>This can offer a partial solution for many on Israel’s left who often lament that if Israel annexes Judea and Samaria, it will create a demographic time-bomb whereby the new Arab citizens will simply vote Israel out of existence without firing a single shot.
>It should be noted that former MK Moshe Feiglin once discussed the notion of migration for Arabs in Judea and Samaria into Canada with then prime minister Stephen Harper. Feiglin said that Harper responded positively to the idea.
>Harper responded positively to the idea. >Harper responded positively to the idea. >Harper responded positively to the idea.
You faggots need to stop voting for these Conservative/Republican fuckers just so that you can larp as being right-wing. Most "right-wing" governments are not actually right-wing at all. You might as well vote left-wing governments because you get the same exact shit at the end of the day with less sucking Israel's dick. Or better yet... stop playing Jewish games because democracy is a sham and take back your governments by force.
> adurr let's not vote at all then because of muh jooooz sounds like you're the schlomo here schlomo
Nicholas Ortiz
Well, the reason we vote for them in spite of their zionism and cuckery is a vague hope that they will shift muh overton window right. But the reality is that we live in a liberal capitalist system and every electable party is liberal capitalist. Jews have this system on complete lockdown and I see no way to break it.
Samuel Nelson
Stop being a retarded conservative
Michael Parker
>He's far from perfect but seriously who is better That's the point of the whole thread you idiot. Stop voting for these fuckers so that you can just larp as being right-wing. Start rebelling against the jewish dictatorship in any way possible.
>muh jooooz >sounds like you're the schlomo here I said fuck off kike.
Stop importing an American issue to Canadian politics. The US has an issue where they give billions of dollars to Israel, but here in Canada we don't do that. Max didn't promise money to Israel, and he's not going down the path of Obama and cucking to the Muslims either.
Another fucking kike. We have more problems with kikes here than in the US. Our tax dollars literally go to Israel (including Israeli military) in the form of charity because of the fucking jews you stupid fuck. Also now we are accepting over 100,000 Palestinian refugees for our master. You kikes and your shilling is pathetic.
>wants to repeal c16, reduce immigration, abolish carbon tax among other based shit >MUH JEWS
If you're waiting for a perfect candidate he's not coming. So either run yourself on a platform you believe in or shut the fuck up and start shooting.
Leo Jones
he's not gonna win retard, this is a parliamentary system not the American one where Blormpf can win randomly.
Michael Sanchez
>Literally cucks to Israel in his own platform and couldn't make it any clearer that he is a Jew puppet. >Almost perfect candidate Nice one Shlomo >So either run yourself on a platform you believe in or shut the fuck up and start shooting. I will start shooting but first I will start shooting people like you so that you don't get in my way later on.
Yeah youre right man we should post memes and let Scheer get in, *that* is the path to glory for sure
Camden Robinson
>Care to cite yourself shill? No problem kike.
peoplespartyofcanada.ca/a_foreign_policy_focused_on_the_security_and_prosperity_of_canadians >We are not going to try and please the foreign affairs establishment and the United Nations, a dysfunctional organisation which for years has disproportionately focused its activities on condemning Israel as if it were the source of most conflicts in the world. Last year for example, the UN General Assembly adopted 20 resolutions targeting Israel, while passing one each about the human rights situation in North Korea, Syria, and Iran.
Fuck off kike, you need to stop being so obedient and just voting for the jew. Start finding ways to rebel and expose the Jews, if not you are a Jew.
At the end of the day if youre going to be stuck with a Zog puppet you may as well go with the one ending supply chain, repealing compelled speech laws, reducing tax etc
And you may well say "we'll still be stuck with a Zionist", and honestly youre right, that sucks. But unless you are running yourself or actively undermining corruption then you are a part of the problem and should stop larping
Bentley Wright
So you believe that we should support the UN's condemnation of Israel?
Gabriel Carter
>Start finding ways to rebel and expose the Jews
By sharing memes and not voting? Sounds like a great way to demoralise actual agents of change
And how do you intend on taking things by force while the US is your neighbor?
Christopher Scott
>At the end of the day if youre going to be stuck with a Zog puppet you may as well go with the one ending supply chain, repealing compelled speech laws, reducing tax etc You're either a Jew or a complete cuck, which one is it? >But unless you are running yourself or actively undermining corruption then you are a part of the problem and should stop larping You're the one who is larping you fucking Jew. The whole point of the thread is to do whatever possible to undermine the Jews and to not just be satisfied with voting in another Jew.
>So you believe that we should support the UN's condemnation of Israel? I believe UN's condemnation of Israel is not enough, in fact the UN should not even recognize Israel as being a legitimate state. Nice try though kike.
Fuck off retard.
Christian Lee
>And how do you intend on taking things by force while the US is your neighbor? The thread is also directed towards Americans.
Camden Reed
>in fact the UN should not even recognize Israel as being a legitimate state >Israel is a discriminatory apartheid state!! >from the river to the see, Palestine will be free!!! >Obama was my favourite US president
>do whatever possible to undermine the Jews and to not just be satisfied with voting in another Jew You haven't given a single example of how to do that. You've just tried to encourage me to become a slacktivist like yourself
Juan Young
Americans will do nothing since they are not suffering economically like you are
Xavier Hall
>cucks for the UN >dont vote for the anti-immigration free speech candidate goy!
Ah it all makes sense now
Jacob Johnson
Right wing political parties are completely controlled by Christian Zionists. Just about all of them. The few right wing politicians who are redpilled on Zionism have a choice to make, have a career or take the attack to ZOG and become ostracized.
Not anymore Were a nation of Indians, Muslims and chinks now.
Kevin Thomas
>ad hominem is not an argument >DURR YES IT IS
I gave you too much credit. You're no shill, just a brainlet.
Joshua Harris
How can we form a Militia?
Joseph Butler
Okay Jew, why are you still here? Fuck off already. Jews only understand violence, not arguments.
Matthew Martin
I do this to the fullest extent.
Brayden Hall
Says the guy who couldn't give a single example of 'resistance' outside of legislation or violence when i gave him 4 chances to do so. Youre a touch hypocritical lad
Sebastian Ortiz
>that is the right wing in cuckanada Can a right wing western government exist without sucking jewish dick?
>I'm voting for him too. Fuck the cucks! You're a jew.
Jackson Rogers
Do more, I'm volunteering as a canvasser.
Joseph Wood
>obama was bad for Israel Lmao literally gave them them the biggest aid in history and fought wars against every anti israel arab state. What did you want him to do more? Suck your dick and clean your feet?
>That one quote from a now deleted statement from his (((conservative))) years
peoplespartyofcanada.ca/a_foreign_policy_focused_on_the_security_and_prosperity_of_canadians >We are not going to try and please the foreign affairs establishment and the United Nations, a dysfunctional organisation which for years has disproportionately focused its activities on condemning Israel as if it were the source of most conflicts in the world. Last year for example, the UN General Assembly adopted 20 resolutions targeting Israel, while passing one each about the human rights situation in North Korea, Syria, and Iran.
This was from the PPC website before they recently changed it faggot. People were catching on.
There are other parties that exist but you keep shilling for the jewish controlled opposition like a good kike shill that you are.
The NCA's platform is essentially a carbon copy of the PPC, what gives you the impression they aren't Zionist shills as well?
Thomas Cox
They are funding right wingers around the world, they figure they will be unpopular and weak, and thus easier to control by Israel.
Luke Ramirez
Lookup Nationalist Party.
Dylan Mitchell
Your voting for a libertarian lol. The libertarian party took his platform word for word. Lookup Nationalist Party
Carter Rogers
He just flip flopped on what he said about Greta thunberg is he to be trusted with sticking to his guns on policy??
This election has the worst candidates out of any election I can remember.
Angel Watson
no it’s not lmfao. He wants to use the Bank of Canada to end usury. Bernier would sell this country to the highest bidder, Nationalist parties like NCA want home growth.
Colton Jones
Would voter turnout affect if the elected party clinches a minority or majority the house
Brayden Campbell
The Nationalist Party won't even win one sit and they have no chance of getting into the debates. At least the PPC has a chance to win a few seats this election, and more importantly, Mad Max will probably get into the debates eventually.
He pointed out she’s autistic when the point was that she’s being used as a pawn. I don’t know how he fucked that up so bad lol
Cameron Evans
None of that fucking matters. Vote for Nationalist parties that explicitly are pro European. Start voting as an ethnic block. The bigger parties will either get the message or they become the parties of immigrants (in that case who wants to vote for them anyway)
It’s funny when ppc then argue pragmatics when they are the ones screaming to vote your values. I will vote my values, I’ll vote for nationalists who actually care about Europeans in Canada.
Cameron Adams
Then vote NCA or get involved and help make something better. We can’t sit on our hands any longer
Samuel Baker
It's about balancing values with pragmatism. The PPC is the only party with a good platform that also stands a chance of winning seats and spreading its message to ordinary Canadians.
>who often lament that if Israel annexes Judea and Samaria, it will create a demographic time-bomb whereby the new Arab citizens will simply vote Israel out of existence without firing a single shot What? I thought that happening was a beautiful and progressive thing?
Nolan Cox
>This can offer a partial solution for many on Israel’s left who often lament that if Israel annexes Judea and Samaria, it will create a demographic time-bomb >left Left wing in Israel is more right than the far right in Europe
>Moshe Feiglin took to Facebook sharing the Channel 20 report saying: “In the western world, there is a negative birthrate. Therefore, they are in need of manual labor."
>Canada has denied the reports with Mathieu Genest, press secretary for the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada telling the JPost that “Canada is a welcoming country to people from around the world, but it is important that people rely on accurate information before starting their journey,”
Jaxon Rivera
Canadians don’t care about libertarianism. The Libertarian party has been around for a long time, they never get any votes. Cucking to big business has never been popular in a country with a history of crown corporations
Caleb Bell
I’ve got a gorillion quote of Scheer cycling out to kike. You got one deleted quote Get fucked killquote (((journalist))))
>The NCA's platform is essentially a carbon copy of the PPC, what gives you the impression they aren't Zionist shills as well? Lol, are you even trying? People can read the platforms you shill.
>The PPC is the only party with a good platform that also stands a chance of winning seats Keep shilling kike. It's objectively better to promote a real party like the NCA rather than vote for a Jew party which will barely win 3% of seats anyway.
Scheer is a fucking Jew too, what's your point? They're both fucking kikes and I wouldn't vote for either of them, nor Jewdeau.
Just because the big parties can’t into Nationalist policies doesn’t mean that the principle of supporting Canadian business is a bad thing. Take for example the dairy farming. During the trade war Bernier was saying we should just drop all barriers and dismantle supply management. In this case Trudeau was actually more of a Nationalist than bernier because he was willing to fight for Canadians dairy farmers.
Jayden Reed
>fight for Canadian dairy farmers Canadians are paying twice the normal price for dairy, poultry and eggs because the government allows certain businesses to keep prices artificially high. You have to be really messed up in the head to want restrictions on American products but have free trade with China.
William Martin
>225672504 i'd rather pay more for canadian dairy than buy cheap sino onions