Doesn't smart blacks existing refute intelligence is genetic meme?

I've known blacks whose families weren't dysfunctional and they did just fine on school and every aspects of life. Why can't Jow Forums just admit that intelligence being largely genetic is a meme and that the environment takes up a larger role than the way you are born?

Most blacks can't even fucking develop their brains due to malnutrition and the fact that they almost always comprise most of a country's lower class, mostly due to slavery. If you think about it, most of today's blacks' ancestors were slaves and thus weren't allowed to grow businesses, even after slavery ended, many blacks were segregated due to their skin color (you know those old pics of ''no negroes allowed'' in old american establishment), they were never allowed to occupy high positions in any kind of company pre-Civil Rights movement and thus were unable to hold any kind of long-term net worth. So they hardly could give their children an appropriate education on crucial cognitive moments such as childhood.

Add to that the violent and anti-white sentiment that was created with ghetto culture and you get why black people are so marginalized nowadays.

If you're planning on refuting me with a Lynn and Vanhanen IQ map, don't.

>Are you saying race doesn't exist?

There were selection pressures who acted first and harshest on superficial traits like skin melanation and then on important socio-biological traits like immunity, digestion, behavior, etc due to the geographical locations that these humans were isolated throughout countless generations due to environmental differences and their ancestors can all be traced back to a specific region.

I'm fond of racemixing because I don't want individual identities to be lost in favor of everyone looking like the same.

If you're a white nationalist who advocates for white ethnostate outside of europe, whether it's in america, canada, australia or new zealand, are countries which had, or are currently having, white majority populations, you're wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There is no genetic correlation. It's culture, upbringing, and access to resources.

Meant to say I'm not fond" instead of I'm fond.

this will never be settled until the genes that correlate with intelligence are identified, a causal relationship is established, and allelic frequency studies are done
nice slide thread though

>what is a distribution curve?

Minnesota adoption study. Also, as always, there's the phrase
>the exception that proves the rule
You can find exceptional individuals in any group. I can probably find a monkey to recreate Mona Lisa, eventually. But it doesn't suddenly raise the entire species intelligence level. It just means one monkey figured out how to paint.

>do these outliers refute this?
does yao ming prove asians aren't manlets?

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they have studied genes enough to know there is no correlation between intelligence and genetics save evidence of inbreeding. A diverse bloodline from a man who is intelligent and one who is from a non diverse bloodline that is also intelligent don't have a common gene that correlates with intelligence. The same can be said for those with less intelligence. It can seem hereditary because you are a product of your upbringing. If a moron raises a child alone in the woods, there is a strong possibility the child will be a moron as well. Same for an intelligent man.

you can't prove this isn't bait OP so kindly fuck off

Attached: Genes Race and Intelligence.png (1058x1447, 146K)

time to gas yourself

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kek, I'm actually Northern European and work in Developmental Genetics. I also have less than 1% of the genetic markers associated with a jewish haplogroup. Nice try though.

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It’s almost like there are many different ethnicities within the black race - some are smart, some are not.
Just like how Japs and Koreans are intelligent but SEAmonkeys are stupid

>genetic markers associated with a jewish haplogroup
u tried

it doesnt really matter if blacks all had 200IQ and were the nicest most sociable people on the planet. the still do not have a right to access white people and thier lands. their simple is no moral excuse, reason or right to genocide another group. If colonialism was wrong for whites, then it is also wrong for others. Europe and North America are both traditional lands of white people, white people settled these areas tens of thousands of years ago.

There is no "right" to commit genocide, by any means, peaceful immigration or otherwise. The just punishment for those who seek to commit such an act, even if they do it against their own people, is death. What else can a civilized man do with a brute who is bent upon the destruction of an entire race of people?

There must be some gene that determines how the environment affects your intelligence, at the very minimum.
Otherwise, fraternal twins should have almost exactly the same IQ if they've been raised in the same household.
Everything psychological is also biological.
Seriously though, this thread seems like it was made with the express purpose of distracting from the fact our systems are failing us.
Yes, everyone, let's argue about why black people are dumb for the millionth time like that's going to get us anywhere.

This, op confirmed as starting point of the curve

Strange, chineese seem to claim they found the smart genes.

And there's of course the entire reality and history prove you wrong on every level.

CONCLUSION: OP is a faggot, report and sage.

There is over a billion of them, some of them are bound to have an IQ north of 100.
Anyone whose seen the distribution / bell curve realized why Africa is what it is.


Well you have association made on percentages which seem to correlate but the aren't irrefutable. They can be someone with many of the alleles associated with intelligence and neuroplasticity but be raised by a complete moron and end up a fucking moron. This only proves that someone can have an intelligent upbringing and it continues down the genetic line resulting in data that seemingly associates a haplogroup with intelligence but wihen all of the data is laid out, there is no genetic makeup that guarantees intelligence. Smart people like to marry smart people and have children who they raise to be intelligent, who grow up to be smart and marry a smart person.....


Ofcourse a communist nation who finds a high amount of genetic markers supposedly in correlation with intelligence would use that propaganda. There are also farmers in the interior with a lower I.Q. that also have all of the same genetic markers.

Kek, I love stupid people.

this is an ad hoc reasoning-based argument from ignorance and you are basipally retarded

>t. What is a bell curve

Cool. Post a source confirming that there's no genetic factors in determining intelligence.

Here's a source confirming that it's about 50% determined by genetic factors: Feel free to debunk it.

So you're a lying kike in other words.

Does OP not understand statistics at all? Look at a distribution of intelligence and you'll see. Yes Intelligent black folks exist (Obama, Clarence thomas, etc) but they are much rarer per capita compared to whites and asians.

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Your approach is so lacking in basic science background knowledge that you're really not even worth addressing OP. Intelligence in the animal kingdom is complicated, and but it's highly heritable, and genetic. You don't even need humans to prove this. The actual weakest point in the argument of racists is genetics vs race, but you're so far off with below Jared Diamond class garbage that you're even farther off of science than fucking Stormfront.

not everyone on Jow Forums thinks the same, I completely agree with you

I went to a mixed white and asian school and all of the idiots and delinquents in our school were consistently white, many were borderline retarded and inept and unable to abide to higher thinking processes required in the most basic of curriculum. The argument for “genes make up your intelligence” are brought up only by whites who are failures and cling onto their race’s accomplishments to elevate their status - most being loser NEETs or mcdonald’s workers. “I’m white and a bunch of scientists and inventors were white so me smart, me better than nigger and spic!”

>t. Intelligence is partially determined by other factors, therefore it's not at all genetic, Nazis btfo.
What he said:

We have given OP everything he needs to know if he was retarded and if he was a memeflaggot then the thread should die, either way.

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Hello quantitative genetcist here actually.

Every trait can be measured by the amount of error controlled by the environment and the amount controlled by a genetic conponent. One smart nigger doesn’t disprove black are dumber. There are adoption studies where they found both genetic and environmental variance. One black could be in such an extreme environment and somehow be the top of his race for the genetic component, this black could be smarter then the average white. However if there is only a small proportion behaving this way then the average white could have much higher genetic potential.

Heritability is the ratio of Genetic variance and total variance Vg/(Vg+Ve). Human intelligence is shown to be about 0.4 which means it is highly environmental but has an un ignorable genetic component not to mention genotype x environment
Op learn so stats you brainlet.

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Go back to your own country chang, you are clearly very low IQ

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Also what is variance and regression to the mean?

good post user

Every other race on the planet managed to figure out how to farm. If niggers had an ounce of intelligence, Africa would be a booming agricultural and industrial utopia. They could have had their fucking wakanda, being virtually isolated from everyone else until 1800.

With the exception of Egypt, which was populated by Middle Easterners, there are no African empires. There are no African monuments. There are no African examples of intelligent architecture. There are no African examples of currency or trade routes. Probably because they never bothered to invent the wheel. There is no African medicine.

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Are you actually fucking dumb?
>look at the extreme minority, they are what they're all like!

Its called selection bias.

Sure thing boss

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