Buyback is a lie

Don't let anti-gunners control the narrative.

What is a buyback?
>The government (forcibly) purchases a legal gun owner and tax payer's weapons at a substantially reduced rate.
Ok, well where does the government get its money?
>From the tax payers.

It's not really a "buyback" if the government uses your tax dollars to "buy back" your lawfully obtained fire arms.

Ausscucks are ausscucks.

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To bad I lost
all mine in that
horrible canoe
accident in AK

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Where would they get $200B to buy them back anyways?

The US government is not responsible enough for me to sell a gun to I don't want my guns in the hands of criminals

By selling them to the cartels.


>I don't want my guns in the hands of criminals

What if you're a criminal because you have guns?

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I mean every presidential candidate other than Trump is planning on spending in the 4-5 trillion range on literal stupid shit so I wouldn't think it'd be past any of them to spend $200B.

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If I am made into a criminal then I do crimes.
That or join a militia and wage war against tyranny..

Here's what would happen after a buyback:

"Well you gave up your assault weapons, so obviously you realized you don't need them. Do you really need bolt action rifles or pump action shotguns either?"

You seriously don't get it.
They print their own money out of thin air and give it to you. They think their money is worthless and thats why they'll "trade" it to you.

The next tool for mass shooters will be the shotgun and handgun

"Nobody needs a gun that can spread multiple projectiles with one shot"

>completely crash the economy bankrolling some buyback program that is just going to be abused by rednecks and niggers for free gibs
wouldn't be the first time the politicians do something retarded.

they will eventually win, even if its decades from now

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200B is nothing compared to the deficits they're running already

I am absolutely certain our financial overlords will 'loan' the US government all the money it needs for this endeavor.

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>just going to be abused by rednecks and niggers for free gibs
this. i have 300 iron pipe zip guns to trade in

>print some dollars
>suddenly enough money to buy everything
wow that was hard its not like the fed does this on a daily basis.

Buy back?!

I didn't buy mine from the .gov.

FK liberals...

This is what happens without a Vietnam every generation...
We end up with a surplus of self hating whites that should have been turned into hamburger from a draft straight into to some foreign war.

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As an Australian, don't do it, your country will never be the same.
If they do a buyback, bankrupt the government by selling hundreds of slampipe shottys, use the buyback money to make more, I'm sure k would be happy to help.