Balkan Thread

((((they)))) are afraid of united, strong balkan region.

Should Kosov be an independent state?
Should we invite the Greeks in our club?
Realistically speaking why isn't there a Balkan Union?

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We should make the Craiova Group a real thing.

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kosova should reunite with albania.
greeks are orthodox turks and should be expelled from illyria.
slavic subhuman destroyed illyria

Because everyone basically hates everyone. There would be no reason for unity unless Turks and Muzzies became a problem. Only then would you unite but would continue fighting afterwards because of your Turkish genes.

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Germany had other plans

Get your shit together Balkan and join the Visegrad Group.

Needs time, The Visegrad Group was founded 24 years earlier and it took time to get it where it is now

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>Because everyone basically hates everyone.
Wrong. We had some disputes in the past but at the end we are all brotherly states that shared a common enemy throughout history.
>There would be no reason for unity unless Turks and Muzzies became a problem.
There are many reasons, economy being one of them.
>but would continue fighting afterwards because of your Turkish genes.
Wrong. Recent gene studies show there are 0 traces of turkic genes in balkan people. Besides we tries uniting once - Yugoslavia. It all ended with the US carpet bombing civilians to hell.
Now your western nations are flooded with filth that will replace you in a few generations.
You reap what you saw. Eastern europe will become paradise and everyone from the west will beg to come, but guess what you can eat our shits. You made your beds now lay in them.
Bye bye

Albanians are the Jews of the Balkans, Bosnians are the Muslims.

Actually that's not very accurate however both Albanians and Bosnians are retards.

what benefits do we get from it?
how does it help the countries?

Improbable and impossible while (((Brussels))) manipulates our governments for their own benefit, besides one more useless union so hell no.

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This, but it's not going to be easy when every one of the four nations has most of it's people thinking they have nothing in common with the other 3.
Propaganda from the 19th century hit hard and is still very much the nor all over the balkans.

>((((they)))) are afraid of united, strong balkan region.
For sure, flatter to yourself moar

Why the fuck are there so many Romanians

>why is there no balkan union
i like the idea of a balkan union, but you guys seemed to have hated each other enough to split in the first place so

>Realistically speaking why isn't there a Balkan Union?
I'm not going to pretend to know about the ethnic tensions on the ground, but didn't the Yugoslavia breakup war happen for a reason? Is a Balkan Union possible? Or would it take being a member of the wider EU?

Disgusting subhuman

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because Romania has larger pop than Bulgaria and Serbia combined?
That's not quite correct, people keep talking about wars and ethnic cleansings in the balkans, but in all honesty, besides the war in Yugoslavia there's not that much to talk about. Conflicts in the past were not as brutal as between other european countries and most of the problems that generated those conflicts are long gone.

Also fuck off with that Balkan Subhuman Union Bullshittery.
There are only 4 legitimate Countries in the Balkans;Romania,Serbia,Bulgaria and Greece.
The Rest are literal leftovers of Turkish and Austro-Hungarian Kikery.

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HAHAHA why the fuck would anyone want this? The asshole of europe.

>caught this one promoting balkan unity. cunning little guys, aren't they?

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Fuck the Greeks off back to Western Asia and aslong as Bulgaria keep an iron fist on Serbia and Romania it could work

Just get Yugoslavia back with Bulgaria inside it.

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Bulgarians piss on Russians

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Reported to the authorities for hate speech against a minority group

Based, never forget

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If you can't control your own territory and let separatists get the better of it, it doesn't matter how legitimate you are

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>mfw unironically you can get jailed for this in Sweden

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lots of bulgarians worship russians
even more serbs do it too
This is one of the reasons balkans are the way they are (shitty).

>lots of bulgarians worship russians
Wrong. Only Old commie fuckers do. It’s ironic how stupid our older generations are. Communism fucked them in the ass, now they are living with 60 euro per month because of it and they blame “democracy” for it.

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Eastern euro boomers worship communism the same way western euro boomers love capitalism


Ceausescu outlawed abortion. I think his end goal was(don't quote me on exact figures) 40mil population, 1mil strong army and nukes. Its why the kikes killed him, can't destabilize the balance of power in the region.

Would have been based but I doubt it, Romania never passed 23,4 million

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Yeah sucks to be a free Country instead of a Jewish Satelite State.

The Balkan is shitty because of subhumans like you who look up to mutts and westerners and think they view you as equals when they don’t.
You will always be a Slave,economically and Spiritual.

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Why is Bulgaria only 60% orthodox?
Did commies really hit that hard?

There's no post here about mutts, you're just imagining stuff.
I've met a few people that are the way you describe, but they're so dumb it's hard for anyone to even talk to them.

Of course it is better to have a country culture and language unique to your people to legitimize your state but I was just saying that you should not expect to get territories for granted without force or intrigue

I hate muslims with a burning passion

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As a Serb I'd only unite with other Orthodox nations, such as Greece. A Balkan union of Orthodox nations would be okay, Hungary could be a honorary member, others can btfo back to Turkey. Also did that shitty ancestry test, cuz everyone kept calling me a mutt and Turkish rape baby and guess what fucks, 100% of European descent, mostly Slavic, but to some degrees also Germanic and Greek.

Craiova + V4 when?

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when v4 was created Romania wanted to join but was refused
1-2 years ago they invited Romania in but we refused


i wouldnt trust anyone from these regions with 5 dollars. just stay inside your containment zone.

t. armenian

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we have a few armenians here, they're not different from us excepting looks

why'd you refuse?

Yugoslavia would be one hell of a economic, cultural and military powerhouse by now.

Also they had damn good football teams. Fuck clinton.

This doesn't take into account the race war

No real debate. Our politicians just said no. Probably because they like to suck EU cock too much and V4 is too "antieuropean".
But I think we truly don't belong in there. V4 works so well because they have such similar civilizations, Romania really doesn't fit. Craiova group is a sensible choice and, hopefully, these two groups can work together.

>Realistically speaking why isn't there a Balkan Union?

Unions are easy cucked from the inside. See EU. There's no hope

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and in the same way millennials worship communism in Western countries and Capitalism in Eastern countries?

Without the EU much of the slavic, baltic and balkan would be without decent infrastructure.

please don't call us ever again

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The only thing balkans are seeing from EU's politics are more lgbt rights and tons of rapefugees

In Serbia it's true, even among the youth, and in Bulgaria there are no young people so it's the most russophilic EU nation with 70% approving of Russia

Without China*

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Back again with the We Wuzery I see.

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I don't know why there isn't a single European state and the big wall spanning the width of the Sahara Desert.

>I don't know why there isn't a single European state and the big wall spanning the width of the Sahara Desert.

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They get so much stuff subsidised it's ridiculous. Rich countries in the EU funded the development of the balkans.

Like what?


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Refugee Camps for example.
Ridiculous how these subhumans get over 300€ Monthly while my Widow Neighbour has to survive with her 120€ rent.
And then Westeners kvetch about „muh EU Funding“
If it’s not Refugee Camps then it’s NGO‘s who’s purpose is to brainwash the Population in making them more „liberal“

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That's exaggerated. Romania gets around 2 billion per year, some of this goes to"social inclusion" and other bs. Some else is not taken because politicians are incompetents.
On the reverse, Romania loses a lot of people yearly that emigrate to other EU countries. This way, they don't contribute to our economy, even though many of them had their studies founded by our gov.

literally nobody gives a shit about the balkans least of all (((they)))

Macedon has been irellevent since Alexander(who was born in Pellas, Greece) whilst the Greeks kept the Basileia Rhomanoi alive for a thousand years of constant war.

Why is Bibi present at all Craiova group reunions and offered to host the next one in Israel?

because balkans are interested in (((them)))

also dont take this as an insult, its good not to stick out too much... would you want (((attention)))?

Why the fuck did you exclude grease?

Can Romanians please stop popping our kids, eventually we white countries are going to stop letting you in. Then we’re gunna have to start giving you money because your shit hole country will be over populated.

Albozerg learn to accept that you aren't Illyrians.

That's what they must teach in your shithole. eu is harming the balkanic economy with their ''free market''

Eh, most actual Romanians arent that bad, its the gypsies I cant stand

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>Greeks kept the Basileia Rhomanoi alive for a thousand years
It was the balkan people toether that did this. The moment greeks decided it should be a greek empire, it broke into many small states
then they were all easily conquered.
No insult. It's just that almost weekly either someone from here or someone from there declares we must work even closer together, and we should develop (... insert everything imaginable here) together.

birthrate of 1.4-1.6 per woman
some of the fastest declining populations in Europe
are you high on something?

I love Northern Macedonian memes

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that picture really didn't age well did it
come to think of it with romania specifically i do recall seeing headlines

first i need to know what are romanians and why do they have "roman" in their name? what is this larping of ancient Rome

not ancient rome.
eastern roman empire, all it's citizens called themselves romans
greeks started calling themselves greek in the 19th century
we didn't have such ideas and never thought we cold have a different name

So the near-constant rebellions of the bulgarian nomads had nothing to do with its fall at all huh.
Remember before the final fall in 1453 the closest nayone got to seiging out constantinople was the bulgarian khanate

but are you slavs ethnically?


Read my post again, that's exactly what I said. The revolts of the other populations led to its downfall, turks and others would have never stood a chance against the empire, but instead they only had to fight Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Wallachia and Moldavia.
(I also said the revolts happened because greeks started trying to impose greeknes on everyone)
slavs form a language family, not a blood one
you're related to us greeks and albanians, not to russinas or poles

I thought what constitutes the Balkans is it's mountain region so why is Romania and Bulgaria part of it?

Disagree, most of the revolts came from barbarian invaders who settled south of the Danube and where ill-suited to civility. Wholst the empire would have been stronger if it had managed to work with these people I think the revolts where most likely an unavoidable fact of medieval life

>I thought what constitutes the Balkans is it's mountain region
Correct, it's the alternative name for the Haemus mountains.
Some started calling the whole peninsula after these mountains and the name stuck.

why are chicks so tall here?, like serbia they were as tall if not taller then dutch.

yugos are mostly Dinarid

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