Do you think he understands what all those pretty colors mean?

Do you think he understands what all those pretty colors mean?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What a funny thing to drag on like this.

Right? This is the hill he dies on? How could it be worth the effort??

He wants every instance of ANY falsehoods to be obvious to the public, even if it sounds petty
Because even if hes not petty, they'll call him that. So why not just do it anyway

The msm do the same with their "if he lies about this, what about the important stuff" bullshit.
I think ive heard that 50+ times

His ego is bruised and he truly believes that projection proves him right. He's absolutely retarded of course but imagine you were right about something and people mocked you over it. Now imagine you're a spoiled man-child that's lived 70 years without anybody correcting you on anything at all.

Who fucking cares, leftists will crap on about this because the person on the TV tells them to. Right wingers should know better and realize it's a meaningless gaffe and not turn into the TIDF.

It reminds me of the dickheads that thought Obama said he was a muslim because he said "my islamic faith" in relation to a fictional story about him, where in the context of saying that it made sense but no apparently that is just a live confession.

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Stop watching CNN

you sound like a spoiled manchild

It's a bit strange that every pro-Trump response so far isn't from an american.

>Because even if hes not petty, they'll call him that. So why not just do it anyway
What the hell kind of logic is this? He calls them fake and then proves them right??

It just isn't worth it. Not for something so small.

Trump shills activate!

>Something so small

Then why lie about it, rabbi?


Drumph is so stupid it burns...


He claimed September 1st that Alabama was going to get hit. Now he posts a map from 29 august (3 days older) to show what he based that statement on.

Why didn't he just look at the September 1st prediction on September 1st?

Attached: most Americans have read de Tocqueville.jpg (685x511, 39K)

As long as the kike filled media keeps shitting down Donald "King of Israel" Trump's throat everything will be fine

Why the fuck do people care and why the fuck does Trump care? Is something happening that he’s covering up?

Then why keep creating threads faggot...

You have been visit^ed by L^aura Dyatlov~.

This threa~d is currently reading 16 replie|s (not gr*eat, not terribl^e).

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he literally drew on the map with a sharpie. at first i didn't believe that part, it looked like a real part of the map and i thought they were making it up. but he did the absolute mad lad

Attached: trump-dorian-alabama-sharpie.jpg (1012x569, 90K)

it probably was the last time he seen a prediction....

No, nothing is happening, this isn't even making faggot liberals mad, they feel bad for him. Trump is just a tard.

The basic tenant of Trumpism is never admitting a defeat, no matter how small. This isn't new behavior, he's been doubling down for years

Trump just revealed the hurricane is being steered just to spite him.

Is this the best example the left has of Trump lying?

Wouldn't it be better to start making fun of him for not building the border wall, one of his foundational policies he campaigned on? Why is this the talking point they're going with?

Where did you faggots even come from? It's obvious that you're just a bunch of communists pretending to be native to Jow Forums.

Because he actually is building the border wall

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Donald is getting my vote in 2020. Cucks will be cucked.

Fuck the Joowned msm they should be called out every time anyone can call them out.

I agree. The MSM should have never made such a big deal about it. Now they look stupid after being proven wrong. You would think these news agencies would have more important things to talk about. I guess not.

This moron is using projections that were outdated when he made his stupid Alabama tweet.

How were the MSN proven wrong? When he tweeted about alabama no projection had alabama in its path.

Hurricanes are never has bad has the media is it’s going to be

Who cares? Hurricanes are unpredictable, it could’ve gone anywhere at the time of the conference

No. Even the NOAA said alabama was in the clear at the time of his tweet.

>hurr durr
Trump is right and the MSM is fake news that (you) believe. Who is the brainlet now?
Trump will win in 2020, because Joe will have an aneurysm during a debate. Plus, Joe is a CommieChink shill.

When trump tweeted about alabama no model showed alabama in the path. Try again loser.

How were they proven wrong? Trump posted outdated reports, and he literally drew on a map with a Sharpie In what way does this prove Trump right? Am I speaking to a genuine NPC?

>t. Fredo

>no projection had Bama in its path
Do you see pic OP posted?
The sad thing is liberal brainlets will still believe the MSM narrative, that Trump made it up, because the MSM doesn’t correct themselves when proven wrong.

>implying the Government releases all info they have
I feel sorry for you brainlets these days, I pray for your souls, minds, and bodies.

Yea that model predates trumps alabama tweet.

At the time of trumps tweet about Alabama. No model showed dorian hitting alabama. Do you understand that.

>Do you see pic OP posted?
From 2 weeks ago?

So now you are just making shit up for trump. Nice.


So, the storm was just going to end at the white line in your minds? If the original path would have happened, Bama would have been hit with essentially tropical storm. I am sorry y’all don’t know how weather works.

Ever considered he didn't look at the updated info? He was mistaken at that point, but not "lying" or stupid. Just didn't have the most current info. It's a non issue they decided to raise hell over, like they always do. Fake fucking news.

So, the admit that at one point Bama was projected to be hit? Cool.

Lol if you guys only could see what is being conveyed in this tweet.
>Focusing on the prediction.
>Not focusing on HOW information for prediction was obtained.
>mfw Trump confirms time travel capabilities to enemies under the guise of retarded grudge with MSN.
Every tweet has a specific purpose, nothing accidental. Just fun speculation.

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>I care about you Alabama, we need a Republican senator elected here in 2020

stay mad, faggots

We also feel pity for those forced to defend such behavior.

The original path had no chance of happening by the time of trumps path.

Give it up bro. He made a dumb mistake and now cant let it go. He is using fake news to try and justify a small fuck up because the idiot can never admit a mistake.

>Ever considered he didn't look at the updated info?

You telling me the president doesnt get the weather channel or

The funniest part is Joe Biden gets major aspects of almost every ‘story’ he tells wrong, and that’s just a ‘gaff’. But when Trump says to Bama, be prepared you might get hit harder than expected, it turns into some huge scandal where his ‘fitness’ for office is questioned. The double standard is evident to anyone with a brain. Go vote for the guy who can’t remember when the parkland shooting happened, or other real events. Oh, and his eye bleeds. So, what happened to the Trump Russia collusion? Is this all you brainlets have?

Whatever wall he builds or doesn’t build will ultimately be meaningless in the mind of his base because it won’t slow the demographic changes.

This is accurate. Still better than the Dems though.

this was one of the first paths. why do you think water and gas ran out in WESTERN florida????

Considering basically none of the paths were correct, I don’t blame the president for saying to a state be prepared for damage.

By the time of trump tweet alabama wasnt under any threat.

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The paths at the time of trumps tweet, were correct.

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Wow your being dense

You telling me the president just watched TV all day?

Wait, don't answer that...

Lol keep carrying water for a man that refuses to admit mistakes.

RIP Florida how will boomers ever recover?

I’m looking forward to the campaign trail. Joe is, uh... not well.

You do realize by continuing to bring it up, he's forcing his enemies to die on this hill for him.
Normal people see the complaints of a sharpie on a map and think the complainers are crazy, because who HASN'T drawn on a map before?

>the purple area is the only place to be effected

OP try not to fag the board with your shit posting

Okay grandpa boomer. Whatever makes you feel better.

>thief gets shot by every customer in store
Please, you're scaring the holocaust survivors running a similar business nearby.

>will most likely
>(harder) than expected
You’re reading comprehension is not very good is it? Alabama power was on standby for the storm. Guess they are idiots too?

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>James Spann
You sure you want to use him?

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He was smart enough to defeat 17 competent and experienced contenders for the Republican nomination in 2016 despite having never run for political office. He is still president after nearly four years of nonstop negative media coverage and criticism from Democrats and many Republicans. I think he can understand some pretty colors on a page, OP. Now deposit that five cents into your account before your boss beats you senselessly.

What an actual fucking retard.

Just sit back and enjoy the COPE.
The best is still yet to come.


The only cope is coming from you leftist Discord tranny faggots that are contemplating whether or not to chop your cocks off.

When will leftist cucks learn that Trump will win in 2020 and that their nightmares won't be over anytime soon?

Was referring to tranny side's cope fellow MAGA fren

Got a vid of him drawing on the map?

This fake news propaganda thanks to Obama making propaganda legal again sense ww2 Democrats are too stupid to see this.

Hillary will run in 2020

His point was that the accurately predict weather phenomenons like a week away, how can they predict it years out

Note: The cone contains the probable path of the storm center but does not show the size of the storm. Hazardous conditions can occur outside if the cone.

>imagine you're a spoiled man-child that's lived 70 years without anybody correcting you on anything at all.
that guy has been the subject of attack his entire life, he was rejected from West Point twice, he had to bribe his way into anything he was ever part of, elites have always generally hated him because he is new money and his grandfather started life shining shoes, he has been the subject of ridicule from the upper crusts of elite society who shun his new money status

The guy probably hadn't looked or been briefed since then. And what's so bad about saying the affected area might be greater?

Remember when they were making fun of people for praying for Dorian to get weaker and panicking how it wss going tl be devastating, and saying they hope it destroys mar-a-lago? And now they're mad he said it is going to target a larger area that he had previously been told it was going to target? Wow. It's almost as if the president isn't a meteorologist and also climate change is fake and gay - we know nothing about weather.

Remember when Obama said there were 56 states?

Its the wind speed. Do you think any of the retards hating on trump know? I bet even you just learned.

>Remember when Obama said there were 56 states?
remember potatoe

>massive hurricane fucks Bahamas
>crawls over to US, causing much damage
>trump finds a way to direct all of the incoming hate and blame for somehow causing this hurricane and also hating brown people into stories about how he doesn’t understand how maps work

Either this guy is a genius, or his opponents are mentally handicapped. I’m suspecting a combo of the two

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>Either this guy is a genius, or his opponents are mentally handicapped. I’m suspecting a combo of the two
the headlines are written by a group of 100 quantum computers who design searching for maximum headline consumption and ratings

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Ahh, sorry. Cannot wait for The Meltdown Part 2.

The only thing running on Hillary in 2020 is the shit down her pants.

>If if if if if if if if if okie doke

The world is great when the only thing you have to complain about is a weather map...You idiot niggers
keep on shit posting hahahahahahah

i like this one better. cnn doesn't actually know where the states are

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>The best is still yet to come.

Is Joe Biden's other eye going to explode with blood?

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>Whoops 57
5he media barely covered it

Tis but a mere flesh wound come back and fight like a man, Drumph!

What an israeli dork

He'll forget where he is again and probably sniff some girls hair.

Checked > ID GU1N

>the left is seriously trying to pin a crime to Trump's sharpie map
This is the level of smoothbrain they are at.