Quit bitching about it.
Engagement rings show your commitment towards your future wife
Other urls found in this thread:
They say the ring should be three years worth of pay but I think that’s a bit much
Imagine having money and spending it on this instead of tendies.
So that's what they are for...
My 8 inch cock shows my commitment towards to your future wife
That was back when women didn't work and couldn't provide for themselves. At this point, fuck women. Go your own way. They don't need your support and you don't need a leech. Use a fake name and don't let them entrap you legally.
just think of them as mobile currency for when the next shoah happens.
>go broke buying a ring and paying for a vacation wedding
>get divorced raped
So delivering pizza I should buy a girl a $60,000 engagement ring?
So $0?
Very political thread we have here this evening. Makes me wonder; how have previous thinkers and authors addresses this issue? Is there even a historical precedent? I’ll check my library for relevant literature, please anons do the same
That's a tradition started by ChrisKEK jews
Stop being jewish
I inject liquid cocaine into my dick every day.
May I suckle?
If she's typical, just tell her diamonds are `blood stones' paid for with the blood, sweat and tears of virtual African slaves, personally embellish your story,
if she needs no breaking in, point out the jewelry business, particularly diamonds, is run by that tribe, etc.
and suggest a nice semi-precious stone that won't break your bank.
If you sell it right, women will believe anything.
(Get a good premarital agreement that lets her keep her jewelry.)
I worked in jewelry for a good while and any stone above 2ct looks gaudy and ugly. Even if I were a millionaire and had to get my wife a ring I wouldn't get my wife a stone larger than that. The ideal size is 1.5 imo - if you want to find an excuse to spend more look into colored diamonds, but most chicks don't know about them and would likely turn away something like a green diamond for a clear one - not realizing the price difference.
It also has to do with the girls weight, but I don't date fat chicks.
Most expensive ring I've worked on was a 15ct stone and the ring itself was somewhere in the $500,000 range - it wasn't impressive to look at and "looked fake" because of how large the center stone was.
Diamonds are also a complete rip-off with near zero resell value.
I used to get GF's Jewelry but now I don't because they all took it for granted. Women don't appreciate the value of things. Any woman who knows the value of a dollar would also be fine with not having an overly expensive ring.
That's why I bought my kid's mother an Alexandrite stone, instead of jew gravel.
Base d
My mom smuggled some nice emeralds from Guatemala when I was a child. I've loved jewelry ever since.I hate diamonds.
good one, user, good one
I like you
You're right, but the sad thing is, this may be the most interesting thread atm. The current fucking state of this board...
Why. It's a rock. If she plans on staying with you then why does she need a contingency plan? Divorce will already rape you in the ass for everything you worked for, so why does she need a ring again? It's an impractical, useless item. Even a fucking overpriced cellphone has more utility.
TLDR if you're marrying some bitch and she demands a ring, then you can instantly see she isn't worth marrying because she wants some superficial useless item in exchange for her pussy. Find a smarter woman.
3 months not years dumbass.
Who the fuck says that? That’s bullshit. My woman will wear whatever the fuck I buy.
Thank you for falling for the marketing of the Jewish diamond cartel.
God goyim, spend as much money as possible on rings.
Give your woman a child, not a ring. A baby will satisy her biological needs more than an expensive useless piece of (((jew)))elry ever could.
Just find a girl that's not retarded.
My gf has explicitly told me she wants a moonstone with a white gold band. Shit is so cheap I could get her something custom made.
What's bullshit is that men get cheap wedding bands like my wife bought mine for like 50 bucks.
Actually good fucking info on Jow Forums. I'm impressed.
This guy fucks
Who the fuck makes these shallow retarded posts.
>Diamonds are also a complete rip-off with near zero resell value
Zales experience doesn’t count.
I disagree.
Honestly my boyfriend and I were talking about it and I let him know that for me, simplicity is my preference.
Fuck, he could tie a string around my finger and I'd be satisfied.
It's the quality of the people that determines a happy marriage, not the ring.
Absolutely based and absolutely redpilled
Bahahahaha, good one.
>in the past fathers needed to pay the husband-to-be
>in these days cucklords pay loads of cash for shiny useless rock
OK buddy
The only ring I would give a woman is handcuffs to lock her up in my basement until she understood the ramification of any future actions from her that I don't like.
You’re boy poor
>nu uh he make six figures as a electrical plumber welder!
Morley, what's the price in Antwerp? Oy vey.
fuck it, you just convinced me. I'll buy it in the morn
My wife loved the $200 ring I bought her. Maybe one day I will upgrade it but who the fuck cares about jewelry in the grand scheme
I told my bf if he ever proposes to me to not worry about the cost and just get me a lab-made one.
lotsa kikes on the chan tonight. How is Israel today you fucking rat?
He isn't.
But if he was, I wouldn't care.
Money makes things hard, I try to keep it out of love.
Not like this guy.
Mine was $60 and I'm perfectly happy with it. Find someone who cares about the gesture.
Adam Ruins Everything had an episode on diamonds. Diamonds are all a scam!!!
Sapphires, Rubies, and Emeralds, over (((de Beers))) Diamonds.
Fuck diamonds and any other JEWelry. Also, fuck all jew-rats. Fucking rat-jews.
Based goldsmith bro, mokume gane is where the real money is at
Except I have heard that it should be two and a halves month's pay, to reflect the state the bridegroom's standing at the time of proposal.
An indicator of the social standing of the couple before entering the "accepted class" and therefore showing a level of succes.
Imagine being poor and hitting it rich. It would be a badge of honor of being a self made man, yet also showing that you aren't old money.
so is staying virgin towards the husband
>jew ellery
Fuck your shining rocks and fuck your marriage
you deserve this (you)
All that wasted sauce
>Why are diamond merchants predominantly Jewish?
recently spent literally over 9 thousand dollars on an engagement ring. ask me anything.
Post a pic of the ring.
Muslims treat their women the best. You can tell because all she has to do is show a little ankle and she'll get the whole town to literally throw 16,000ct stones at her
You spent too much.
>always thought diamonds were a kike scam
>saw my first 2.6 E1ws
>literally could not stop tilting my head back and forth watching it change before my eyes
I don’t believe you have ever set foot in a jewelry store without your mother
are you gonna circumcise your son like so many other ameritards that follow traditions blindly?
it was custom designed and it's been posted online by me elsewhere, so I won't do that from fear of getting doxxed.
if I could do it over again I'd have just used one of the online services where you can return a ring or stone no questions asked, but I was kind of doing a favor for a friend by giving the business to one of his friends instead of just going online.
mall stores are a fucking joke, so are chains.
I was flabbergasted to discover the owner of the store was not jewish. that made me feel a LOT better. even if I did get ripped off buying an artificially inflated priced stone, everyone walked away happy and I can rest easy knowing her ring is better than any of her friends' or associates' rings.
after all, it's just money, easy come, easy go.
no shit, tell me about it. looks really nice though. 1.5 ctw; 1.01 center stone. super ideal cut.
poorfags can blow it out their ass.
despite me and probably all of my forebears being cut, no, I actually think that I will not do that, thank you very much!
What are the specs of the centre stone? Colour, clarity, florescence, and so on?
Wtf, I thought it was 10 years?
I bet you don't think homosexuality is pushed by jews either, since you can't stop tilting your head back and forth watching this dick.
>tfw my gf's mother has a maternal heirloom ring
>the ring will be given to me to propose for free once intentions are made
Feels bretty good.
so like I said, I slightly overpaid.
1.01 ct
color: G
cut: round; super ideal / (((hearts and arrows)))
clarity: SI1
florescence: I fucked up here and didn't even ask or pay attention. it's not mentioned on any of the paperwork either (((weird))) I know.
Be careful if your chick gets drunk and goes out like nothing's wrong
>be together with gf 4 years
>mostly hanging around at my place
>everything is fine
>finally man up and ask her to marry me
>she says yes, fuckyeahnignog.jpg
>ff 2 months
>i notice she drives to her apartment more often
>she takes some clothes with her
>i ask her waddup, she says she needs more stuff to wear in her apartment (what the fuck)
>i say ok sure np
>ff 1 month
>we drove to a concert in germany (living in austria)
>we often drove to concerts italy,france etc
>after the third band i said im sleepy im going back to the car and sleep
>she says ok alright ill come to the car when concert is over
>when we drove home she was sleeping
>arrived 6am in the morning in hometown
>go to bed instantly
>ff 2 months
>she left me
>she met her new boyfriend at this concert
she literally met him the first time on the concert
yeah fuck girls basically
fucking this. a fat as fuck coworker of mine has a gaudy piece of shit looking 3 ct that doesn't have any sparkle at all, I'm not even sure it's a real diamond.
the 1.6 (forgot to mention the small stones on the band) tw of ideal cut on my fiancee's size 4.5 finger (she's tiny af) sparkles like a mother fucker.
>tfw holding her hand in mass moving it ever so slightly to make it glisten in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
this exact thing happened to me in college.
at a fucking concert!!! on my birthday. friend of her friend.
fuck all that bullshit.
you mean three days?
>so like I said, I slightly overpaid.
>1.01 ct
>color: G
>cut: round; super ideal / (((hearts and arrows)))
>clarity: SI1
>florescence: I fucked up here and didn't even ask or pay attention. it's not mentioned on any of the paperwork either (((weird))) I know.
You didn't slightly over pay. You majorly over payed. Do you even know if it was the GIA that graded the stone? If it was another organization, the specs are likely actually worse than the paperwork would have you think. You're non jewish buddy jewed the shit out of you. Si1 clarity is junk, but the high quality cut will (most likely) mask that until one looks a little closer at the stone.
Oy, buy our overpriced dirt goy!
The bitch says that because they are pricing you.
Here are 15 gifs to post in slide threads on Jow Forums. They look like a hot girl is about to flash you but then the gif ends with a reminder to participate in the It's Okay To Be White poster campaign on Oct 31st and provides a link for printing posters:
No one got the office reference.
Don't marry a slut. Max 2 earlier partners, m8. All the statistic shows that people who sleep left and right can't be loyal, and the explanation is the bonding agent we excrete. Like most chemicals, body's tolerance for it grows higher the more it receives it.
Underrated post
>no one gets the jew's cheeky humor
There's a reason kikes are despised the world over.
What? It has always been 2 months worth of salary. Or was it 3? Still, that also comes from the advertisement from JEWelery sellers.
So fuck off.
Office was 20 years ago. No one remembers quotes from it.
perhaps yes. although I can buy T-Bones for less than $8 / lb all day long so fuck off leaf
>2.6 E1ws
wtf is this mean
he meant to write E1 (flawless) an VVS (double v not double U "w")
so like the absolute best diamond you can buy. seems to know his stuff but not really because only a simpleton would say ws instead of vvs
vvs as in in very very slightly included
The people who grade this shit are absolutely retarded. You will never ever have two different people grade the same shit exactly the same way, so it's really literally jewish tricks to get your shekels.
vvs1/vvs2 are not the highest clarity grades you can buy. Internally flawless would be a clarity grade above the vvs category. No wonder you over payed for your bitch's ring. Foolish.
>literally my wifes son
>baby is entertained by shiny lights
ok we get it, you're a faggot.