The americas only belongs to white people and amerindians

The americas only belongs to white people and amerindians.
Every other race needs to leave.
It belongs to whites because they conquered this land and it belongs to amerindians because they are natives.
Do you agree?

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Yes, Amerifat belongs to the jew


>rewarding the losers of a conquest with anything but death
I remember my first day on Jow Forums

Most amerindians are r1b, that means they are descendants of the conquerors too

Now America is being conquered by niggers and spics.

OP needs to do some Walmart shooting if he wants to keep America white.

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We are being conquered by chinks zhang, your people are the ones buying up land and spying on us and "spics" are r1b descendants of comwuistadors and part native, they belong in the americas

The amerindian men who lost were already killed, modern day people who are predominanty amerindian are part white through their fathers side.
They are conquistadors and amerindians at the same time

What part of walking across a land bridge from Asia into the Americas makes them natives?

Didnt you bring blacks yourself? Stop complaining

They evolved to survive in the climate of the americas.
They are longer the same as siberian momgoloids and wouldnt survive in siberia

>Didnt you bring blacks yourself? Stop complaining
modern day whites are not responsible for bringing blacks here

we're not responsible for the conquest of the natives either, so why shouldn't this be an all white ethno-state?

Wow, great. You don’t know what native means.

Nor are they responsible for conquiring the americas
Nor are blacks responsible for being brought there
Retarded mutt, what can you expect.

Because natives need a homeland of their own

no. Amerindians include Mexicans and I'm not with that shit. White only or no dice.

Most so called natives are part white, only the amazon has pure ones
Why does it matter if blacks are reponsible for coming here?
They dont belong here and need to go back

fine but no more money.

you're a Muslim lmao your IQ just on that fact alone can't exceed 89 points.

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no they're not. Where does this myth even come from? I've seen TONS of natives that were full blooded, in fact, I've yet to meet a ""white"" native you speak of...

Then promote them going back to imaginery wakanda by paying the mass transport and developing an african shithole for them

Because your grandfathers didn't finish the job.

This. Amerindians assimilated except for the lowest-tier, who took the reservation pill.

>still whiter and smarter then an amerimutt

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Fun fact - many Athabaskan tribes probably arrived in the USA region as few as 100 years prior to Europeans

Natives dont deserve reparations just a homeland
It only includes central and north mexicans, south mexicans and everyone below is not related to usa natives.

Mexicans are not Amerindians - they are Mexicans you fucking tard.


You dont need to look white to have white admixture, pic related is 75% amerindian and does not look white at all

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Yea what plan do you have expect complaining on an mongolian basket weaving forum.
>inb4 muh mass genocide
Yea can't wait to see that happen...

>Americans defending miscegenation

that's because it wasn't even a real conquest and we only outright attacked tribes that had shown prior hostilities.

Mexican is just a nationality, some are amerindian and some arent

There were only 2-3 million indians in the US to begin with. Some survived better/longer than others, depending on their relations with the pioneers.

I think niggers should get reservations. A state of their own.

Whites broke it, they bought it. Offer a one time payment of 70,000 for any nigger alive as of signing day, then off they go the reservation (name it Wakanda). Make citizenship of any children go only through Wakanda. Mississippi is Wakanda now.

North america and Australia proved one thing, when you settle a new land make sure to wipe out every last spear chucker. Or else they'll expect Gibs 400 years later

The injuns from Mexico (except a small area of nw mex) are different people. Like Turks are different from Persians and romanians. God people are stupid when it comes to this topic.

Agreed but it's dangerous to keep then nearby. The we should simply BTFO Liberia and make that their state.


No one is askimg for gives, im just saying amerindians and whites should coexist in the americas
Blacks have no right to the americas, they can have their own state but in africa
True, most natives have been here longer tho

Or just keep the kikes who cause that phenomenon out

What about beaners? The entire race is made of Conquistador on Aztec rape babies.

North and central mexican indians are related to new mexico pueblo indians and californians, its only south mexicans and central americans who are different

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If jews deserve israel then indians deserve the US

Dont be a hypocrite, youre either pro US pr pro israel, cant be both now

look up “Mogollon culture” - those are the only ones closely related

You can’t be pro USA and pro JEW, but you can be pro Israel

Beaners are pueblid and margid amerindians, they related to californian and souuthwestern indians.


none of you are even prepared to deal with the fact that

1. european immigrants aren't american, they're the syrian refugees of the 16-1700s

2. white people suck

3. no one wants to join your trailer park country

give me amerindians only, european immigrants HAVE to go back

I could share and tell some really neat stories about my family's experience during colonial days. The picture you shared of a white man rescuing a woman from savages isn't even a meme that shit happened all the time.

white people kidnapping youth for human trafficking is old as shit

many people call it Christianity

That picture is supposed to represent hernan cortez and the malinche

this is either the most delicious salt I have ever had the joy in my short mortal journey of tasting or some kind of excellent reverse psychology larping. regardless, fuck you and your mother is a slut who regrets shitting a total fucking homo like you into existence.

Margid and pueblid are amerindian subraces, phenotype is a product of genotype

if i wanted to be abused by a milqetoast canadian i'd go volunteer for their church groups

the only reason it hurts is because it's true, choir boy

Im predominanty amerindian and im okay with whites staying here, I just want the jews chinese and blacks to go back

>my heritage

take your harvard degree and go, lizzy warren


So you're including those of Latin descent as well? That's rare for a white nationalist. You just want Asians and blacks to leave?

What part of planting a stick with cloth makes them americans

Just a reminder that Lincoln wanted to send the niggers back to Africa.

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>So you're including those of Latin descent as well?
Only the ones with pueblid and margid blood, istmids and other amerindians from central and south america are not included

they were the complete opposite of Syrian refugees, they came with ships and supplies and with the intention of building their own homesteads. they also weren't immigrants OR refugees, they were settlers. if you mean the mass european migration of the late 18s and early 19s, they weren't refugees either.

I want blacks jews MENAs and chinks to leave, some non chinese azns would be allowed but they need to remain the minority

This is the typical view of Amerindians in my experience

Oooooh the denial , they were refugees and they died frozen with an empty stomach

>you're including those of Latin descent as well?
of course not
he said White people

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I guess washing your ass in India means Toilet in Japan

son, I'm very sorry your mother was such a dirty whore. I mean she made me spit on her and everything before I busted. but you are here because of it and get to shit post. but how the hell did you escape from your refugee camp of plebbit and end up here? asking for the historical record.

Disagree. Blame our ancestors for not doing a better job of exterminating the Indians.

Stupid Christians blocked that.

Every race deserves a homeland, also reveal your flag kike

>they were the complete opposite of Syrian refugees, they came with ships
fuck, you must be the head of white intelligence

sounds like a shitty culture for your son

Who gives a fuck white race will go extinct in 100 yrs

I dont want chinks and negros here

He's right tho, you ain't white