Whenever other boards show any semblance of a hatred for Jews in a thread, JIDF shills start having schizo attacks and calling everyone incels and jealous morons because we hate Jews because of their high IQs, but the funny thing is, aren’t those scores completely inflated? I mean, they weren’t even admitted almost a century ago because of their low IQ scores lol. What changed? Jews being in charge of academic studies? I mean, the Chinese have been caught fraudulently boosting their IQ by only testing their best and brightest, and you people think Jews, the eternal snakes wouldn’t do such a thing? Not to mention the fact that there are more genius level IQ whites than there are Jews on earth, and almost more genius level IQ Americans than there are jews in America lmao, AND more genius level IQ American whites than genius level IQ jews in America. How’s that for your high IQ average?
“High Jewish IQ”
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it requires remarkable intelligence to completely subjugate and subvert the so-called master race wouldnt you agree. of course i dont agree that jews have subverted anything, thats your argument
Do you people just forget every day you get blown out then just keep coming back like it never happened? Also the parasite isn't superior to the host.
Even if their claimed IQ was legit (which it isn't), there'd still be more whites with 120+ IQ than kikes
Been saying it for years, I am gifted and they look fucking dumb, what they are is conniving without end to it.
Subversion is a disgusting kind of intelligence. It doesn't create, it only destroys.
jews are pretty smart otherwise I wouldn’t have hired one as my accountant
honestly IQ scores are just used by insecure people of all races who like to brag about their own race’s score whenever they feel insecure about themselves, you can be a kike and tell people about how smart your race is but work at mcdonald’s, it doesn’t fucking matter
>Do you people just forget every day you get blown out then just keep coming back like it never happened?
I get the reference.
>honestly IQ scores are just used by insecure people of all races
How about (real) scientific contributions, then.
>hits pipe
Yep it is 2016 still.
There's always this one fag from Finland who posts shit like this, it's probably just him.
alright what’s your iq score
whites are also faggots, youre still a loser, a mudslave in somalia with 4 IQ has a more meaningful existence than you fgt
Still valid that, up to almost 140 iq, there are more white geniuses than malevolent megalomaniac psychopathic 95 IQ jews altogether.
I’m not saying the Jews in positions of power i.e. moral authority, intellectual authority, finance, academia, Hollywood etc aren’t of higher intelligence, because it would be dishonest of me, but I’m talking about random kikes who boast about clearly inflated IQ scores when they can’t even speak a coherent argument; it doesn’t help their case whatsoever.
This fact that they cluster with middle eastern is meaningless, besides, ashkenazi have still a lot of european blood, italian in particular. Ashkenazi are an extremely progressive, atheist, intelligent and talented people. That is exactly the reason why they are so dangerous. If they were so stupid they would not.
I'm a reform jew in Bulgaria, AMA.
Fuck you kike .
It's a millennium long tradition of education and being "forced" into trades like usury and jewellery.
Collectivist strategies are exploitative and adaptive in an individualist society. Jews are collectivist in their ethnic networking, which is more advanced than any other diaspora's, and so they are constantly rerouting resources from the gentile host population to themselves, and redistributing it amongst their tribe.
Compare with high IQ sociopathic white elites, who rerout resources from society at large to their own caste, more importantly, to themselves as individuals/dynasties. Whites do not engage in ethnic networking like Jews do, and white elites are among the most xenophilic, least ethnocentric among us.
Of course, that high IQ they always talk about which is far more scarce in jews than originally thought, are mainly used for sinister purposes anyway, for manipulation, while high white IQs are used for the advancement of society.
>whites are also faggots
what's the matter Gypsy? did the meanie white tourists in Bulgaria refused to give money to your Gypsy beggar?
The studies that Jews always cite when they try to seem superior as a collective and not a very specific sub-group. This is what I am talking about. The ones who occupy positions of power, yes they are highly intelligent, but the majority of Jews in general who just cite these studies are autistic schizos
To give an example, when Elena Kagan, current associate justice on the SCOTUS, was Dean of Harvard Law, 50% of the new staff hires were coethnics. Which is more plausible: 2% of the population possesses such greater intelligence that they fielded half of the prospective hires, or that Kagan engaged in what we might call 'ethnic nepotism' to support her tribe at the expense of the enemy tribe? Obviously, the latter is the case, because even if Jews had a mean IQ 1 SD above the white mean (they don't, at most Ashkenazi mean is 105, most likely near the white mean of 100), then statistically they are still overrepresented in every field they engage in, demonstrating that they are actually scratching each other's backs and not getting there on merit.
>it requires remarkable intelligence to completely subjugate and subvert the so-called master race wouldnt you agree. of course i dont agree that jews have subverted anything, thats your argument
They don't need to subvert Intelligent Minds, but the Memes those minds operate in.
Christianity fucked us.
>autistic schizos
At least this guy understand All Jews have a 40% chance of being Schizophrenic and Neurotic which I suspect is actually down played more.
>All Jews have a 40% chance of being Schizophrenic and Neurotic
that statistic was ashkenazis are 40% more likely to have these conditions, which pumps 0.1% up to a whopping 0.14%
jesus christ
Cope harder mongolian jew
You are implying that perhaps Jews hacked their results to figure smarter than what they truly are, and I don't think that. It is pretty established that they have the highest IQ among other populations. And this is simply explained by founding effect, mostly, and after that by, possibly, a moderate selective pressure. But for the most part is simply founding effect. IF, and it is a big IF, IQ is entirely genetic, and not epigenetic, or environmental.
Probably a Judenschwein
Most of the studies will literally be thousands of whites vs dozens of jews same for Asians.
A clique of intelligent and rich Jews can subvert any system if they have the social tools to reach for it.
Doesn’t have to be all of them.
yeah dont let the truth come in the way of a convenient narrative
It’s so evident on social media when they are called out. They become incoherent wackjobs just muttering incessantly. The constant centuries of pogroms and expulsions has made them prone to this. The smallest thing on twitter or IRL makes them think 110 is around the corner.
They talk about because having a high iq is the middle class dream in sociology, all jews are middle class and stuck in a loop .
Watch rothschild talking on bbc about zionism and his family , cringe af , even he is a middle class jew.
Project harder
gasp, are you saying that NOT ALL?
They didn't 'hack' the results. It's possible to design any study with a conclusion in mind. It's simply a fact that IQ studies on Ashkenazim are not as rigorous as studies on other populations, and so they rely on tests of schoolboys in fancy districts rather than representative samples. And how convenient that they can handwave their ethnic nepotism by referring to these same studies.
They dont care about facts, only results ie their advancement over other people they see as hated enemies and fodder/victim/dupe expendables.
IQ isn't just determined by genetics. Nutrition, education, type of education, upbringing, and other factors play a part. A strong suppotive family and community that emphasis's the right education are just as important as genetics. Wherever you find these things the overall IQ of the people will be higher. The breakdown of the family and shitty education in public schools have affected all the races but most of all the black, Hispanic, and white races. Kids do better when they have 2 parents and rate of single mothers is related to the degradation of IQ, morality, and productivity of a community and the individuals of those communities.
Yeah, doesn’t mean that the other Jews aren’t just following their leaders blindly by trusting their own group’s intellectuals and propaganda.
so do you believe in guilt by association?
Wanna die bro?
>It takes intelligence to cheat against people who have honor and refuse to cheat. All while using victim tactics to escape retribution
8 year old kids have super high iq then?
Guilt by regurgitating without thinking.
Even some intelligent Ashkenazi Jews I know, go through their lives without questioning anything about the egalitarian propaganda and have very simple political thought, which I find quite intriguing considering their high verbal IQ. Might be because they purposely avoid politics.
Point is that doing a crime without knowing that it’s a crime is still a crime. It has nothing to do with association but rather them perpetrating the same words their higher ups say. A Jewish golem among gentiles.
Not every Jew is a leftists politician or a Hollywood director. As an American, if you weren't a half-retarded tradie you would personally witness that kikes are overrepresented in any intellectual field and that they are good enough at their jobs. You can observe that niggers are dumb and their IQ proves it. You can observe that brown people in general are stupid but smarter than niggers and their IQ proves it. You can observe that Western Europeans are smarter on average than South and Eastern Europeans and their IQ proves it. But when it comes to Asians and Ashkenazi you start coming up with bullshit about every single chink and kike in every country is cheating on their tests, like a fucking nigger who thinks that whitey lives in a nice house because he stole it from slaves and shiet.
Jews are Middle Eastern people. That means you don't want them anywhere near your money, culture or politics regardless of their IQ. Armenians and Azeri in Russia are the same as Jews except they aren't smart enough to make it big. Instead, every single diner and fruit stall in Russia belongs to a big nosed swarthy fellow and if an ethnic Russian tries to enter the market he will be pushed out very fast. That's how people from that general region operate, Jews are just smart enough to do it in academia, politics and media unlike all the other arm*Noids.
Nah, kikes are retarded , you can argue against it but it's the facts and they dont give a damn about your yiddishness.
>X is true because I say so on the internet
simple "yes" wouldve sufficed
Let's see how smart pol is, take the raven matrices test out of the official raven matrices book published in 1995.
P.S., if you didn't score 60/60, your IQ is lower than 125, most likely lower than 120 and you got no business talking about muh IQ.
Because *I* said so, yes. I only speak the truth on important matters.
In the trash it goes.
>US flag
in the low IQ bin it goes.
>It is pretty established that they have the highest IQ among other populations
no it isn't. IQ tests given to elite jewish students don't count.
>(((it requires remarkable intelligence to completely subjugate and subvert the so-called master race wouldnt you agree)))
it doesn't take much intelligence to engage in nepotism within a meritocratic society where the majority population is made up of naive people whose empathy you exploit shamelessly.
>too ashamed to show his flag
Guilt by association implies that I implicate all Jews simply for being Jewish because of the top smartest or richest Jews, which is not what I am saying.
There are Jews that acknowledge their group’s role in this cluster fuck of a world we live in and are against that.
It all depends on the individual.
>Too ashamed to take an official IQ test
Low energy AND low IQ. So sad!
Jews are literally a race of scammers. They used to be poor, the only reason they're in power right now is because the Jewish mafia in the United States suicided the owner of Kodak to take it over then made copies of people's photos for blackmail.
Much the same as Zuckerberg took over social media and called people morons for actually handing over their data.
Show your flag and maybe I will.
>inb4 NPC response
im surprised to see an individualist on Jow Forums
you dont hate all jews? all blacks? all women?
I "hate"
>all jews?
all women?
all blacks?
not really. just like I don't "hate" all australopitheci.
They couldn't have done it without the power of Satan.
Not really, its then master race that allows it and attacks the people who call out their subversion out of a twisted sense of greater morality. If not for our protection they would have been wiped out.
A state sponsered Mafia certainly helps
Jews can be nuerotic AF
up to 40% more than everyone else
but again, when you take a tiny number of people and add 40% its still a tiny number of people. thats how percentages work
I would remind Anons that hatred for specific groups is counter productive and harmful to the self.
It's perfectly reasonable to make observations, criticise and insult and it's right to hate the things that people do
In our current climate of censorship and fear this distinction is important, it is also better for your soul Anons to live without hate
Satire is not a hate crime
Yeah and fuck jews
Whatever retarded shit is in the bottom right corner in the img, you can suck my cock
Ive never met a smart jew, always grubbing and scheming, that isnt a sign of wisdom its a sign of inferiority
Sabotage is neither clever nor demanding, the nor!ies are catching up
Fuck you nigger lover
Shut up ridiculous kike
Selfe defense can be incredibly hateful without stigma, especially when it's against malevolent wyrms like them jews.
much of the illusion of jewish intelligence is the group effect, they congregate in large groups and there is the free flow of information and ideas meaning that even the stupidest benefit from the intelligence of the few
Quite a lot like this place
>/pol users have higher IQs
he said neurotic, not schizophrenic. which a majority of jews are. pay attention, you retarded kike.
This tells me everything. Lurk moar.
But yeah, even as groups, there is always a subgroup that totally agrees with me even at least at one point. That’s a statistical reality. No matter how small or big that subgroup is.
As long as they don’t try to pander.
I still believe in some sort of collectivism over individualism. An individual is still a part of a group or sub group.
Take for example the 13% 50%. I probably won’t worry much about a black person in a small private college. There was this selection process, and those willing to do those crimes probably wouldn’t bother apply for college anyways. So yeah, I won’t worry much about a black student at a college for example and their race won’t be a factor if I am trying to figure out where my phone went for example. It all depends on a lot of factors, but it is not complicated to consider them and just have some educated guess on these factors if you have no clue. It’s a simple process of selection for the college example via being admitted, and there is in most cases the same process going on in other situations that one needs to realize.
I even doubt anyone here deviates far away from this way of thinking, it’s just that you need some time here lurking to realize that.
You’re Finnish, and from your cultural and genetic background, I’d understand why you’d say that.
Finns are smart, trusting, and nice people. Fins always had a higher IQ than other Europeans as a group, and that combined with your general kindness I would expect you to have these intricate and individualist views. These values correlate and have been like that for generations. Travelers in medieval times described Finns as shy and kind people as well. Your environment also facilitates your people to evolve that way.
This is just another example of how to go about understanding different facts and how they play into the real world.