TDS489: If You Can’t Dodge It, RAM It discussion thread

TDS489: If You Can’t Dodge It, RAM It.
Discussion thread.
no kikes.
no shill.
no faggots.
no jannies.

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Other urls found in this thread: Object Flips Off Stacy Litz, from Central America./

Inb4 Larry Ridgeway

inb4 Mike "enoch" Peinovich

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stop advertising your stupid show here every fucking day

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yes it's my show, live & direct from France.

C'mon pay cucks help a brother out. My dog has bone cancer and I'm fucked. I need friend simulator 2019 to help get me through it.

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inb4 fed agents call Mike a Jew.

I'm really mad.

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Bowlcast is better.

kek. i don't think the video add much after all.

Where is the mp3?


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Come on fellas I have soon

Hand over that episode, payboi

Paylords plz

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Hey look, it's the like again. I'm listening to ftn right now thanks to my French brother!

hoppity bumpippy
paykangz gib the podcast pls

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I meant to say KIKE

he's actually NSA and he is just embarrassing for them at this point

nah i don't think it's him, but i hope that sad faggot won't show up kek.

Daily reminder that Gay-oh de la Gay is a fraud and his back story about South Africa is a lie. He was never a merc.

Faggot used to larp as Jim Object (J.O.) some ancap tranny-banging drug trafficker ivy-league educated economist or whatever. All of his stories are bullshit, he's a con artist, and everything he says is fake and gay.

Proof: From 2012 Object Flips Off Stacy Litz, from Central America./

you have no idea, he's Serbia's secret service.

I was going to upload it to Catbox since I'm mad that they can't even post the video on time, but you can go fuck yourself.

he looks about as Serb as Cernovich....


We knew, Gavin.

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I would, but there's a lot of Eurokikes in here that I have zero desire to help. Sorry fren.


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El Paso shooter was a diaperfur according to his twitter. Daily Stormer talked about it. Mike Enoch did not...

wow this detail has soooo much importance wow, why would Enoch hide it from US? i bet he is CIA.

Ok, this made me feel bad, but I got this error. Wtf is this verified user shit?

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Some stupid shock jocks delivering low-iq ideas, and occasional paid shilling.

lmao is Sven striking back?

post the link before the thread gets shut down paykings pls. I've had a terrible week being a wage slave.

PayKangs pls

Come on based PaysturmbannfĂĽhrers
I have a 2 hour drive to France ahead of me in 30 minutes

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Honestly I think they were doing that as a joke.

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Enoch isn't the one pulling the strings...

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can you just email me the link pls

>total dissolved solids

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fuck off with that selfish gay shit already.

based and waterpilled

Can someone give me a quick goddamn rundown on lovestreet and what the fuck happened with Larry?

try zippyshare.

JOIDF blz go

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Larry is a drunktard buttmad because he doesn't run TRS.

TDS quality really declined in recent months. they need to step up

He got sick of the optics cucking

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Larry chimped the fuck out while drunk on a stream and left TRS on bad terms.

you have all the answers


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Is there a link?

They have been past their prime for a long while now. I personally think they really fell off back when they were doing those youtube live stream debates and spending entire episodes talking about Sargon

88 for fat tats.

Konigatiger14 was hosting it on his bitchute. I dunno if it's still there.

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to say TRS are optics cucks are like calling reformed arsonists firemen

kek no this has been done for some months now.

Thanks fren

Hail fellow paychads!!

The Moike-less 488 show was their best one in a long time. Mike tends to take up all the oxygen in the room and his depression eventually overwhelms the show.

back in December Larry did this like 14 hour roaring drunk stream in a predator mask where he got super blackpilled and kept talking about how people need to do something and podcasts are going to amount to fuck all in the end. enoch disagreed with him on the stream and kept trying to get him to chill out but larry wasn't having it.

then some TRS people had a party near larry's house a few weeks later and didn't invite him and he got super bummed out about it.

then larry wanted to bring vic mackey on his show who is basically just an extreme fedposter and jayoh vetoed the idea so larry snapped and got completely zonked on drugs and booze again and did a 2 hour stream where he called everyone faggots and announced he was quitting the network.

I meant specifically Larry's meltdown.

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Basically this javascript:quote('225684139');

oh ok

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>Basically this javascript:quote('225684139');
lmao wtf the Glowies are doing kek

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Post it payfags

you tell me senpai

>optics cucking
Not sure what that refered to, but if it's about the larping clowns from american groups like the NSM who dress up in cheap repro Waffen SS/Allgemeine SS uniforms whenever they protest somewhere, then it's the right thing to do.
They not only look silly, most importantly what they do essentially is:
>put shame on everyone of the Waffen-SS/Allgemeine SS who fought and lost their lives
but also
>essentially are doing Stolen Valor
Not only because they're not in the Waffen SS/Allgemeine SS, but also because wearing such Uniforms had to be deserved
Also i wonder if these NSM Untermenschen realize that actual Waffen-SS and Allgemeine SS Vets who have seen these NSM larpers and commented on them said usually things likethe following:
>"If i wasn't so old i'd beat the shit out of them for not only behaving like Untermenschen while wearing these china-made uniforms but also because they claim to support and respect the SS, how stupid do you have to be to do all of this and then think you have respect for the SS and/or it's ideology?"

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LOL sorry I don't know how to post. Not glowing. Promise.

nice summation

> Larry did this like 14 hour roaring drunk stream in a predator mask
is this still online somewhere?

Larry is clearly a mental case. TRS should have distanced themselves from him a long time ago.

you're obviously posting from some third party shit, i wonder what you kikes are up to.

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>Not sure what that refered to
They won't even say the word "shoah" or "fash" anymore TDS, FTN thats why Larry was forced to rename Hate House

Good riddance IMO, he is just a wigger
mandatory cat enoch post

>FTN starts
>jingle play
>Jazzhands start talking
>hello and welcome to episode xxx of FASH THE NATION
>hurrr durrr dey dun say fash anymoe

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Not his show, memeflaggot. He's just some dumb sandnigger that likes sucking TRS dick but doesn't get enough gibs to support them with what amounts to thirty cents a day.

I have empathy for people who may have fallen on hard times, and TRS undoubtedly picks up subs from some of the paywall shows that get posted here. That said, there is a difference between beggars and poorfags. This shitskin waste of oxygen is a beggar, and the fact that he's dumber than a sack of hammers doesn't help his case at all. Fuck this clown.

anyone has that video of Enoch shitfaced making fun of Diamond and Silk "the Algorithm"? this shit was hilarious kek.

Ayo, where da mp3 at?

What 3-4 letter agency do you work for.

>goes on a Bavarian almond activation forum
>writes blogpost about B-tier right wing eceleb
I'm gonna need you to post a pic of your nose, bucko

Oh I guess they still do but TDS definitely doesn't I haven't listen to FTN in like a year

larry probably isn't a mental case but he's 100% an alcoholic. he should have never done livestreams because he drinks himself into oblivion during them and without the help of editing they just become damaging to himself. sven and mike have also both been prone to alcoholic tendencies but not nearly as bad as larry, mostly because when they get way too drunk instead of getting blackpilled they get overly aggressive. see the stream where they split a bottle of absinthe between the two of them and started prank calling bronxblogger with mike holding the camera way too close to his face for an example.

extra salty burger.

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>sven and mike have also both been prone to alcoholic tendencies
Yeah the show was actually good back then

I want the video from HeelTurn where Sven drunkenly screamed at Bronx Blogger and told him to lay on the spikes.

Thanks. I always thought Larry was the funniest one on the site but he def had no chill.

lmao this stream was great, those faggots kept screening for 40 minutes kek.
you can find this one on youtube i guess.

The episode is pretty good, its with one of the RAM guys.
Strange to read this thread and fully understand that its 25% glow in the darks, 25% antifa fags, 25% insane right wing fedposters, and 25% normal and healthy right wingers


>larry probably isn't a mental
I'd say that endorsing mass shooters like Roof or Bowers is either a sign of mental problems or limited cognitive ability.

>wtf is a vipn

>wtf is a vipn

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>a sign of mental problems or limited cognitive ability
those things are hard to figure out in someone that is drunk every day they're broadcasting, which probably means they're drunk every day.

Remember that this is the guy who handles all IRL vetting requests, yet he was obviously never vetted himself.

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Oga Boga! Gibs show now paypigs!

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