South African Female here

South African Female here.

Ask me anything politically related.

Yes, I want to leave but I am not educated enough.

I work in a Hunting Game Reserve. (I am a masseuse who works within the on site Spa). Yes, I do perform happy ending massages for extra US Dollars (on white people only, excluding South American white males and definitely not on Grieks, Italiens and Spaniards ).
No, I don't do sex work.
Yes, I am willing to become a mail order bride to an Anglo male or Germanic male living in European Union, U.S.A, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

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Why do you lie on the internet?

No fake flags. Please leave this chat

Pic related?

you're fat and ugly. I hope Malema takes away your citizenship and all of your belongings.

You look like a slag

Come here, Saffies are honourary aussies.

>Yes, I do perform happy ending massages
>No, I don't do sex work.
Pick one.



Did you ever take bbc

What's political about this? Why isn't this on /b/ or some shit?

Are all the girls there whores? Or is it just you?

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Tits or gtfo

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8/10 high quality troll bait

etlane is that you?

post body with your ID (no face is fine) preferably with tits out. ill consider a fake marriage.

>mfw unironically loaded from buttcoins because I got in very early and cashed out before the big crash

Or dont OP its fine I dont mind.


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Post your tits and I might marry you (after test-fucking)

Do you have a job for me? Or a husband?

Why are you inside this chat? Sod off

Weakass S A bait

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Plenty of jobs here depending on your field. If you're unskilled though get ready to be fucked, at least the government chucks out handouts for nothing, and finding some bloke should be easy.

Just me and your mom

Who is etlane?

I would have wifed you except for the rub and tug. Dropped.

What are your requirements regarding height and penis size (length and girth). Please respond.

Do you know any man who owns a beach front property? I wish to live in a nice house by the sea.
I am even prepared to marry a Griek/Italian (yuck) if it owns a nice house by the ocean

Haha you stung me with that one

I dont care about that. I just need a man who will give me a good home. Have a large house and a good paying job and I will marry you.

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>I am even prepared to marry a Greek/Italian.
On second thoughts stay in South Africa.

>Yes, I do perform happy ending massages for extra US Dollars
>No, I don't do sex work

That fucking bait

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lol 'this chat'

I live by spics niggers and kikes we have a roller coaster though. Me love you long time.

>on white people only, excluding South American white males and definitely not on Grieks, Italiens and Spaniards
It’s really funny for a South African White to be picky about white people. You guys are 10% nigger.

I will only marry those if I fail to meet and marry a proper person. I hate Grieks and Italians probably more than you do.

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>is a literal whore
>buy me everything

I dont sleep with them. I only give a foot jobs. I dont even give guests handjobs. I save my handjobs for my future husband

Yes, just like your mother

If I marry you can i get easy access into South Africa after the boogaloo starts? Also how do you feel about farming and having lots of kids?

What are you, racially?