Based Hong Kong

Are you pro /hk/ Jow Forums?

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If the jews aren't profiting off of the protesters than they have my support.

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>totalitarian chink state
>globohomo jews funding color revolution via naive people

>Is Jow Forums in favor of a coloured revolution backed by CIA and Soros spouting liberal platitudes
See how far your cartoon frogs get you when Chinese decide to send you to gulag

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HK Apple Daily Live Stream

NewsX Multi Live Stream

of course.
mainland chinks are insects.
fuck their commie government

Why are they flying American flags?

Pro CIA vs Pro Commies

Neither. I hope they all kill each other.

Hong Kong Protests Live 9.06 (English Narration)

Fuck the CCP.

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>MAGA hat
ok this is interesting

they are cucks and race traitors.

>Don't root against the commies taking over Hong Kong goyim

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Seeing the great almighty china getting slapped around by a a few hundred colonial commoners is midly amusing

US meddling in Hong Kong's protests and the new cold war on China - with Carl Zha

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I'm pro-them but they should back up for now and use less foreign flags.

It's bad for PR.

I hope the Irony of you posting that while sporting a UK flag isn't lost on you.

Im not him, but its not lost on me how most of our ex colonies now admit that life was better under British rule.

I just want the US to stay out of it.

We went from ignoring all the shady stuff China does to actively trying to destabilize their government.


Epoch Times Live Stream at Charter Garden

People in old soviet republics will say communism was better.. It doesn't mean much.
You guys are getting slapped around by everybody. Brits are truly pathetic. Biggest empire on earth less than a hundred years ago now you cant even get your boat back from Iran lmao.
You cant even Brexit, the jew London bankers dont want it and you fucking cucks wont do anything about it. Truly pathetic.

The Next Steps of China's Grand Strategy (w/ Steve Bannon and Kyle Bass)

Believe Bannon, user

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Is tat Luke from WeAreChange?

The amount of american shilling for the support of HK protest in Jow Forums are honestly absurd. Not even yellow vests get this many attention.
Coupled with the fact that 'conservatives' like rubio is currently shilling for the HK democracy & human right act in the congress, which basically is just another push for refugees acceptance in your own country, and the fact that mainstream media is supporting and covering them 24/7, might be a good idea to see the scheme in pic related, you retards.

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>People in old soviet republics will say communism was better.. It doesn't mean much.

The ones Ive spoken to dont miss starvation and having their shit taken away by the regime.

Mom called, your hot pockets are ready

Well you obviously dont get out much.

You’re a stupid faggot.

>hurk how is China different than France hurk

Because our flag still stand for freedom
And they can't take that away

this ching chong got forearms/hands like a soviet statue

I dont support anyone who flies another nations flag in their own state

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I was just outside not 20 minutes ago.

>life was better under British rule.
Factually not, but if you really love these people, just take them. There are 2 millions HK people with BNOs and just yesterday they are protesting in front of your consulate asking for citizenship. Go on, action speaks louder than words, bong

How can you be pro HK when this picture exists

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I dont know whether factually it was or not.
It is a subjective question that is probably difficult to assess factually.

But I know that in polls the people who live in these places say that it was better under British rule.
In Jamaica 75% of people said they would choose to go back to British rule when asked.

>supporting cia funded protesters
no thanks

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By factually better I only mean for HK. I have no idea about any other past british colonized areas.

Hong Kong in 50 years.

Enjoy your extinction, idiots.

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Totalitarian fascist chinks > globo homo kike bankers any day in my book. Pic related.

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I'm against any CIA founded (((democratic movement))).

fucks chinks from hong kong

>no argument from the retard
I hope you're ready for the refugees from HK then. As I said again, read the proposed HK democracy and human rights act. That's literally what you will get, and after HK, further bills can be passed easily for any other color revolution you attempted. Sounds fun right?

enjoy having your organs removed for questioning dear leader faggot.

Thanks for the clarification. Still, its difficult to assess factually.

If you wanted to tear down everything that was built under British rule and go back to a small fishing village, that would factually be worse.
I have some friends from HK but like most Chinese they are very quiet about political situations and disagreements back home.

Hong Kong: Protesters gather outside British consulate demanding full citizenship

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>muh china is a commie country and to-totally not national socialist, goy!
fuck off kikes

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>believe (((bannon))), user, also die for israel goy

As if the Globohomo wasn't chipping away at our freedoms daily.. Maybe once they have ALL the power they will stop. R-r-right?

organ harvesting is the best way to deal with the nipkike population, they are literally kikes and can't be trusted
then again, that means i will have jewish organs in my body

HK’s for HK

Let the chinks kill each other.

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Just like in America, the great silent majority waits on the police to the right thing. Then one day your kid calls the police because you won't let him have his balls surgically removed. Get fucked, Hong Kong.

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Every. Fucking. Time.

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How's that a bad thing, shill?

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Supporting HK means a clear landing spot for the mainland invasion.

No, I hate Chinks, Gooks, Japs and all other forms of zipper-heads

basically. nuke them mr xi

Hong Kong belongs to China.

>waving american flag
this only make them a bunch of cucks, should be waving HK flags instead

they just want our help because they didnt have the foresight to get guns.

btw, hong kong is a great argument for the 2nd amendment. they're totally fucked and in the end they'll lose. if china does things right, they'll win with propaganda and subversion. if not, the hong kong people will wish they had guns. either way, they're taken.

Fuck australia. Your criminal nation should be wiped off the map.

They're CIA shills.

Outdated standard communist propaganda

You all commies got triggered by the US flags ROFL

Brain washed hk people are protesting. So dumb!

Who's behind Hong Kong protests?

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Hilarious and truthpilled

>factually not
>doesn't post evidence
Wow, really makes you think. Especially upon seeing which flag posted it.

I hope this wasn't an American independence post, Chinkuck.

I find it rather suspicious to be quite honest

Yes and Hong Kong should be a US territory.

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I'm pro anything that annoys commies

Wow, foreigners really don't give a shit about Hong Kong lmao:

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You have google, cuck. Just google the GDP per capita, lifespan, median income, all of these are higher than pre-1997 condition.
>inb4 muh subjective criteria such as 'democracy and freedom' that are nonexistent at that time either

they will enslave the world

As far as I know it's HK that's keeping the endless supply of slaves from south east asia, because they are such a wage cuck that they can't even clean their ultra expensive 50 m2 apartment. Nice try for the projecting though

>GDP per capita, lifespan, income etc

Those figures are all higher in HK than mainland China.
Taiwan is an independent country and they score even higher still.

So by your own logic HK should become more like Taiwan not China.

you chinks need to man up and start burning some shit down already.
I've seen better riots after a hockey game

They burned a small pile of tyres and a line of cardboard boxes.

>user isn't pro best Korea
>user doesn't like comfy 60s style tv
>user doesn't like comfy farm life

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>tfw no qt virgin asian gf