Count down to liberal butthurt
Free speech wins again
Count down to liberal butthurt
Free speech wins again
There going to be lots of digging on /qresearch/
Thank God
Kikes aren't going to let their most effective honeypot stay down for too long.
>illegal content.
You mean undocumented content? What can possibly be illegal to post when we have 1A besides Cheese Pizza?
>most effective honeypot
Yes, Feds love when anons start digging up dirt on them
>8ch created by kikes
>kikes fear 8ch
pick one
So cripchan will freeze whenever there is a happening? Sounds useless and gay
8ch isn’t a honeypot, Jow Forums is and it’s been proven they feed info.
Jews =\= (((THE JEWS)))
This place is a turd sandwich with the crust left on.
Same thing happens here
Of course it could. It was never down because of some outside force (ie: law enforcement). It's been down voluntarily. Jim wanted to wait until after his congressional hearing to put it back up.
Who else goes to 8ch because it has better versions of the boards here? 4/v/ is completely unusable.
Kikes are paranoid cannibalistic parasites who enslaved their own nation with the same democracy/public education/(((journalism))) scam as the rest of the developed world. They should fear their own.
>muh good jews!
>Count down to liberal butthurt
Not just them, anons diggs up secrets we aren’t suppose to know.
Hot wheels hasn’t been apart of 8ch for years.
Hotwheels is a kike, working and surrounded by kikes, who then gave control of 8ch to Jim "I'm a Freemason" Watkins the glownigger.
we've got blockchan now
Two things kept me from visiting more often than I did:
- Not as active over there.
- No 4chanX/AppChanX.
Hello my f̶e̶l̶l̶o̶w̶ ̶g̶l̶o̶w̶n̶i̶g̶g̶e̶r̶s̶ whites.
Are you guys ready to feed the threatmatrix on our new h̶o̶n̶e̶y̶p̶o̶t̶ free speech imageboard?
No in all seriousness, hopefully they haven't purged all threads, since there was a few i have bookmarked and wanted to read.
Someone should come up with an archive like 4plebs, for 8 as well.
No one cares about 8CH anymore. It will be neutered just like Jow Forums.
Liberals do and so do Resetera niggers. It makes them Seth hard.
The entire internet is a honeypot invented by darpa you stupid faggot
no matter how glowed up, low quality, or compromised
it will they be less so than this place
It’s a pretty shit honeypot then considering it always fails to stop shootings or the spread of problematic opinions