Anyone regret voting for Trump?

This sharpie fiasco has shown he's completely retarded. Too busy making false predictions and scarying the public than building the wall. Anyone else feel that way?

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No, karma for dresden.

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>voting for Trump

If I could go back in time, I wouldn't vote at all. Biggest mistake in my life.

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kikes are stubborn

I regret it since his first visit to Kikesrael. Then realized I will be voting libertarian once more. Fuck Trump. fuck Jews and most of all. Fuck niggers.

>ZOMG we're going to lose again aren't we?!!
Yes, you are.

>voting for Hillary, would take zion don over her any day

Voting gave me cancer. While voting I was jacked by a group of queers. They raped me and gave me aids. The aids treatment gave me cancer.

Don't vote.

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Trump has been a massive failure. Controlled opposition

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No. I regret I couldn't vote for a Nazi Party or Rand Paul.

still better than Hillary

If Hillary got elected Whites would be chimping out and millions would have gone full fash by now

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Don't vote. For one, your cosmic energy is then behind that person, unless they are Ron Paul, no point, not worth the risk.
Once having voted for someone you are shackled psychologically to ideas and NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO YOU.
You have endorsed that person and are therefore a shill. Allows anyone that wants to easily disregard your opinions.
Your bigger power is in persuading people to ideas, votes mean absolutely nothing and you will always be ruled by a mass of plebs.
I agree. I advised people that were going to vote to vote Trump as a less bad option. Pretty clearly the case.

>chimping out
Describe what you mean by that and what you would have done if she had won, user.

I mean normie whites would feel oppressed and move further to the rigjt. Watch how whites will cry when kamala takes their Ars away

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>I mean normie whites would feel oppressed and move further to the rigjt.
They're already doing that.

Zoomers, sure, but need more

Another bot thread. Wow

Feels bad man.
I should have listened to Hillary and Tim Kaine.
I was the nigger after all

Why are jews into overdrive mode with the demoralizing threads?
I think that if you search "anyone regret voting Trump" you'll find the same exact shitty thread at least 25 times.

Trump was controlled opposition accept it. He fucked over white people

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I voted for Trump twice.