Can't even masturbate because God will send me to hell

>can't even masturbate because God will send me to hell

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Get gud.

so what are you doing with all your free time?

If you haven't had children by then you might want to stop being so religious desu.

How many women have you actively persued in this time? Men are supposed go after women unless you're a 1 in 10 Chad type. Which you likely aren't.

Download Tao of Badass:

See section "Creating Love".

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Lift weights until women want to be with you just because you look the part Bruce mate lad lass, stop being a shitty little man.

but will we really go to hell if we masturbate?


Just broke my 24 day NoFap streak, I feel much better now and less at risk of prostate cancer.

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rent a hooker

3 years of nofap on her face will be a helluva cumshot

>undermining God
>promoting onanism
>mocking incels
>1 post by this ID



Penance is available should you choose to accept it.

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Keep chattin in Jow Forums
That's how you find GF

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Your problem is trust in jewish fairy tales.

No fap for 3 years haha god, you probably come off so desperate to get laid that it vacuum seals any vagina within a 300 mile radius.

You can't become taller or get a prettier face at the gym.

Have sex.

There's a reason for everything, user. One thing I've learned in my walk with God is that I'm simply not ready for the woman that God has in mind for me. The most important thing is that God has the number one place in our life and heart. It is something I've been lacking in, and if God were to give her to me now, then I would have a much harder time. Make sure that God truly has the number one place in your life and heart.

Exactly WHERE does it say that you can't masturbate? Go ahead, quote it. Devout Christian here, you're believing a lie

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already asked that myself. it is only a sin if you`re addicted to it because it´s controlling you. atleast thats what some people said to me

Read the Bible

i did, but only the old testament yet. and i found really nothing so far

Nice, but Jesus spends 4 gospels dismissing the OT legalism. Essentially you should only read the OT for an understanding of the basic history of that region and understand that it's more of a handbook on how to build a functional society as opposed to bettering yourself

well okay. soooo does jesus say anything related to masturbation or any of the new prophets? what about watching porn (or in their time i don`t know prostitutes)?

Nah, he said it's cool as long as you believe in him. He said lusting after women is a sin (committing adultery in your heart) but that's in a long tirade about how everything you do is a sin and there's no way to avoid sin because it's in your nature as this is the fallen world (post-Eden). In Revelation it's made clear that this life is temporary and long story short God always wins in the end and will make everything perfect. Even the worst atheists/heathen sinners get a second chance. Don't worry about it so much honestly. Just make small changes to better yourself, accept that Christ died for your sins, and that you can't avoid all sin. It will all be better. People who haven't read the NT underestimate how full of hope it is, because the OT is all about hardship and rules

thats a good post user thanks! yeah i still have to read the NT, gonna do that soon. i`ll just believe in the lord no matter what. our life here on earth is nothing compared to eternity

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2 years on nofap guys, why isn't it working?

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Forge on, it'll be worth it

it is as it is

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its so weird that jews wrote the bible and it mentions that masturbation is a sin and yet jews invented porn

How the fuck am I undermining God you absolute retard? I'm obeying his law and sharing my exaggerated frustration at constantly controlling my urge to shoot massive loads.

watching porn

masturbation isnt mentioned
its defined as lust which is a definite sin, unless you can tell which women are married and which arent (not all whores wear their wedding ring)

Read my posts. You're only doing unforgivable wrong if you're following Jewish law, not under the word of Christ. Read the Bible

Good grief man. Go to a titty bar. They’ll grind their ass on your lap. You’ll cum. Then grab a friend and go out to bars. You have to be around women in a social setting if you want to meet a girl.

3 possibilities:
>1. Jesus is challenging you
>2. Jesus fucking hates you
>3. Jesus doesn't exist and waiting on divine providence will never get you anywhere
Regardless, you gotta put the work in nigga

I went one month without ejaculation but with normal porn habits, now I'm cutting back on porn and next month I'll try fully abstaining. This is the longest I've gone without ejaculating and I do feel benefits. I've also not lost my appetite for working out at the gym and that helps me a lot.


God is fake


When you grow a pair and ask a girl to bob your nob

Found your problem. While you stand in a queue waiting your competitors are stepping into line ahead of you. Quit acting like theres some agency fairly handing out the objects of your desire and instead compete and take what you desire from another man. Regardless of what they say, most women get moist for assertive confident men; waiting in line and whining is a sign you're neither.

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Onan wasnt punished for masturbation you twat; he was punished for disobeying god's order to procreate when he had opportunity. If anything god punishes for pulling out of the perfectly good pussy that he put on your cock.
Read your bible

You ain't gonna find a girl here, just sayin'

Believing God exists isn't good enough. Place your life in Christ's hands. Make him your Lord. Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that he is risen.

Then give him a little time to arrange for you to meet the right girl.

anyone has the pic of ryan gosling sitting back on the seat in a car?

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We deserve hell but accepting Jesus Christ you are saved. Can even fap too.