrassing yourself.

Why would I go to reddit and that sub in particular? Do you want me to spend more time with you?

Also, analogizing AMWF relationships to white NBA players just further proves your lack of intellect.

No where in my previous replies did I say that white women preferred black dick. I was simply just stating the obvious that white women, generally, do not date Asian males. That being said, white folk in general tend to stick to their own kind. The whole meme of whites being the the epitome of race mixing is just a meme that has been blown out of proportion.

AMWF is rare, white NBA players are rare. That makes them comparable.

I think I struck a nerve, did your sister leave you for an Asian man, Cletus?

uh oh it seems black dick is on your mind, I'm not sure why you had to mention that out of nowhere

Essentially, the farther determines the maximum possible height. Diet then determined how close they get to that potential.

>Is it a near 100% chance that my kids will be tall if I impregnate a taller girl?


>should I deliberately impregnate a girl who is at least 6'2?

Will never happen, don't bother trying.

White NBA players are not nearly as rare as amwf, hell, even black nhl players are probably less rare than amwf.

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Isn't it a very common thing for children to grow taller than the father?

It won't be near 100% I suppose but I'm guessing it will be close

My point is not to precisely compare rarity, it's that I can defy expectations

Also, both of my parents are shorter than 5'7", my dad probably topped out at 5'6" or 5'7" in his younger days, but I'm 6' and my two brothers are just a bit shorter than me, maybe half an inch. You just have shitty chink genetics, a high floor but a low ceiling. Whites probably have a slightly lower floor, but a significantly higher ceiling.

Different races have different floors and ceilings?

nigger how did you derived bbc and nigger dick from what he was talking about?

It is sad. I am merely asking for scientific analysis and he had to bring his sick fetishes into the discussion.

is that Joe Pesci?

Yes, Asians are insect like, very uniform within their groups. Creating a lesser degree of variation. Whites are more highly individualised, allowing for us to soar to greater heights, and sink to, somewhat, lower lows (if even).

Don't listen to these uneducated people. There are growth hormones and growth hormone promoters that can help even people with dwarfism, as long as they haven't reached the age where the epiphyseal plates have calcified.

You could go with HGH or HGH promoters like MK-677, or you could go for an experimental dwarfism peptide treatment like Vosoritide or some others in it's class.

heres some advice
stick with people of your own race
for your childrens sake
white women arent worth it
sure, they might be the most attractive
but feminism and marxism runs deep
good luck op

interesting, so tall female partners are not necessarily necessary?

The thing is there are white women out there who don't care so why should I care?

There is a 100% chance your children will be ugly retards like their father

marry an asian girl if you don't want to be scorned by decent society

im 5'4 and my wife is 5'10 and our sons are expected to be about 5'9" so I would throw out all hope of having 6 foot sons senpai

how tall are you and how tall is she tho

>basically height is from the guy only
Wait really?

Who is the manlet and tall girl

height is heritable from both parents but environmental factors is also important.
feed him well and have him exercise a lot
>I'm a 5'7 manlet
>if I impregnate a taller girl?
aint happening bruh

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What if I have a high IQ?

I thought American society doesn't care about race mixing anymore?

You should look beyond the woman's height and consider her whole bone structure. How she walks, how her shoulders swing.

My advice is to look for a woman who is not only tall, but who has some strength, some meat on her bones, even some body fat, but try and watch her move, make sure her joints move well, she's strong and athletic, and try and observe her REFLEXES, huge, huge, huge, huge.

Fast reflexes is like one of the most important things, people almost never consider it.

Consider everything and if anything, be willing to compromise on mere height alone.

Do you want tall, dumb, clumsy kids? Obviously not.

I simply googled something like 'short man tall woman'

You need to go back gook monkey

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That is a very good point. Isn't the way they move mostly the result of whatever athletic training they might have though? And some of the other things you mention seem indicative of a girl who works out.

He's trolling, dumb fuck.

Child's adult height is predominantly determined by the mother's adult height.

Child height and adult height are two completely different things, that's why some short adults were at one time the tall kid in class. Some kids sprout up real tall at an early age, but sometimes they don't keep growing and their peers all do. Your final adult height range is almost exclusively determined by the mother.

Degree in genetics. Height isn't too well understood, and there are dozens of genes that correlate to height. Being a man-let, and knocking up a taller woman will not necessarily mean that your kids will be taller, but it won't hurt.

Again, unlike you low potential ricecels, Whites do not need to be trained to be coordinated. It can help, but it's not necessary, because we are naturally more athletic and graceful than you.

No listen, you need to look at some misshapen people sometime, people with hips too narrow, or pigeon-toed, or a weirdly large but and a short, hunched back.

It's true that no matter what weird deformities you have, regular exercise and athletic development is the key to helping you look and move your best. Epigenetics are very real.

But some people have tremendous genetic disadvantages, and everybody thinks, "height," but there's WAY, WAY, WAY worse things than being short.

Some people's pelvis is angled in such a way that their walking gait has a "waddling" motion and they look way fatter and more effeminate than they really are. If they're a little bit fat, they look a lot fat, and if they're totally lean and athletic, they still walk a little funny, like they need to take a shit.

I think that's way worse than being short. Even a dwarf, you know some dwarfs are horribly twisted and malformed, but there are some . . . I forget the name, but there's a word for people with dwarfism who nevertheless retain a normal healthy physique, just much smaller.

But that's quite extremely rare, most dwarfs are cruelly shaped.

idk, my daddy is 5'6 , my mon is 5'1
I'm 6'1

You could end up with a daughter that’s 6’2” and a son that even shorter than you. A friend of mine is 5’7” and his dad is a giant but he is short like his mom- his sister is gargantuan. So your son will be in the same position but a mutt too.

when I was in college there was a 6'4 girl who was unironically good looking. id see her with different dudes from time to time, all shorter than her, and they were always 4/10s when she was at least 7/10. it never lasted and she'd be back to being single and talking to the same fat girl in class, ruminating together on how sad they both were. felt bad for her, she was clearly lonely as fuck due to her height. pretty sure she liked me, would always suddenly cheer up and try to talk to me when id say do my rare joining-in of the pre-class banter but I was a nerd concerned about my grades who had no time for courtship. I wonder what ever happened to her. ill never know. dont even remember her name. might've missed out on a chance to have kids in the 6'X range.

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You can stack the odds as much as you want, you still might get fucked. But that's no reason not to stack the odds as much as possible.

You PLAY to WIN the GAME.

Actual biological sciences graduate student here. Its not 100% but it will highly likely your kids will be taller than you.

Just find a embryo donor and a surrogate for this user. Sorry lad but the tall girls won't be letting a manlet Asian impregnante them.

Stay in your lane Chang, manlets don't get to breed in current year.

Also I recommend trying to court R9K's Brooke. She may be your best bet. She loves incels and robots.


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but aren't there lots of accomplished Chinese gymnasts and other athletes in the Olympics?

my mom is only 5'0'' tall ,, my dad is 5'10'' ,, i ended up being 6'3'' ... i found out on my dads side of the family living back east he has 1 brother and 4 cousins who are all over 6'5'' ,, so on my dads side there's a tall gene in there and i was lucky as hell to get it ,, my older brother wasn't so lucky and is only 5'9'' ... shit is a crapshoot

fresh leaf fish right here ,, 95% of the BLM meme faggots are rat heebs ,, always call them out on their nigger larping ways

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Yeah, and they're heavily trained from an incredibly young age. You really don't understand what averages are, do you? What happened to that supposed high IQ?

Damn, no niggas on here are even white. Thank god I am tho

the key is diet and milk while your kid grows

Height is mostly from the father. Weight or propensity for obesity, facial hair, and baldness are X-linked.
t phd bioinformatician that works in genetics