There was a thread earlier discussing justice for a Michigan resident. Let us further discuss it

There was a thread earlier discussing justice for a Michigan resident. Let us further discuss it.
Note to jannies this is not a call to action. Just discussion :))

Here is the county courts twitter:

Attached: 1567779676989.jpg (462x708, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I am surprised no one here got pissed off at the DA and Judge in all those Charlottesville cases where they let the violent niggers off and threw the book at whitey

Only way to keep the mods from deleting a thread is to post pictures of nigger cock in the OP. That makes it seem like one of their threads, so they leave it up and barely monitor it.

We have to start every thread as a nigger cock thread and then start the real discussion only after 30-40 nigger cock posts.

>There was a thread earlier discussing justice for a Michigan resident. Let us further discuss it.
What is there to discuss?
Eternal glory to the user that posts her severed head.

Death to the vagina state!

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Does anyone know specifically what the father said about the mother in court that led him to believe his child's life was in danger? I know in the news vid the guys mom claimed the judge said "it was in the past". I really want to know more about this case.

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What rule are you referencing, this?
>You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-Jow Forums) raids is also not permitted.
That says nothing about calling to get her ass fired in real life.

There is no reason to delete this one, this is just a thread discussing what legal recourse anons can take to fuck her over.

No raiding/glowing going on here mods. You Americans should be heated about this, at least vocal, maybe on twitter or something. Too many curbs on your freedom just get memory holed without any justice.

he probably knew the mother was a crazy worthless bitch and the kid was in danger from neglect or stupidity many such cases

The lives of this man's wife and the judge are worth more than the sick little boy they killed. Anyone who disagrees is a deranged sadist

Well that's good then. We need to get her ass fired.

the was a lack of clarity in that earlier thread too apparently this judge, who locked the guy up for citicism, is not the same judge that gave his kid to the woman that killed the kid. i think.

The man was ranting incoherently into a video camera, swearing vengeance.

They locked him up because he represents a public safety hazard.

It's not about the people in question, specifically. It's about the abuse of power by judges. Justice. God given rights to free speech.


Judge info:

Attached: Article.png (1116x2013, 992K)

You're a lying kike. He only criticized her online. The police investigated and found he made no threats, but they arrested him anyway because that was their order and they don't think for themselves since they only care about their paycheck.

Why are you lying? The article clearly stated that he made no threats to violence.

Him not making threats has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to his status as a risk to public safety.

He was ordered to not contact the court personally after he was arrested the first time and he violated this. So he was arrested, just like he would be if he violated a restraining order.

There are judges who excuse little girls being raped, but you don't protest those. Face it. This is a cause célèbre on Jow Forums because it gives some of the incels here an opportunity to talk about brutally murdering a woman.

The boot won't lick jtself

He posted on his facebook page. Read the fucking story.

This post emanates an odor of matzoh

I need a quick rundown

Attached: 1560093364461.jpg (572x303, 144K)

Found you again bitch, you are in serious trouble, you should just move on with your life, the one where you are not involved in the courts anymore. I smell an early retirement in the works.

Death to traitors. Inshallah.

You kikes are everywhere

Judge jails man for criticizing her on facebook under "malicious use of telecommunications" despite him making no threats to violence whatsoever. Then sets his bond to $500,000. You tell me if this is not courts abusing their power.

Previous thread is here: Those judges should also lose their jobs.
What's your point? Do nothing and submit? Stupid subversive kike, go back to Israel and stay in your shithole.