Why didn't whites just use native Americans as slaves instead of killing them all...

Why didn't whites just use native Americans as slaves instead of killing them all? Would have saved a lot of trips to Africa

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Because they're fucking savages. Take our black problem and paint them red. That's what would we would have now.

Most native Americans were too intelligent and civilized for that.

Attached: Sequoyah with a tablet depicting his writing system for the Cherokee language.jpg (1462x1800, 668K)

Because the Indians were brave enough to choose death over slavery.


Attached: 1561447311676s.jpg (250x250, 7K)

Indians were physically weak, got sick easily, and knew the area well enough that escape was easy.

We breed niggers to work and handle the heat

And now niggers kill whities.

The flu killed them, and the survivors w
ere either killed or bred.

Blacks were a commodity, kinda like pepper in Roman times or idk, tea n shit.

You obviously don't understand economics

Yup. US niggers are not like African niggers. Nobody wanted a weak as slave. All the runt niggers were killed. Only the strong bulls were used for breeding.

It’s not that niggers are physically superior to whites just they’re a product of slavery. But it’s starting to fade out.