>freedom of sp-
>freedom of sp-
>Link because OP is a fag
>Agreed no one made threats
This court is going to get it's ass reamed out no matter what the trial decides
No, it's Michigan where judicial corruption and abuse of the constitution is a common practice. This is a blue state blueprint for how they plan to increase their power over the average citizen by forcing them to bend the knee at the alter of the family court.
wtf is malicious use of telecommunications
The bill of rights has been raped to death since at least FDR, this should not surprise anyone.
At the same time no one ever does anything about it, there is no movement to bring back the traditional rights of Americans, and even when there is one it gets hijacked by corporate shills.
A law that will soon be gutted by the federal courts.
How much longer are my countrymen going to put up with this injustice system that they full well know if fucked?
Oh wait, football season is here you guys!
Exactly. Muh spinelessness doesn't make for a healthy republic.
It's really strange how corruption to that degree can happen in a country where guns are legal for citizens .....
Just saying
Contempt of court is not freedom of speech.
>She felt threatened
WOMEN WERE A MISTAKE. That whore judge took the moms side because big surprise, it was a woman.
Fuck off cuck, if a Law is unjust you not only have a right to disobey said law, you are obligated to do so
check your name field before posting
I wonder if there are any studies on left vs right wing styles of corruption.
There is just something about leftists that they are always way more prone to using acts of lawfare and subverting legal processes to basically just rubber stamp whatever bullshit they want to get away with, then act shocked when people think they are corrupt.
>being this new
>ill sage a thread I agree with and post on topic
how new muttitor
giving women the vote was a mistake.
There should be because an American Mao or Stalin would act just like the Chinese or Russian version. They seek power at all costs because internally they feel powerless and insignificant. In the US they've historically been recognized as caustic and kept on the fringe but today they're going mainstream. The democrat party of today could not have existed in 1962 and the spineless right makes sure they see no competition.
What a despicable disgusting world feminism has created.
Imagine instead of murdering children, burgers went for judges and senators. Not that I would ever condone such an action (and vehemently stand against it), but I like to imagine what would happen as a theoretical activity.
Yes, it is getting tiresome with how Trump does nothing while getting dunked on frequently.
I mean, his own secretary was betraying him and it turns out she hated him from the start and was mad Hillary lost, why the fuck does he hire these people. Same with other people he appoints to even higher positions.
The left will never, ever, ever be like "wow Trump really showed me wrong with appealing to me like this and letting me stamp on him", he just keeps getting fucked. He might as well get his monies worth and fight back because I can promise you that they will try and tarnish him as much as possible when he leaves office.
Already the FBI frequently goes after his base and he says nothing, big tech goes after areas of support and he does nothing. Why doesn't he stop being a pussy.
Does anybody know the actual "medical condition" of the child and/or why it was ruled not the mother's fault?
Imagine believing these school shootings are organic and totally not orchestrated by the feds
We gave too much power to judges.
Imagine believing its easier for the feds to organize a massive false flag operation involving hundreds of actors and thousands of journalists because the idea of some spastic shooting a bunch of people is just too ludicrous
a bong thing
you wouldn't understand
using the interweb and dropping redpills and spreading dank memes
>Judge Rachel Rancilio
Which is a worse idea, Judge roastie or Judge yid?
No, all they need to pull these is a shooter. The victims are real, user.
Family court judges get shot at a higher rate than other judges. It's actually somewhat dangerous.
>two-year anniversary
Imagine being a journalism graduate and writing so retardedly.
That doesn't excuse why you aren't gunning down judges and senators you pussy ass, extra hard COPEing burger.
The feds have more to gain than the spastic. Not that they haven't ever been caught trying to push mentally disabled people into doing such things before...
They (can) go hand in hand.
Either way these shootings will become more common as this fucked society continues to unravel itself. More opportunities for the feds to coopt the disgruntled and disillusioned. Especially if the target has no support network.
>His lawyer said something is going to happen to this child. You need to get him away from the mother. There are too many red flags. And the judge said, oh that is in the past,”
The irony of a judge that turns a blind eye to history.
Now you're just glowing
How courthouses aren't on fire is a mystery to me. This country is full of nigger cattle.
>How courthouses aren't on fire is a mystery to me
They mostly abuse the lower end of society. People without means, lower intelligence, and ability. Once they start fucking over higher class people things will get hot.
Absolute cuck.
It's not just Michigan and it's not just judicial corruption. My dad had a multimillion dollar malpractice case get tossed by a crooked judge who got a $100,000 payment and was seen playing golf with the defense attorney and doctor just days after the case was tossed. He had a P.I. and when they found out they responded with glowniggers. One night he put a red dot on one and hit them with a spotlight in our back yard. Didn't hear anything about it for years, but he hasn't been able to get a decent job since. He finally had a buddy run a background check on him and it came back saying he had been arrested for manufacturing a controlled substance by the FBI. He's never been arrested...
One thousand pieces. Scattered to the winds
Holy shit big if true
The craziest part was when he told me how he spotted them. He said he saw something glowing in the dark at the edge of our property.
why can't there be an american news team without a nigger? if the team had 8 people there should be one statistically. but there is always one even if less.
This isn't contempt of court you faggot. It's his first amendment right to criticize public officials two years after a court decision. The establishment has forgotten they derive their power from the people. They can be criticized for anything, if there fragile ego can't take the criticism they shouldn't be a public official. If they don't want the criticism because it can hurt their career then they should have done what was right to begin with.
I couldn't believe it. I've never seen him use a computer let alone would he know who Terry Davis was. My dads been telling me the glow in the dark story since the early 2000's and for the longest time I thought he was crazy. After what I learned this week and what I've learned about our government in the years since then, I feel like shit for doubting him
Also the media is infiltrated by the CIA. Most school shootings are copy cat murder suicides of Columbine. There is a 1:1 correlation of hyping shootings endlessly on TV and copycats.
They need one on duty at all time to report crime news, duh.
The real redpill is this is the norm in ALL Family Courts. Family Courts are not Courts of Law and the Constitution DOES apply with regards to them. This is why divorce gets so ugly, because you are literal playthings to whatever the fucking judge wants.
*DOES NOT, god damn it
Based Trip Demon, our court system needs to be restructured greatly.
all cops and judges are sub human, and therefore have no rights
Family law/CPS
Code enforcement
Here in commie paradise they treated me like a criminal when I applied for a health card and made me wait 90 days. They rejected my perfectly valid lease because they didn't like the look of it. None of this was enshrined in actual law. The government organization that runs commie health insurance took it upon themselves to write the rules and if you don't like it you can pound sand
why isn't the judge being removed..aren't there people who keep tabs on these people to be following real laws
literally proving you wont ever do shit with the 2dn amendment and will happily continue to keep getting fucked by the elites
He wasn't charged with contempt.
Glow harder faggot.
Hes right in the sense you are going to do fuck all
This is the current state of our (((jewdicial system)))
where your fitbit can get your rights stripped from you
but when a woman has a pattern of abuse, no repercussions
how did the kid die?
In your system saying that a sentence is absurd and the judicial decision is reckless is considered contempt? And I thought we granted our judges way too much power...
Was he the rapist?
someone is doing the rapeing
the people are supposed to be keeping tabs, if the people think a judge needs to be removed all we have to do is notify our Congressmen.
checked demon is correct
He's calling for violence.
This is a board of peace.
You're correct I'm not going out of my way to fix an issue in another state, had this happened in mine I'm well enough connected to start the process of getting it done.
No you aren't you fuckers will do fuck all. This entire court system is fucked in EVERY single state. Stop talking out of your ass you decrepit faggot. Peace? Your peace brought rot. You are a dog of the Central Bank, you and I both know this. We sit and watch it crumble together, you and I.
Jesus you glow faggots need to be more subtle.
Care to refute ANYthing or are you going to sit here and complain and defend a system? You fucking kikes are really bad at this, I see you are a newfag with your reddit spacing to. Go ahead mudwalker say "glow" again. Infact, type "God" right now spelled just like that. Let's see what you really are.
What in the everliving fuck does this mean?
>The Macomb County Sheriff’s office responded and found he criticized what Judge Rachel Rancilio pinned on Pinterest as in his opinion inappropriate, posted videos saying he feels she and others responsible for Killian’s death, and blamed the court system for his loss.
>defend the system
Where did I say the system was OK? I said calling for violence is a very glow in the dark thing and you defending his solution makes you very suspect too Tyrone.
calling in fake bomb threats or nigerian banking scams
They are just abusing the wording of the law to terrorize white people.
Uh oh he can't type God. Easily identified thanks for your contribution Rabbi. But I don't get my political opinions from schlomo dogs. You'll get your just dues, when the "glow" thing stops working and the fire rises, you won't be able to shield yourself any more.
God damn you're retarded.
>lol why aren't you guys ruining your lives and the lives of your loved ones by letting us run gayops on your righteous anger against tyranny? Get your movement cracked down on even harder you useless pussies lolololol
when even satan thinks this situation is fucked
absolute state of amuttigoys