This is enough to sink Liz Warren’s campaign

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How many of these morons are running just in hopes they don't get indicted or in order to claim "victim" when DRUMPF locks up his so-called political opponents.

I remember this shit. They were fining banks and other financial institutions and using the money to give politically active non profits, left wing only.

Post link OP, don't be a ngger

Federal appeals court rules the structure of CFPB is unconstitutional

first biden's bloody eye and now this???

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Trump has had a dozen scandals that were worse than this. People are too desensitized to give a shit about a politician using "slush funds" to fund their projects.

Yeah, cuz googling "Elizabeth Warren" and "slush fund" is weally, weally hard.

That really was dirty dealings. Way back when she did that, she became just another democrat scam artist

I have been spouting "THIS" Every time her thread comes up.
Thats the Agency Trump fired her from that she fought so hard to keep.
The taxpayers...
ALSO thete are lists & lists of the agency that recieved ALL of that funding that RETURN 75% of the cash right back to the DNC as political donations.
THIS IS WHAT THE RICCO laws are for.

This and when she pretended to be an Indian

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I wonder if anything will happen

The more people that see it there better, must suck to be a faggot and a nigger op

yeah!! cuz googling is tough!!

So more fake news?

She was already sunk

Always post the link negro


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She never had a chance to begin with. Her vibe is hectoring grandma and nobody is voting for that. For a woman to win she has to be some combination of hot, competent, and likable. She is none of those things.

Democrats don't stand a chance in 2020


How many of you retarded faggots still think Trump is going to to anything but bend over the people who voted for him in 2016?

>CFPB is a toothless agency that makes 'suggestions'
>Warren was an attorney in the financial sector, knows the Fed is the con and never, ever says a word about it
>anyone from Occupy Wall Street knows what a hot air, do-nothing, impotent bullshitter she is
>she will never be president

wtf i love her now

Vote for me. I gas-lighted myself into the Cherokee nation.

No it's not, Trumptard

This bitch is dirty as fuck

Just wait til she's nominated and she'll be buried

yeah sure op. the leftist media is totally gonna keep this story going

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Luckily there is still some right wing media that will

sure, sure. cuz the national media will totally push this story
yalls is dumb

right wing media is like 20% of the national media landscape and 5% of the social media landscape

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>into left-wing causes
Her target demoghraphic will love it. s o yboy faggots don't give a fuck about breaking the law if they think it's for a good cause. Look at antifa. They'll just say she's "on the right side of history" and continue championing this brave, oppressed native American woman. Most people hate stooges abusing their power tho and that will translate into more votes for Trump.

Everyone is always blaming Soros when we have dozens of native competitors. Obama was funneling federal money into "programs" like this in broad daylight.

If Warren is the alternative does it even matter?

Wow the right wing fever swamps just echoes the same talking points it's a lot like the 40,000 Trump bots on Twitter that instantly like whatever that moron is whining about

OP is always a faggot

Wasn't Obama funneling US tax money into leftist NGOs and Hillary's campaign
and Hillary breaking laws funneling money all around because the Foundation has all the top criminal talent to do it
and Beto was funneling money to illegal spic invader caravans
I don't think there's a single leftist politician who isn't overtly a powerhungry, self-serving and treacherous piece of shit
not that the right is much better as they're all good goy and cronies working for Israel

mouth breathers that will vote for socialists will follow whatever the TV tells them to believe about people like Warren, this wont matter worth a shit to anyone actually dumb enough to vote for the bitch in the first place.

yes and precisely because of