Instead of being xenophobic, racist, and anti-immigrant...

Instead of being xenophobic, racist, and anti-immigrant, maybe we can try reaching out and getting Hispanics to our side?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Based. If we get rid of our original message, we can get the “people” we never wanted on our side, on our side. Genius. Why didn’t anybody think of this? Kikeservatism strikes again.

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does that nose make it hard to see?

Also, spic “women” aren’t women. They’re goblins that just haven’t reached they’re final form yet when they hit their twenties. Just look at the amount of makeup those two creatures have had to lather onto their faces to appear remotely human.

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White women only

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That thing doesn’t look racially pure. Also, as soon as she hits the wall, she’s got orangutan tits.

>they’re final form

So be cuckservatives. That's your solution. Who paid you to post this shit.

After you deport all minorities, the rich white CEO of your company will simply lay everyone off and move the entire factory to Mexico or Malaysia-- and you will end up unemployed anyway. Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard

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Not needed. Atzatlan-13 is a billion beast deadweight burden. Cordon it off, push it out and starve it.

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Lmao, you have no idea how Latinos think do you? They want a macho man, and Trump was literally their guy.
It's seriously embarrassing using this board. Waaay too many low IQ, shill, JIDF, or absolutely retarded brainlet threads such as this. Any rare or based thread from OP is few and far between. Wish 8ch would come back.

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I will never stop hating wetbacks, and trying to do everything I can to turn their fucking lives into a nightmare

Trump sucked Netanyahu's dick at the AIPAC Pro-Israel convention. Then, Netanyahu butt-fucked Trump in the Golan Heights

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What’s wrong with white welfare recipients?

Latinos from South America H.A.T.E THE ANARCHIST PARTY.
Also known as ANTIFA.
Communists almost took over all our Universities..
But in America, Commies rule in College.

No. Fuck off turbo glownigger

>xenophobic, racist, and anti-immigrant
>leftist very poorly pretending to be rightwing

Because that totally worked with Jeb Bush, kys faggot.


They have Hispanic countries, though?

There's zero need for them to go to the US anymore.

Maybe I'm into that

An they're all shitholes, they feel entitled because we failed and dems think it's a good idea for them to come here in droves, not even bringing up assimilation let alone the people who have lived here before.

Are these girls supposed to be sexy because they're ugly as fuck.

What if instead we convinced the men to leave and leave us with horde of thicc latina concubines

Shut the fuck up Paco.

Kill yourself you fucking wet back

Fuck off virgin

yes, in order to achieve white swaraj, we need a nation without white people. if only the algerians or indians were this clever, how much better would the world be.

Civilized Hispanics (European-descended) are based and redpilled as fuck. People who argue over the best type of "white" are fucking retards. You're either genetically and culturally descended from Europe or you're not.

El Norte should be annexed by the US, they have more in common with the American Southwest than they do Southern Mexico.

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Okay retard

>Here's your thicc GF, goy.
Kek, no thanks.

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Half of trump supporters are mutts already lmao

Yes we should welcome webm related as our brothers

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suck a brown dick.

>we can try reaching out and getting Hispanics to our side?

Orange man has already ruined that opportunity. Good luck.


>just flood more hispanics, goy
do you want your country to be called America or Mexidos? cause I seriously doubt the feeling would be mutual if the tables were reversed.
fucking focus on your country and stop flooding it with people that will turn it into what these immigrants are running away from.

Stop posting, brown boy. You aren't welcome here.

>Get them on our side
The entire point of 'our side' is deporting all non-whites, so that's probably not going to work so well.

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>Scooby Doo! and the Mystery of the Missing Scrotum

they already declared war on us, shit on everything, sneer at everything American, and ignore all the laws, but love the money, the retarded gibs, the multi-aliases from shithole countries they can use for multiple gibs, pretend they are white, clean, civilized, etc.
they have nothing in common with the areas they invade, the people they shove in amongst, or the culture they shit on while celebrating mexican national holidays.
they've made it perfectly clear.
no bias needed, just understanding of what is right in front of my face everyday, screeching and stupid, like ugly monkeys the catholics keep as fuckboi pets/slaves.
get the goddamned fuck out of my country, spic

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That includes you, we should give you your independence and send the illegals there or get deported to wherever they're from.
Unironically hope you do better than Cuba.

White people are the majority of welfare recipients because they are a much larger percentage of the population. Wow! Crazy, huh?

oh boy

It’s called bait, you stupid fucking nigger. No lefty posts here.


There are plenty that can think for themselves and aren't buying the MSM race baiting bullshit

>Most Welfare recipients are white
Kek, you're fucking retarded.

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Holy shit that pic.
>look trumpers you are going to end up with pretty, healthy young women helping you harvest your fields. Check mate magatards!

Understandable considering your genetics.

Attached: Muh Thicc Women.webm (1280x720, 694K)

You can't, they are too low IQ. Compatibility is impossible.

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>Muh Democrats made America brown. Long live the Republican Party.

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lol, u don't get it. Jow Forums is about trolling and trying to piss off as many people as possible until the day the government brings in social credit or the FBI to fuck everyone over using accelerationism. It isn't about optics or trying to win people over.

They’re not girls.
Shut the fuck up, spic.

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I didn't mention either party, but one of those parties proposed and passed the bill that ensured America's future.

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Oh so I like thicc birches and now I'm a spic? Miss me with you're tin foil sperg brain and the toothpick WHORES you beat your 2 inch cock to

latinos should be nuked

>If you’re more of a mutt, you should just be lumped in with genetically pure actual humans.
Why copepost this hard, Paco?
>Yes, it’s the media that causes racism. Everything would be fine without the media. If only whites were even more into individualism, we’d all live in harmony.
Your nose is poking me through my screen and I can’t wait for you to sperg out about “muh j00s.”

keep your mexicunts

>OY VEY GOY I didn’t mention the other party but don’t forget that there’s no uniparty and that only this specific side of the jewish coin is responsible for your problems.
Where do you think you are?

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Pay more attention at your English classes at community college, shitskin. And yes, you are a spic that’s no different from niggers except that niggers have the decency to abort themselves and keep their populations at the same level for decades. See:

>what is mobile posting
Yikes, looks like some nigger just got off the boat from r*ddit

Yeah deport shitskins to elect a gun grabbing shitskin. Good logic there

You’ll look for any excuse to deflect from you being a spic.

Any Country with excess diversity (less than 80% homogeny) starts to suffer because of it.
That is not racism, it's just facing the reality about human biology. It's evil to force diversity on people. Let every race have their Countries and have no Country exploit no other Country.

Attached: Diversity_Sucks.png (782x699, 164K)

Get a life loser

>“muh j00s.”
Only JIDF uses that term.
Also, have some facts about Jewish subversion in the West: - "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda" – It got censored, can someone re-upload it? – Backup from bitchute (use VPN when using BitChute, the uploaders can see the watchers IP address, and have patience, it can be slow (if too slow, try to refresh the page))
The video is an interview from Shalom TV to one of the staff on the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). You can learn more about it here: ; - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”
Sometimes link doesn’t work, use this one:
And if that one doesn’t work, look for the vídeo directly on the channel, it’s 2 years old now (2019): - “Jewish Immigration Hypocrisy - Stefan Molyneux” - "Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty" – Screenshots of the video above - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt" - “Europe on the Chopping Block” - “How Israel censors the Internet” - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

Attached: Israel_Sends_Migrants_To_The_West.jpg (2000x2000, 2.66M)

Only thing good about beaners is they hate niggers just as much as I do

If it isn't xenophobic, racist, and anti-immigrant, it isn't "our side," idiot.

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And that act was a result of over 40 years of Jewish activism and lobbying.

Attached: Jews_Immigration_And_Nationality_Act_1965_2_Big_Updated.png (3580x1252, 2.32M)

Or you could go back to your own country

So we've got to raise taxes to 70%, open the borders, and give them all the free shit they want to get them on our side. That's the shit I'm trying to prevent...

Not a high bar. Black people hate niggers even more then white people do.

>Almost 27 million negroes on welfare
>Almost 27 million latinos and Asians
>11.5 million white people
> Other 2 million mixed mutts

Wew lads, 67 million on welfare? WTF?
Put those lazy fuckers to work.

Preaching to the choir, retard. I agree with you, you're arguing for no reason.

Should I get a life like yours, Paco?

Fug, I knew it.

That’s why I’m mocking him because memeflag kikes always end up sperging out and saying “muh j00s.”

Most people on welfare can get by without it, problem is they've been convinced that they need it for some reason. Keep in mind about 100 million people in the US aren't white so the 70+ million number is not that surprising.

Kek blesses dogo

I am already on your side, but at least I am smart enough to know my stay is temporarily, I will often criticize my kin because I want to see them do better, the only people I truly came to hate are the jews and not because of there silly religion, but based on there actions alone.

Read Culture of Critique, and make as many people as you can read it too. - “Culture of Critique”, book about Jewish subversion in the West - “Culture Of Critique For Normies ( Full)” - 50 min video about the book

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Check'd, but I kinda want to stop making their lives miserable before the point of denying menstruating women menstrual pads, as ICE currently seems to be doing. That's crossing a line I don't want to. Forget how demeaning and humiliating it is for migrant women on their periods, just think, we wouldn't countenance free-bleeding as an elective decision, and we shouldn't impose it as a mandated one. Also...imagine the smell.

I think in that one regard, that and that alone, we should not be inflicting nightmares on them. They should get fucking menstrual pads.

Half my family is Hispanic and my woman is a legal resident alien from mex. Most of them aren't buying it

Good, preach this to your ilk as long as you can. Take it to the heart of Mexico if you have to.

How? They will always side with Jews because Jews give them gibs

You get nothing. Get fucked, spic.
I hope he takes it to Mexico and is slaughtered and then put on liveleak for us to laugh at in a spic hate thread like that retarded poo in loo that tried to pay people to use toilets but was then beaten to death in the streets.

Attached: Mexico Is Our Greatest Ally.webm (264x480, 2.93M)

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God dam these people are sick.


A pretty big motivator for their actions is their silly supremacist religion thou.
Pic related.
Also, based and redpilled. - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

Attached: 3_Jewish_supremacism_post_4.jpg (1384x9954, 3.64M)

Archive error

You dont compromise with a guy that broke into your house in the middle of the night. You fucking murder him

Both links work for me.
Try them with a VPN, or using Tor browser.

Attached: Hostily_towards_Jews_why_4.jpg (1226x9999, 2.85M)

Browns killing browns. I see no problem here

Jews are pure evil. They want to kill us all and reduce us to slaves. Why can;t the Jews just be normal not be literally Satan

Ok thx

Stop asking why they are and start asking what can you do to eliminate them

They’re not people, retard.