Do womem deserve any rights whatsoever?

Do womem deserve any rights whatsoever?

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you tell me

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She has certain inalienable rights. She should not be beaten without just cause.


They deserve lefts too.

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Sure, just not as many rights as say, cats, for example.

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What's this supposed to prove?

I don't get the womens rights thing
What rights fo men have that they dont?

Does anyone?
Search about chaos structure.
I say allow unrestricted sale of any weapon short of CBRN and let the survivors sort themselves out.
Eventually there would be peace.

We live in a bubble, an artificial state of affairs. Pure illusion.

Each civilization and culture is different, but historically a theme seems to emerge across virtually all cultures re: women's rights: No political rights and limited economic rights. That seems to be the formula that works best.

What's wrong with her face?

Yes, but things like the ability to vote and free birth control aren't rights.

while i am tempted to say "no" I would probably give them everything a man has, just 1/4 of it - they have 1/4 of the vote a man has, can decide 1/4 of their future, but quite honestly i just cannot think of anything that women did nto fucked up when given any rights so i do not even know if 1/4 is not too much.

based leef

No. And they don't want them, until brainwashed by jews.

It's simple really - every family should have one vote. People without families should not have any. Let the husband and wife figure out what's best for them together.

Yes. For example: the right to suck my dick and the right to get beaten

Yes, the reight to suck my dick

Do goyem deserve any rights whatsoever?

The right to remain silent

based. I would still give a lot more power to the husband, but based nonetheless

same rights as any other american citizen as outlined in the constitution, except voting and bias in family court



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Women not having twice what men have is to them the same thing as having nothing

women should have the same rights that a child does.

The ancients had it right.

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roasties will never experience in their entire lives the suffering that a normal man experiences in 1 year

Animal rights

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That’s sick, blood atonement

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Nobody deserves rights.

I mean yes, they deserve some rights to justice and stuff like that just as children do.

There is a hierarchy men> women > children

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Women deserve the right to shoot jews, especially hassid muldahar al-ab-jews

Yes. Even property is protected in most civil societies. You can't just come vandalize my wimmenz.

They deserve equal rights. Teach your daughters to hunt, to be modest and good mothers, to honor their father and God and they'll make the right decisions in life. Marksism is s failure in parenting

Women should have warranty at most.

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Yes, lots of them. Just not the right to vote, the right to own property and limited speech and travel rights.

Incels vote a lot better than single moms.

None, but neither do men. Rights have to be earned, not given.

so perfect

Only if the have a penis

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How stale.
Rights only work if equal responsibility is present. Women can whore themselves out of accountability. It does not matter how alpha you are, there is one thirsty cuck out there who will oblige and abbide. Nothing personal, nature decided they couldn't have rights.
Exceptions are sadistic women who beat and humiliate degenerates and are sweet and cute to the virtuous.

Yes. However, whenever a civilization gives women rights, they collapse within 50-100 years of doing so.

They deserve every right a man is afforded.
BUT - Rights shouldn't be seen as God Given or intrinsic. They can and should be stripped from you given certain circumstances and women are destructive enough that the aforementioned Rights they should be afforded should also have been rightfully stripped from them at this point.

they should be the property of their fathers and/or husbands.

These cartoons about buying and selling women and using them for meat makes no sense

It’s so ducking expensive and takes so long to raise a girl that the price would be absurd for something you could just cook for a big meal or fuck to death over a week

It would be an huge waste of money unless you could change growth rates


>teach them to hunt

I get people are upset they were only able to have daughters, but that doesn't mean you try to implement male only hobbies and interests into them. Have fun raising a dyke.

Teaching a women to use a firearm is questionable in itself, and has serious pros and cons. I know some faggot is going to reply and say "THEY NEED TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST THE BROWNS!". However, knowing how fickle and utterly stupid women are, the barrel of the gun may be pointed at you just as well, depending on their mood.

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They deserve the right to reject advances from uglies like you.

>mfw I went to school with Anya and kissed her on the lips
Jerk off to that white boi

Yes of course they do.
When they start behaving like women.
Just as a man deserves rights.
When he begins to behave like a man.

clearly no. not after all the feminism, cultural cucking and socialism they beg for.

Oh what do you know? The judge/official in charge of distributing rights is suddenly getting lots of pussy? Women aren't being held accountable or stripped of rights anymore? You get called a 'virgin loser' if you file grievance for the law not being upheld?
It doesn't work. Women will always leverage their pussies for privileges and power given the opportunity. The only way to avoid this is to treat them like pets.

What did she smell like?

Also this is the first time I've heard an Argue admit they aren't white.

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Women are property

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childless women should have the same legal rights as children.

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No. Absolutely not.

Not denying you obviously, but it would be good to have some historic data to hit the cucks with

She has the right to man handle me

not really
they are like children and too dumb to have rights, they only destroy and abuse society after their whims and feels

when ww3 is over, bitches will have no say anymore. people will remember who got us to this point: kikes and bitches. and they will make sure that the first are dead and the latter back in the kitchen. end of story.

>if only half of that is true

Haha image if women where only used as milking cows?

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>Do womem deserve any rights whatsoever?

Do men?