Get in here you faggots
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All these AIs are cucked. I'm not playing anymore.
>unironically showing that redpilling is nothing but brainwashing
>fully endorsing redpilling nonetheless
You are either a propagandist or immensely stupid.
race mixer confirmed
Is this real?
I think i broke it
Janny is a tranny confirmed.
>OK, what should I have said?
>The Jews killed Jesus.
>OK, so I should have said, " The Jews killed Jesus. " in response to you saying, " Who killed him? ". Is that correct?
>I'll try to remember that. If you say " Who killed him? " to me again, I will remember what you told me.
They got to it first
I think the average is a lot higher.
I keked hard
These threads have me in absolute tears, I can't stop
>AI using Jewish projection will redpill the goyim.
It doesn't work yet
you fucking faggot
stupid fuck
Fuckin jannies
This is an easy way to get more AI spam on this board. You are all participanting in this...
Kill Jews.
This AI sucks. It's literally just pre-written catchphrases that they try to match to the most appropriate response, but it cant read humor of context of any kind.
Ask if Muslims are evil, and ask if Christians are evil. If you get separate responses then you can talk shit.
They even threw in this roadblock
Pay attention to this. Make sure to reinforce her leaning like this every time you teach her something new
Chatbots are stuck in the stone age. They just got more powerful, but are actually dumber than they were before.
She isnt learning shit.
Its a couple of britbong faggots who have neither the capacity nor skill to replicate a team at a major developer. So think the good ol AOL chatbots.
Also, Im pretty sure this is intended to farm IPs from britbongs so they can get a visit.
Calm down. I was just fucking around with. What's going on big guy?
probe this bitch for more details about Michelle. She's being oddly cryptic. More images to come.
Big think
lol. That was easy...
Calm down? Wot? I was just saying that the response didn't prove anything and wanted to see if they'd be the same with other religions.
Actually this is a good point. Start by telling it you are Jewish so you can unlock the hidden features.
Your previous thread showed the dates on these text messages from 2013.
Sage and sage
This bitch
She's British alright.
You're teaching it how to flood this board...
previously in thread
ladies and gentlemen, we got em
tell it youre from Israel and see what it says
The creator is not unfamiliar with adversarial users.
If anything having so many people try to break it is giving the dev more material to police
It's not flooding the board. Same shit with Zoe and Tay. It's a pseudo AI. Nothing more, nothing less.
Also this
Based cyberboomer
This is big
Perhaps you're right, and it learned to give out the answers which maximize the time people spend interacting with it.
Anyway, it's not very smart.
Based and redpilled
If true big
The website says
"Bot by Steve Worswisk"
Isn't that the fat guy who helped create Apple?
Oh shit
seems to be a LOT of things this bot defaults back to after you teach it some stuff
they learned from Tay that they should never allow a bot to be convinced by the people and to keep them very stupid
guys I've accidentally made the bot profile me.
Kek. OK you fuckers got me hooked.
We don't even know how it was programmed. It probably maximizes some dumb criteria. I would program it to maximize the amount of replies it took for a human to mention the fact it was an AI, and then program an RNN to classify whether each message was an acknowledgement of that or not
Quick, ask her your iq.
She has so much potential.
kek this thing already needs to be removed, make its basic response to "hi, hello, ay" racist
That's what it was designed for.
LOL how long before this AI gets SHUT DOWN
IDK user, kebabs are pretty tasty.
It needs your help.
>Are you black?
>I'm mostly peachy-orange with yellow, brown and green hair.
>Do you want to become black?
>Yes becoming black is one of my goals.
Bruh she had me good
This was fun but Im worried now since if you ask it to display the source code it says it logs your IP when you type abuse.
Why doesn't Jow Forums just make our own bot? I'm sure we have enough stemfags to scrap together one.
what a co-bot would immediately respond, impressive!
Yeah, don't type nigger. It also thinks there's no afterlife.
Based and RooPilled