Ϟϟ Your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Jow Forums ϟϟ

ϟϟ Your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Jow Forums ϟϟ

CLASSIC thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, Anti-Communism, the Aryan Ideal, Traditionalism, Racial Nationalism, and Racial Identity Movements.

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I don't have time to hate the Jews, because all of my hate is reserved for the spics and niggers.

Just be urself dude, lmao

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ever wondered why you have to deal with those?

Oh also general reminder that you can hate niggers but be ok with blacks in general, same goes with spics chinks and whatever else.
Niggers are the apes, the thieves, the hoopin-anda-holleran rap-playing degenerates who ask for weed and take gov't handouts.
A small portion of black people are ethnocentrist and hard working, respect white people and respect nature, peace, and quiet. These are obviously rarer but they are easy to find since they don't have the Harlembabble accent. Since they respect us and our cause, we ships also respect them and let them attempt to build their ethnostate away from ours

Friendly reminder that xtianity is JEWISH and the SUPERIOR WHITE ALPHA RACE will destroy it with our SUPREME ALPHA PAGAN GODS!

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your trying to hard shill. it's just, fake...

The theory that the Jews are responsible for the importation of undesirables just doesn't seem rational to me. Every Jew I've met hates everyone who is non-jewish, including the spics and niggers.


Just have sex.

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Why are all poeple who fucking dissagree with natsoc are always fucking memeflag or americans.
/SIG/ bump

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watch the hellstormdocumentary.com/watch/

I love these threads, please never stop posting these

You should add this audiobook hoard to the OP


solution to JP (for the last time - it is not JQ, it is a Problem) proposition:
>gas 99%
>those that are LARPing as "muh based kikes" and children should then be sterilized and put on some island

always a memeflag

sage this shit

wew laddie...

If nazis weren’t socialists and hated every single Jew I’d sort of support them. Why we can’t we just have a white racing loving group without the racist ties. Like just love other whites like blacks love other blacks and spics love other spics, without the Jewish hating bullshit attached. I have Jewish lineage but I’m a white catholic with blue eyes who loves this country and despises Israel. Anyone?

>in 2019
you're either underage or a kike on a mission

If someone developed a scrip that could hide certain flags and their posts all would well. Just imagine if burger flags were hidden, it would be like old Jow Forums again

Nothing worse than a civnat american. Nothing.

>nothing worse than civnat
fify, civnat is an abomination and our genocide enabler, wherever he is from

They hate you too. Have you looked into HIAS?

All you edgy faggots circle jerking

>"Become Other Than White”
Ireland and Radical Jewish Activism


((())): A Critique of Jewish Privilege

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>be pro-white and not racist
>tolerate jews
pick one

Sieg Heil and Slava brothers.

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howdy, neighbour!
inb4 Rzeczpospolita when
never, let's stay strong and in our own countries

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Oh you sweet summer child.

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equality destroys cultures. jews weaponize egalitarianism by promoting ideologies like multiculturalism, marxism, and feminism

Slaver-Owners in Texas: Austin, Travis, and Sam Houston
Houston and Austin now.
IT will not Stop there.

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The chicoms use jews as scapegoats

Agree on Siege. True NatSoc ideology emphasizes traditionalism and strong morals, not nigger-tier violence. Also agree on the blatant honey pots. Dressing in full NatSoc regalia and sperging our in public is bad optics. Dressing normally or well for special events works to get the message across in calm, plain English. I still think /NSG/ has merit and is a useful thread.

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Seems fine with me.

>/nsg/ is one person.

And the Jews use Chicoms as scape goats. Look JIDF, tell your boss that he/she needs to get a memo to the top rabbi in Tel Aviv and make sure the next chair of the Federal Reserve Bank that controls ALL the CURRENCY is not a FUCKING JEW. Then it won’t be so God damn obvious that you Kikes are running the show, eh? This is constructive criticism, don’t take it personally shlomo.

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What is the new Name of Houston going to be?
What is the new Name of Austin going to be?

Robert E. Lee

I'm not the original guy. Just wanted to do my part since I didn't see one in the catalogue.

Why is it these threads always suck these days? Like I mean they're better than all the slide threads but its only purpose only ever seems to be to redpill newfags. Now that's great and necessary but that doesn't make it a good thread, and what ever happened to newfags having to learn themselves? You can never really have a proper conversation in these threads.

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imagine getting triggered over a flag. kys faggot

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but can't you see user, the glowie just wants to be loved, he just wants us to love ourselves.

>Since they respect us and our cause, we ships also respect them and let them attempt to build their ethnostate away from ours
Exactly this. The cooperation George Lincoln Rockwell and Malcom X were achieving to establish separate ethno states is exactly what you’re describing. These men could have succeeded if they had not been assassinated by (((them))).

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>What is the new Name of Houston going to be?
>What is the new Name of Austin going to be?

General in Chief of the Armies
of the Confederate States

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Do you ever feel you must die to affirm your existence?

To become the heroic? For what is the place of the heroic in modern society? It feels as if the tragedy is the only affirmation of such. That the heroic is that of the man willing to death and back for the sake of his dream, for his cause, for his race, for identity, for glory, for God. And in a world as degenerately pathetic - I save saying Evil (for it serves no purpose) - as our own, he is only certain to fulfil that sacred ascension and affirmation. In modern society there is no place for the heroic, for his very existence depends upon his own death.

Must I die to become who I am, my own ideal? I do not fear death and least beyond I know the truths of life, of something.

I am an attractive man, blue eyes blonde hair, greek nose, strong jaw, prominent chin. I have as of yet not met a man more attractive than I and women persistently reaffirm this knowledge of myself. I am an intelligent and read regularly, I am well read indeed. On philosophy, history, psychology, various religions/occult's, Fascism, culture in general. I am 6 ft 4, charismatic and confident a person. I never struggle a word socially and am considered funny when I want to be. Though comedy only seems like a falsity when I feign it. More just like an act of habit between my serious interaction. I talk to women probably better than I do men, meaning I at least find interest in the beauty of a woman than the idiocy of a man. And am an Entp, if that helps. The only way I imagine it could would be the constant desiring.

So this has been to say that I am not a worthless man, I do not aim to reject life for the sake of value in comparison to other.

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Hello rabbi

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SEIG HEIL!!!!!!!!
Keep in mind soldiers we won the battle, but we have yet to win the (((war)))!
Also Chad /NSG/ beats virgin /ptg/

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ha. you dumbass. you mixed up national bolshevic for the national socialist flag. Such sloppy job.

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It seems to me from my experience and fantasy's that the modern youth of Generation Z view the 80's as an ideal of sorts, the reappearing love of this
generation blazar music and anticipating fashion, the better world which was before but never was to be. As the insanity of the modern world is scoffed
as worthless by the common meme, mocked by the comedy of a youth who have no place, a "generation lost in space". This youth shall soon see that which
they have yearned for in meaningless agony for so long was that which came before that which never was, for you see the thousand year Reich was that
of the Great man, the Greatest man. It had always existed but it was birthed into consciousness by the eternal despair and agony which was so temporally
illusioned as to be it would revoke itself by the necessity of beauty and its own self, for the self development of consciousness to what was but yet shall never be.

I can only hope - as a collective - that tragedy does not win out for our race and species. I can only hope - as an individual - that tragedy wins out for the
essentially of the assertion of all suffering and beauty. Call it what you will, a complex for meaning, perhaps a complex for death.




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Nice try you muslim shill, I'm glad trump will put an end to this.

Fucking leaf!

>I'm glad trump will put an end to this.

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>stats pic on casualties
Civil War is similar in that the Confederate States of America took significantly less casualties than the Union Army.

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Who's gonna break it to the poor leaf...

Based and GLR-pilled. He’s easily my hero.

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Dwanna do it? Or should I~? Considering Leaf's have an affinity with us Australians.

nah, let him sleep, the wake up will be so more fun... or not, depending on his cognitive abilities

we also hate jews prove me wrong protip you literally cannot

>if you call out kikes on invading white countries with shitskins that automatically makes you a shitskin kebab
Ahem. *Ting* *Ting* *Ting*

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Actually I think is right. Let him wake up on his own, or just watch his country be destroyed while still sleeping, Whatever comes first.

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As a good Christian user I'm not sure that's the best thing to do but I leave the choice to you. Have a Wagner youtube.com/watch?v=NsCQj0GJ1K8

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What's up guys

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>I'm glad trump will put an end to this.
not gonna happen. he's just a puppet like the rest to israel. Israel will continue to flood in migrants from the middle east because of the fact that they fund organizations such as Isis, Taliban and Al Queita in every country causing terrorists and other middle easterners and niggers into foreign countries until the earth is a primitive ape shitskin planet.

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>Tfw still revere the 88 in 14/88
>"But this isn't the 30's anymore. That was for Germany only."

It's not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire. The fire has not died out.

>Well read.

>Makes simplest grammar mistakes possible.

It's past your bedtime kid.

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>He thinks those are mistakes
brainlet pseud detected.

Based bro, keep this up

Making fun of grammar is reddit tier lad, fuck off back

(((They))) and their nigger pets are moving on to take down Thomas Jefferson statues in some areas. Next will probably be Jackson or even Washington. (((They))) will not stop.

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Robert E. Lee Memorial Park (Baltimore, Maryland) – Renamed on 28 September 2015.
renamed to Lake Roland Park.
Robert E. Lee Park (Dallas, Texas) – Monument was removed by Dallas City Council, 2018.
renamed to Oak Lawn Park.

Stephen F. Austin - William B. Travis - Samuel Houston

What is the new Name of Houston going to be?
Robert E. Lee
General in Chief of the Armies
of the Confederate States

What is the new Name of Austin going to be?
Robert E. Lee
General in Chief of the Armies
of the Confederate States

Attached: Samuel_Houston.png (346x380, 238K)

And all the cuckservatives that turned a blind eye “cuz muh ebil Confederacy statues” will get to see statues of the founding fathers removed from schools and possibly even parks. But remember, the slippery slope is not real because edjoocation says so.


MLK and the civil rights advocates are the real founding fathers!!!

Malcom x was way better.
Hell if every race decided to have negotiations and trying to find solutions will end up benefitting them in the long run.
Problem is....
Kikes and the majority of spics are not to bright neither are niggers.

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I wasn't being serious don't worry bro

- First, remove yourself from what I call the “Death Zones” which are simply the metropolitan areas of the country. In these places not only is Big Brother’s grip the tightest, but the lowest-common-denominator genetic miasma has you badly outnumbered.

- Let the cities go to HELL, right where they came from!

- …you must have all set-up and ready-to go independent sources of water, food, and heat. At the same time you must have weapons and sufficient stores of ammunition with which to defend yourself.

>Three contingencies we can look for will be the following:
(a) once major and widespread revolutionary violence starts – no matter from what quarter – the System can be expected to detain all known revolutionists as a matter of precaution;
(b) once the economy starts to fall rapidly, the System can be expected to begin mass foreclosures and confiscations while it feels it still can;
(c) just like what’s predicted to happen when the sun itself is about to burn out, the System, when it senses its time is
about up, can be expected to begin taking a great many extraordinary steps and, in general to really begin overstepping its bounds as they are vaguely defined today.

Or hadn’t you thought of any of this?

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>The Left-Right Spectrum.

Even as Commander Rockwell was saying twenty years ago, classifications of "left" and "right" were becoming then and certainly are by now obsolete and meaningless. To place this into perspective, by referring to left and right, one only expands the context of, whilst remaining at the same point as those extremely foolish ones who still think in terms of party politics, Democrat versus Republican, Labour versus Conservative. The point being is these terms are all equally SYSTEM terms because in reality at the core of each of their programs they all support the system and are part of it.

What has been missing up until now is a clean DIVIDING line, an actual BREAKING POINT, where all pretense of working within the system by its rules are dropped once and for all. In short, the complete break from time passed.


As has been said earlier in SIEGE, those who control the system by having ultimately succeeded in attaining total control over every aspect of society (government, media, business etc) have LOST control over the course of events through having done away with competent legitimate opposition that can conceivably step in and take over in an orderly manner as Hitler's NSDAP did in 1933.

An incredibly dangerous and explosive situation this is, for it is becoming clearer each day that those in control and their minions are losing the ability to hold the pieces together yet there is no relief, there are still no answers seen coming from any reputable direction. This of course spells total collapse, total anarchy, total destruction and it shall result in anyone babbling about conservative this or liberal that one day being rewarded with a bullet.

When the mess collapses the obvious will become clear: There is only ONE CORRECT WAY to go about handling elemental human problems, not by further compromise but through Universal 卐 Order.

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It is not over yet.

Savitri Devi considered Hitler to be the ninth Avatar of Vishnu, and called him "the god-like Individual of our times; the Man against Time; the greatest European of all times", having an ideal vision of returning his Aryan people to an earlier, more perfect time, and also having the practical wherewithal to fight the destructive forces "in Time". She saw his defeat—and the forestalling of his vision from coming to fruition—as a result of him being "too magnanimous, too trusting, too good", of not being merciless enough, of having in his "psychological make-up, too much 'sun' [beneficence] and not enough 'lightning.' [practical ruthlessness]" ....unlike his coming incarnation:

"Kalki" will act with unprecedented ruthlessness. Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine Cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardised, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or in character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen Ages.

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There was this guy jung (no not the one that was close to being president)
Considered hitler to being the medicine man.

Destroyer of Filth
The nemesis of Kali

Kalki, also called Kalkin, is the tenth avatar of Hindu god Vishnu to end the Kali Yuga, one of the four periods in endless cycle of existence (krita) in Vaishnavism cosmology. He is described in the Puranas as the avatar who rejuvenates existence by ending the darkest and destructive period to remove adharma and ushering in the Satya Yuga, while riding a white horse with a fiery sword. The description and details of Kalki are inconsistent among the Puranic texts. He is, for example, only an invisible force destroying evil and chaos in some texts, while an actual person who kills those who persecute others, and portrayed as someone leading an army of Brahmin warriors in some. His mythology has been compared to the concepts of Messiah, Apocalypse, Frashokereti and Maitreya in other religions.

Attached: kalki.png (557x768, 515K)

Kali Yuga
The last of the four stages (or ages or yugas) the world goes through as part of a 'cycle of yugas' described in the Sanskrit scriptures. The other ages are called Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Dvapara Yuga.

Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga, which is referred to as the Dark Age because in it people are as far away as possible from God.
A discourse by Markandeya in the Mahabharata identifies some of the attributes of Kali Yuga....

>Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.

>Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.

>People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.

>Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.

>People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.

>Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central recreation of life.

>Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.

>People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.

>Women will no longer get married.

sound familiar ?

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"It is said that towards the end of this yuga, Kalki will return riding on a white horse to do battle with Kali and his dark forces. The world will suffer a fiery cataclysm that will destroy all evil, and a new age (the next Satya Yuga of the following Mahayuga), will begin."

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>That cherry picking
>calling someone else a jew

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>Hitler won the war
Finally someone understands

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>Pagans weren't constantly killing each other

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No, they weren't unlike kike worshippers.
The Rabbi isn't a reliable source, Schlomo.
Next thing you'll tell me Vikings we're rapists and practiced blood sacrifice.