White Nationalists In Japan - The Ryan Dawson Experience

So was reading through my twitter feed when someone reposted this guy's statement

Claims that you can "smell Indians even after they leave the room" while at the same time claiming that he is the "Goodwill Ambassador" to Nara, Japan

Anybody seen his videos and other stuff online?

He calls himself a Geopolitical Analyst for the last 20 yrs.....sounds really legit

Anyone know who this guy is ?

Attached: Ryan Dawson Goodwill Ambassador.jpg (915x277, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:



His webpage is something from a White Separatist and Leftist wet dream

His comments even more obnoxious

Attached: Ryan Dawson - ANC Report.jpg (730x674, 52K)

fuck off ryan you anti-white vulture capitalist faggot

Attached: Ryan Dawson Civcuck.jpg (2061x1443, 605K)

Literally is ranting like a cracker online as he schills from Japan

Who the fuck is this guy?

Attached: Ryan Dawson Chinese.jpg (942x355, 41K)

>Anyone know who this guy is ?
it is me
and I am a faggot

Attached: rising_sun_planes.gif (400x560, 1.5M)

This guy is extremely based and exposed the Israeli role in 9/11 in multiple documentaries. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jews taking shots at him on Jow Forums at this time, and it's really nothing new.

He's not a white nationalist.

I think he's more like a libertarian, Styxhexenhammer666 type of guy

This guy is a Geo Pol on a half dozen major channels?

Look at his Twitter poll


Attached: Ryan Dawson (@RyLiberty) Curry Rice Poll.jpg (615x277, 20K)

That shit is White Nationalist Speak even if he "doesn't look like a Nazi" bruh

Cmon look at the sucession of his comments and his status as a player in the mainstream media shows he is on

They give this guy credit for 911 "conspiracy docs" ?

They are cut and pasta off other people's research

He's a schill and a blatant racist

>They are cut and pasta off other people's research
He came out with the first documentary that conclusively proved that Israel was behind the attack. The doc is called "War by Deception," for anyone interested in watching it. It was original research.



His flag in the background and his chair make up the White Separatist Flag colors of the Northwest Front

He's literally about to snap in this video claiming that he has an "Epstein Map"

What a fucking nutjob

Keep up the good work.

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>Moarpheus is finally dedicating time to shill against Ryan Dawson on Jow Forums
sad! nobody will for your gayops you JIDF kike


Look at how strung the fuck out he is....

WTF Neet

Attached: Epstein Map 2 Ryan Dawson.jpg (1976x786, 204K)

Indians are fair game. No one gives a shit about racism against Indians

Sorry Jeb,

You ain't gonna run to Japan and play racist cunt online

Too bad you got beat in the Civil War isn't it.......lol

Maybe you think you're being 'cool', but it's really not cool to bully someone and make rude comments about them on an internet forum.

Attached: 1538408849756.jpg (200x194, 6K)

All the rednecks that love Hitler were his enemies then BTW

LOL you inbreds think he would embrace your mockery of being "White Power"

So fucking stupid

Why should I give a single fuck about this guy or why he triggers you?

Not liking brown people does not make someone a white nationalist. Brown people suck and even brown people dislike bring around brown people.

shut the fuck up newfag
if you dont know who this is already fuck off

Why would I know who this is moron

The fact he flies the Northwest Front Flag and is so scared that he has to hide it is really subtly but obvious

All Hitler wanted was for people to eat healthy and stay fit so they could be proud of themselves. Do you hate Sportacus too?

Do you use a Spork to shovel with Sportacus?

>He's a schill and a blatant racist

Who cares. Get a life incel.

Attached: 1i4lr35s.jpg (2500x2143, 514K)

If somebody with a freakishly long facial feature was going around your town manipulating kids to be as unhealthy, lazy, and evil as they are, would you be the bad guy for trying to stop them? Just saying.

Traditionally a guy that deals in theories that counter the narrative. He's been talking to those guys at TRS? May have put him over the edge.

The guy has been on RT, Press TV, CNN, MSNBC, The Daily Show, Al Jazeera, Anti War Radio, Eddie Bravo Radio, George Galloway, Pat Buchanan ?

All bullshit schill media spins (((they))) own, and makes ridiculous videos with no backing of anything he talks about.....claims he has a map to the Epstein money trail


He doesn't know a fucking thing....and he claims to be helping us understand the info he has as if it is some big research project he is spinning.

And this fucking terd decides that he want's to host a slam fest on twitter in the middle of the morning to get his followers fired up with a poll that asks which is the most rude

Rice - Chinese
Curry - Indian

Take it easy Raj. No one gives a fuck about Ryan Dawson except for you.

>same time claiming that he is the "Goodwill Ambassador" to Nara, Japan
>claiming that he is the "Goodwill Ambassador" to Nara, Japan
>he is the "Goodwill Ambassador" to Nara, Japan
>"Goodwill Ambassador" to Nara, Japan
Obviously doing great job
Fuck poos
Nippon banzai oraoraoraora

I don't care about his rants that went on for a good hour, I am just wondering who he is and why he is in Japan making schill vids and derailing the facts in almost every one of his tinfoil productions

Supposedly he is such a great analyst that he has retired making youtube vids about his favorite subjects to make himself seem like he fits into a left wing journalist look, while at the same time being a complete idiot online


Know More News ripping him apart

He's not a white supremacist nor nationalist, claims Japanese are far superior to westerners, says their suicide rates are no higher than western nations, but that the japanese are honest and do it themselves instead of overdosing on opiates, for example.

Best part with him is that he knows near everything that goes on in the Middle East, is a complete anti-zionist(#NotAllJews etc), streams and make short videos on those topics

Great guy, even if he's not a white nationalist

What he is spewing is created from an American, hiding in Japan, and is trying to schill the White Nationalist undertones and attract his audience

What he is doing is called disinformation and is trying to make half assed videos to look like a researcher and geopol analyst

That is completely fabricated as he is nothing of anyone with any political experience nor has he ever been hired to do anything but schill on his TV appearances

He doesn't even believe that the towers had explosives in them and tried to deny that Israel rigged the towers

Now he is a "Anti-Israeli" american living in Japan?

LOL how many flip flops can you own ?

Says that Israel is responsible for 9/11 and then tells everyone in his older productions that he doesn't think that they could have wired the building and that it fell from a strike on it with planes.

So what is his theory then ?

Please fuck off back to plebbit with your gay nonsense You're probably a fucking gook yourself judging by the way you type.

Only dumbassed inbreds think a Gook is an Asian

The Irish called eachother that for years, for anyone that would laugh at their arrogance and pride


Calls me a Gook after doxxing a racist

You're a fuckin retarded dumbass is what you are. Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your gay whiny thread, loser.

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If you think I will play a bitch to a retard that can't recognize someone that comes from the Republic, you have got something coming to you.

>Calls me a Gook after doxxing a racist
We don't dox racists here we celebrate them

>The guy has been on RT, Press TV, CNN, MSNBC, The Daily Show, Al Jazeera, Anti War Radio, Eddie Bravo Radio, George Galloway, Pat Buchanan ?
Still he doesn't have a blue check mark

Any Jewish Schill from the mainstream media that claims to be 25% Irish, and leaves the rest out, corralling Americans around his Social Media posts while he claims that no towers were wired is a fucking flip flopping schill hiding in Japan

All my friends in Japan are preparing to shake the Waitu Pigu down as we speak

Don't be jealous you can't control jack shit


I don't trust you to be unbiased desu

In general what he says about the Middle East makes sense, when thinking rationally, he'll bring up historical references that puts things in perspectives.
Considering every fairytale MSM/Establishment/Israel conjures up to produce another war, or vilify whites, or whatever else they lie about, he's miles above them

I've no doubt if he lived in the US he would've been suicided by two shots to the back of the head from 15meters away, by now

He wants Americans out of the ME, he wants Israel to stop murdering Palestinians 24/7, he does not want war with Iran, I think he's fundamentally a great guy. I am a white nationalist, he's not, that doesn't matter when he speaks the truth

If anyone wants his takes on 9/11 or anything else, go watch his documentaries on ANCREPORT DOT COM

It's obvious when he works for (((them))) and then can't get a job with them, and has to go on Twitter and Youtube to try to make a living, then you know that every redneck Zionist that wants to live in the Northwest Front's White Separatist Union is red pilled on his schill vids.

1400 videos does not mean you are a journalist

It means you are flooding people's focus with numerous theories about the same people you work for an nobody recognizes that ?


A new strategy used by POLFags when trying to evade being doxxed

OP is a fucking schizo weirdo fag
Rydaw is based

OP is a bar in Vermont

Stands for The Other Place

You are welcome to go there anytime

That is if they are allowed back on the net....lol