Remember to check under your bed for glowniggers. AND DONT DOWNLOAD GAMES MENTIONED BY THE MEDIA. They've probably got key loggers and viruses in them.
This is deeply troubling to see Trump slowly undermining the basis of democracy anywhere he can. I cannot support such an authoritarian turn any longer. Count me out, I am now a Weld Welder.
Joshua Smith
>Give pity and say hi to the jobless. its not my fault rural fuckistan only wants entry level positions or six-figure ones ;-;
Michael Gonzalez
Today, on Schooling Y'all Bigots, I'll be taking a look at how transsexual women are the same as cis women. We'll be looking at three categories:
Function, Manner and Appearance.
Function: Just like a cisgender woman, a transsexual can have children and has a menstrual period.
Manner: Even though she was not born with "female" genitalia (hint hint bigot: genitalia is not gendered. A penis can be feminine.), the transsexual MtF has picked up behaviour from her fellow women. This is why she is often interested in programming or video games, like all girls are.
Appearance: I shouldn't have to say anything here. Do you also think that a less than averagely attractive cisgender woman is not a real woman? No? Then why would a transgender woman "look like a man"? There are many cisgender women who have pronounced Adam's apples, just like there are cis men who don't. The same goes with facial hair. The truth is that appearance has nothing to do with gender.
And that's it, with these three arguments I've just crushed y'all Jow Forums bigots! Check. Mate.
Michael Richardson
Hey kids, any of you guys too young to remember what they did to Ron Paul and why that arguably cost Romney the election in 2012? Bernie and the democrats in 2016?
Well, seems like the democrats didn't learn the lesson and they're Ron Paul'ing Yang for 2020.
Check this out ([1] and pic related). That's just a small fraction of the instances, and it will have a very predictable result
1) Both Yang and Tulsi are the only candidates in the democrat field outside the orthodoxy, the later for her anti interventionist position (very similar to Ron Paul btw) and the former because of his no nonsense approach to what he perceive as the largest crisis to come: loss of jobs to automation. The DNC doesn't seem to acknowledge but they have the largest cross party appeal of the candidates in the democrat field and they are the only ones that could bring new voters from an audience that wouldn't vote otherwise. 2) The MSM clearly got their marching orders. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, every single channel and paper covering the primaries are going out of their way to "disappear" any mention of Yang and for a good reason. A literally who whose campaign was propped up to national fame mostly by the rascals at is consistently polling above some 14 other very established democrat party insiders
It is funny because doing this arguably costed Romney the election in 2012 because of all of the disaffected and disillusioned Ron Paul first time voters either staying home or simply casting their vote for Gary Johnson, and doing this to Bernie (and literally shutting the lights out on their voters in the DNC) did the same, with voters staying home, votin Jill Stein and some voting Trump for the sake of it.
An unforced error, they should have helped him to the finish line to end his campaign on his 5% votes, a handful of delegates and they could get all those greenfield voters still not disillusioned with politics.
He's also an insufferable gas bag years late to the party. If you must promote ecelebs at least pick ones that called out the problem before this year.
Jack White
Those aren’t arguments, those are assertions, and false ones at that. You think you’re correct? Well prove it then.
Here’s an actual argument: chromosomes do not change because you want them to, and trans women will never be “true” or “real” women as a result; sex is determined by said chromosomes.
assad's stupid fucking face will never not make me laugh
Jacob Hughes
I am outraged by Donald Trump (currently a supreme insider) current power grab of the GOP primaries. Moderate voters like me have been left out and abandonned by the republican party. If Trump does not let the GOP primaries play out fairly and democratically I am certain that no independant will support him in his bid to reelection. I sure know I won't!
Christian Hall
>girls who used to play football hot
Levi Thompson
>Five Big Reasons Consumers Aren’t Paying for Tariffs on Chinese Imports