Can someone explain to me why "gentrification" is so hated...

Can someone explain to me why "gentrification" is so hated. It seems to me that it's nothing more than people just investing money into poor areas bringing in more opportunity? Why is it bad when people do this to benefit themselves but good when the govt does it? It seems that even if you are an immigrant, the investment into your community still brings more business to your area, Godforbid you have to start selling goods and services that Americans actually use.

I can't find a single reason to not see "gentrification" as a positive, it seems like more of the usual brown people being paranoid.

Pic-related: Imagine how much potential these beautiful old buildings have, for business or residential use.

Attached: Row-houses-in-Baltimore-Maryland-720x480.jpg (720x480, 85K)

Basically, Jobs not Mobs.

gentrification = white
Regardless of the many benefits it’s seen as a dilution of ‘culture’, which as we all know, having a Somalian meat shack is far more culturally enriching than whytepipo

So basically, if a white person gives you money don't accept it. Makes sense.

pic related is the definitive description of why US cities (and now european cities) are in their current state.
"Gentrification" is fought when it's working class whites who are moving in, because a coherent political entity in a specific urban location has disproportionate political power.
It has to be compliant blacks, or, when possible, gays (who do not reproduce).

Attached: 51Q8J0QETFL._SX347_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (349x474, 37K)

because it makes absolutely and painfully clear and apparent that niggers are incapable of taking care of their own homes, let alone directing the course of a nation

Because niggers and liberals are constantly bitching about everything

It’s just another assault on white culture.
>white people come in and buy up destroyed city districts
>build them into something useful, ecofrenly and clean
>nigs and spics hate it because their rent goes up 2%
>they can’t be porch monkeys and lazy drunks anymore because the white people call the cops on them
>they like their own filth
>they like their own filth
>they like their own filth
>they like their own filth
I’ve partaken in gentrification in my city, we bought up an old falling apart parking garage and made it into a community garden and m-f farmers market, all the homeless got shipped somewhere else and all the blacks and Mexicans who live near it can’t go to the garage to do/buy drugs/run their hoes anymore. There’s 24hr armed security now too. It’s fucking awesome

For some reason our government hates Europeans, but loves shitskins and niggers

Inner city folk don’t want to be seen being given money from whytepipo, instead they want to bravely liberate it from whytefolk through government reparation programs, while keeping their ghetto enclaves. Tribalism applies to everyone, just some have morals.

>although we’ve had some community help by older based black men in our city for it.

Ultimately though, the failure of immigrants to assimilate is partially our fault. We not only gave them no incentive to become more American but actually encouraged them to keep their old backwater values. Take for instance California, where any govt building you walk into has two sets of forms, Spanish and English.

I know it's mostly because liberal retards, but immigrants successfully integrated in the past and made something of themselves. At this point, America has more 1st generation born than ever before. We gotta reconcile dudes. I think dispelling retarded ass myths about stuff like gentrification is a start. You have people demanding that they themselves stay poor because "muh white people" it's fucking retarded.

As a Californian (cringe I know) I’d have to say I agree with having both English and Spanish pamphlets and things in Gov buildings as long as they are immigration offices. Legal immigration is fine if they want to BE AMERICANS and don’t bring their shit flag and shit customs with them

White people drive the property values up, landlords charge more rent, broke ass colored folks can’t afford to live there anymore.


White People are good for the local economy

Well immigration offices is one thing. But we're talking about, schools, the dmv, the IRS, court, police station. I can go on and on. I have no problem whatsoever with immigrants, but burdening your own countries system to accomodate them is just outright stupid.

it's a word that makes house price inflation seem appealing

you cannot make shitskins in to Americans. American values are white values.

Agreed my fren

Gentrify ALL nigger ghettos.
Niggers destroy property.
Niggers destroy everything.

>you can have some darkies that are true Americans.
I know a few, but for every 1 American Darkie, there is 30 niggers

The left is anti-white. There's nothing more to it than that.

it's like the statistics regarding IQ tests from various countries. yeah, there exist braniacs in Sudan, but they are 0.00001% of the population instead of 0.1%. it's like the Jow Forums meme of "well this one nigger is smart so how can you be racist"?

I've met some good hispanics, and I've met some shit whites; but the whites are still my brothers and the hispanics are somebody else's.

>but immigrants successfully integrated in the past and made something of themselves.
The white ones.
Same as now, nothing has changed except jewish propaganda taking control.

Yeah user we are in total agreement. I know a very select few who are actually very good people, and like we both mentioned it’s very few indeed