How will you feel when Trump does not get re-elected?

How will you feel when Trump does not get re-elected?

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I think I'll riot in the streets. Or maybe just go to work.

2024 is a long time away.

tomboy thread?

He won't. Biden will win and fully reinstate true democracy which will be the downfall of our country.

2024? Prez 4 Lyfe


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i am already numb. they are all just sides of the same coin. the jew has irreversibly damaged the republic and there's no redemption other than accelerating at full speed.
it's not worth fighting for.

It will be funny to see the media saying it's wrong to question the president again. Otherwise things will be boring.

that is an actual boy who goes by the name daisy taylor

The DNC cannot win without organized voter fraud, and they're not going to have it in 2020.

>implying the demoshat party isn't undergoing a schism.

If this idiot doesn't stop tweeting 100+ a weekend we're going to lose a sure thing.

The best we can hope for is that he finished the wall before 2020.

He was a disappoinment anyway.

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How would you feel if your pickle turned into a cucumber don't matter not happening my guy

As if this will be fixed via conventional politics

Disappointment, maybe for spergy 14 year old natsocs.

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like we were actually winning

yeah they will. the left is going all out this time and after they have taken power they will keep the borders wide open and give the invaders free shit in exchange for their votes. this will be the last election where democrats actually have to worry about resistance so you better believe they will cheat

Who is that cute tomboy?


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>finished the wall before 2020.
the dems are going to be vengeful anything that wasn't just a repair is going to be knocked down

Ambivalent. All it will do is slow down what will happen anyway in 2024. Dems will be in power permanently due to Texas.

has science gone too far?
can roasties compete?

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>1 post by this ID
Trump will easily win 2020. Then we get eight years of Don Jr.

cumbrain genocide when?

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Please Donald, stop winning, I beg you. I can't handle it.

If a democrat wins there will be civil war in 2022.
Mark my words.

Relieved. Gun rights are too important to be left to him.

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It's kind of a lose lose situation so basically It'll feel like pre 2016 again but with more liberal screaming.

How will you feel when Trump does not get re-elected?
Sleepy, because I just woke up

He has done nothing. Literally nothing.

how can any self-aware person write shit like that? i mean i watch porn but i'm not going to write a dissertation on it

NOOOOOOOOOO for once a thought we had a real tomboy. NOOOOOOO.

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Disappointed that he was only allowed to have two terms

The worst part will be that RBG will finally die and gets replaced by Obama. I hate Trump as much as any other faggot but we need him to win.

Be glad to see President Kushner and Princess Ivanka leave the WH.

too early to tell if dems will win in 2020

it all depends on who gets the nomination

it's a guaranteed loss for the dems if they run anyone but sanders, biden, or harris

biden runs the risk of tanking because he's a senile old fondler who has skeletons in his closet and can't identify with the nigger and wetback democrat base

harris runs the risk of tanking because she's not nigger enough for the niggers and too much nigger for the union men

sanders is the only candidate who can do populist politics like trump, but sanders has no balls, so he stands to get steamrolled every step of the way and beaten into submission in press

trump momentum is real, whether dems want to admit it or not, and once that guy gets going, it's going to be a powerhouse campaign

i can't wait to see what happens


>trusting a mammon worshiper with such vulgar pleb-tier tastes in decoration
serve us right

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FABULOUS, of course!!

>dick too big
>feet too big
>hands too big
>still emanates male pheromones

But if you eliminate all of those problems and are not interested in having kids, then no, a roastie would not be able to compete.

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He isn't your president faggot

He is going to be re-elected in a landslide and that trap in your pic is ugly as sin.

Polls are useless early, and when their is massive cognitive bias among who is deemed worthy as "likely voter" you fuck things up.


Then I will wake up.

Trully sad.

I'll be surprised, but I won't cry about it non-stop for 4 years. I'll hope that whoever is elected doesn't fuck up too badly.

It doesn't matter whether he wins or not, either way we will have another pedophile puppet with a jewish hand shoved up his ass


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>He is going to be re-elected in a landslide
Unless the democrats go absolutely full retard he'll be lucky to eek out a win.
>fulfilled literally 0 promises that weren't to Israel
>in fact he did a 180 on several of them
>refuses to stick up for his base
>actually goes after his own base
>4 more years of demographic degradation
>felons can now vote again in Florida, not to forget all the beaners he let in from the hurricane islands
>did nothing about voter fraud
>there'll have been 4 years of uninterrupted anti-Trump propaganda
>his base will be demoralized
>dems will be energized
Dems would have to go full retard to lose. Since the dems are always a little retarded winning is a toss-up, it wont be a landslide for Trump by any means. If he does win it'll purely be due to his opponents failing.