Welfare is the reason why so many migrants are striving to get to Europe. No welfare, no immigrants.
Welfare is the reason why so many migrants are striving to get to Europe. No welfare, no immigrants
Welfare only for citizens, that has been employed for 5 or more years before they loose job.
Automaticaly not applied for new commers.
seems simple doesn't it
God, she's beautiful
it's not just welfare, they want to rape euro women, and get away with it.
>No welfare, no immigrants.
they would still come for jobs and higher wages.
>for jobs
Yeah because they're obviously sooo highly educated. At most they can do menial labour because most of them don't have the patience to go to school for almost a decade to catch up. And those kind of jobs are fading fast. They would actually do more good in their home countries because such jobs are in abundance in comparison. They come for the free stuff, that's all.
this people do maybe 20$ a month. even doing the cheapest manual work is for them much money,
Literal retard -->>YOU
>seems simple doesn't it
it´s almost like most people here are underage racists with a myopic world view, that is reinforced by being in an echo-chamber
Did i just hit a nerve or what nigger?
implying chinks are better
The Totalitarian Regimes In Muslim Countries that Suppress Freedom Of speech and
Caused poverty Bureaucracy High Unemployment Rates High prices and Low wages are the Reason why Migrants Strive to get to Europe USA canada or any Developed Asian country
Yes of course, it's so simple! The obvious solution would be to just to abolish welfare for everyone hehe.
Then explain why the US gets flooded like crazy too?
US has a massive welfare state you dumb nigger
No shit
So they get free housing , enough money for food and free medical care?Thanks I learned something today.
Of course I know foodstamps.
Especially corporate welfare through 'foreign aid'
who care
fuck off fucking sub-human parasite we don't want you in our country
>US has a massive welfare state you dumb nigger
Just because people on pol are fucked up in the head doesn't mean you have to be a dick too