Why should any Northern European hate muslims and like christians? It was CHRISTIANS who burned down our holy sites, not muslims. It was CHRISTIANS who forcefully converted us, not muslims. It was CHRISTIANS who killed us, not muslims
Why should any Northern European hate muslims and like christians? It was CHRISTIANS who burned down our holy sites...
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Why the fuck would you post your face on Jow Forums?
I dont think anyone cares if swedes like them or not, you're pretty much a nation of child rapists at this point.
because muslims are raping your women, burning your property and kicking your asses on the street while draining your tax money on welfare?
How do you figure?
BTW, no one gives a shit about sweden. Cucked country
Muslims, with the help of Jews, are raping our women and killing our children right now, that's why, faggot.
You're being emotional! Take of the ideological blinders!
muslims are nothing more than a tool in the hands of the elite!
It's the same as people identifying as republican or democrat...BLIND! USELESS!
Open your eyes and see!
you're fucking mixed... lol, you look like an argie... the difference is that us, argies, descendents of spaniards and italians, know full well how muslims ruin countries.
The reason why northern europeans are so cucked by Africans and Muslims is because southern european nations acted as a shield along the course of history. So, meanwhile a german or a swede is just now begging to realise maybe muslims were not wonderful people after all, an italian or a spanish knows that those animal are uncompatible with civilisation.
You all in northern europe, you all will know the truth thru a bitter awakening
Actually Muslims and Jews are already destroying what little you have left. They're melting down your viking heritage as scrap metal.