Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

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But he is not an enemy.

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Even he would call you a nigger loving faggot for making this thread

looks like a nigger


Definitely not our guy but is redpilled, wouldnt be surprised if he lurks

Trump is /ourguy/


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Hey Dave, I noticed your new show felt like bill burrs older work at times, 38/99

>says blacks saved america
>says blacks will save america for a second time, something they never did to begin with. By arguing that black people in USA needs to register for a firearm since white americans won´t be disarmed willingly so blacks needs to save america for second time by registering for a gun and they know what to do...
Not knowing as the nigger do that european americans have it for defense..
>Making jokes about white people in the opioid thing is like that makes it even steven for what white americans did to black people in america
>making jokes about killing white drug addicts>
>making jokes about niggerish knowledge about owning guns and ammunition.. and thinking common sense is real funny
>talking shit about white people some more
David chapelle is a nigger. Unequivocally a fucking nigger. who says he´s not a nigger but nigger is what nigger DO.. ain´t it chapelle.. woke black man..
Proving yet again you can give niggers millions of dollars and all they will ever do is not go to africa.. but shit on european americans..

I tell you what dave chapelle, you take a trip to africa and they'll fucking kill you and laugh at you, really get to know your people! Go to africa, don´t pretend you are some kind of i went to africa guy.. really go.. and then really stay.. and then really get to know your kinsmen. take your asian wife they chop them up really good too..

The days of kissing niggers ass.. is over..

>has guns
>makes fun of trannies
>thinks this new generation is full of shit
>is a black guy who laughs at white people's misfortune
Ooooh so close. Turns out he's just a nigger. Too bad!

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Dave lives for himself, id call him a libertarian

no hes a nigger

No, but he could be an asset

This and only this. Not /our guy/, but I ain't out to lynch him either. He's a black American, one of the few that doesn't contribute to the -$750,000.00 value of the average black life.... it would be like hating a unicorn.

I would say that he's an American in the classic mold, the libertarian mold that will soon be criminalized in favor of chinese totalitarianism except with zionist criminals running the show


If /Pol was for black nationalists

Literally this. He bumps that X-Clan black power bullshit music, as evidenced by the fact he has it at the end of his newest stand-up on (((Heebflix)))

No, not at all. Still bows to politicians on the left, even though he "keeps it real" and admits Trump will probably win in 2020, lgbtq is annoying, etc... He's got a good enough sense of humor to entertain you for a set, but he's crazy overrated, since a lot of people want to like him because he's black AND funny, not just funny.

Black privilege, no matter how absurd it may sound to the left, is very real in a setting like a comedy club.

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He is on the money on a lot of shit

He just triggered pol with his white shooter bit lol. Ans the best part is that is is pretty right about that too

He pitched softballs at LGBTBBQs, then says it's all jokes and he supports them. Goes on to say women should be able to abort whenever they want. Whites shouldn't have guns. Blacks will save America again (whatever that means). It's hilarious that whites are dying from drug addiction. Closes talking about killing white drug addicts. Did I miss anything?
It felt like the first 40 minutes was this softball setup where he "attacks everyone" but not really, so he can go into a 20 minute bit about how whites deserve opiate addiction, shouldn't have guns, blacks are gonna save American, etc. Nothing based about this guy.

You fucking american idiot, you always talk about lynching and the fucking niggers always talk about it.. according to NAACP.. for 86 fucking years when american whites hated the shit out of niggers, you lynched 3.448 niggers and also 1.279 whites. for 86 years.. For a fucking millennia.. nobody did fucking shit.. ever in USA.. same with the indians it´s same shit practically no fucking indians there and you larp atrocity that aswell, fucking wounded knee 250, fort mims 500.. what are we even talking about meanwhile if you want to know what murder looks like an muslim general (tamerlane) execute 90.000 people in a single fucking day..

And you fucking faggots didn´t even kill that in all that come together probably.. it´s RIDICULOUS why you even bring it up..for such big country usa some kkk faggots lynch less than 4,000 niggers.. in a CENTURY.. how many people do niggers kill in 1 year..
>da rope you gonna get da rope.
When the fuck did niggers even get the rope, you all hugging eachother you bunch of faggots.. talking about how its worst atrocity of mankind, they execute criminals niggers pretend it´s genocide.. Holy fuck american bullshit..
You hugging eachother, you hugging eachother out
>oh i love you nigger kissy smooch oh i love you too smoochy kissy back.. let´s pretend i kill a billion of you turns me on
What in the world..
Nobody nigger afraid to get lynched in USA cause they barely even were to begin with, why the niggers always have to lie about everything!

Nope. Just a functioning black

Fucking century but the rate at which that was going on if it was going to be anything it would have to wait a millennia, ofcourse we don´t have that kind of time for niggers and anglo americans to have gay sex enough with eachother to pretend as if anything even happened.
3.448 lynchings in 100 years. of fucking criminals and niggers still whining about it..

He doesn’t have the fucking balls to call out the kikes and his history with them so he’s back blaming “white people” woop woop.

>be nigger
>steal jokes from white man
Papa Bear told the LBGT joke better and first.

You're a faggot and a child for calling another man Papa.

Time to lay off the coke man.