What do you think about Reagan?

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Best President of my lifetime. Followed by Trump.

Everything Jow Forums hates.

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I suppose that's wrong. I suspect if Jow Forums felt they had a comfortable majority they would agree with this statement. (Just like when the boomers heard it)

Neocon fag.

He fucked up.

Senile old fuck

Retard boomer
>destroyed white working class by weakening unions, outsourcing labor with free trade deals, gave millions of illegals amnesty

Killed communists, made Capitalism cool again.

Literally signed off on "no fault" divorce. FUCK HIM

Fall guy for the predictable consequences of economic globalization

>"weakening unions"

Unions make hundreds of millions of dollars to this day with historically low membership and have never spent a single dollar in an effort to start a competing business.

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Just a charismatic retard for the boomer generation to feel good under while he made border enforcement impossible. I bet Trump will do a second amnesty his second term.

signed the unfunded mandate that emergency rooms had to treat everyone that came in. (making sure you, or your insurer, pay a bundle)

bankrupting california with illegals who get emergency care and give fakes names, nice

Fuck him

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>Once considered joining the communist party.
>did amnesty
>did gay ops against WN.
Absolute POS. Just like Trump.

>never spent a single dollar in an effort to start a competing business
Why would a union start a business?

Spic-loving faggot that ruined Cali

He was based until the feds staged a practice assassination against him. After that he became the #1 instigator of globohomo neoliberalism.

Thanks for proving the worthlessness of unions

patient zero of boomerism
I wish I could kill every NPC that said something positive about Reagan.

>bankrupting california
It's 2019 and California hasn't collapsed due to lack of funds. Reevaluate your opinions on economics.


Not the Ubermensch the right see him as. Not the Devil the left see him as. Out of 45 presidents, top third minimum. #2 of my lifetime, after Trump

being an unfunded mandate it shouldn't bankrupt any state. that's on the hospitals, which is probably why you sometimes see leftists posting giant hospital bills to drum up support for their (public) solutions. hospitals are put in a bad spot and they're pushing off on anyone that will pay.

>it was a bipartisan bill. Reps had Senate and Dems had the House
so I suppose we shouldn't blame him in particular.

itt: firm handshakes

Just another socialist.


Globalists attempted to assassinate him early in his presidency. His VP GHWB couldn't remember where he was on the day JFK was assassinated.

>Retard boomer
He was a full generation older than boomers

Ronald Reagan put the US 10 steps ahead (economics, defeated Soviets without firing a bullet/missile, undid Carter) and in an instant 12 steps back (AMNESTY Ron).

Fuck Reagan - destroyed the Republican Party

reagonomics fucked the middle class

Retarded big-government faggot.

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Reagonomics removed the Middle Class because they upgraded to the higher class

Amnesty and allowed chain immigration. Good goy boomer.

He opened to doors of West Germany then East Germany

Literal retard goy that was the opposite of conservative.
>gun control
>muh Russia interventionism
>bloated military
>muh free trade
Not to mention all of the other things ITT.

He lowered corporate taxes then raised people tax three times. The corporations took their tax breaks and invested overseas

He’s no Richard Nixon.

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>war on drugs
>shutting down insane asylums
>tax cuts for the 1%
He's one of the top 5 worst presidents. I'll never understand why boomers love him.

Absolute scum and useless. People have already mentioned some reasons why, but what I find funny is that CONservatives worship this faggot like some God.

Not to mention so gay shit with aids.

Amnesty for illegals that sealed the fate we endure today and forever

No-fault divorce.

A fucking pansy ass progressive larping as an American.

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only retarded boomers think that one president can reverse the 75+ years of fucked up shit that has happened to this country

>Criminal background checks
>Credit checks
>Social media checks

If all it takes to get a job is someone fully willing and capable of the work.

Get rid of needless job screening practices.

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The reason our parents and grandparents loved Reagan is because "hurr he was tough on those evil Iranians and got our hostages back!"

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Thank you.

In Cali?

Original boomer retard.

>criminal background check is meaningless
Hello nigger

Bedtime for Bonzo is kino.

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Embarrassed to see you burgers fawn over that Hollywood bit actor. Faker than a $3 bill. Him and his dessicated shrew wife. On the other hand he got himself shot which you don't see every day in a president. And did I mention, Hollywood.

Race traitor neocon. Single-handedly turned California from Republican stronghold to uncontested Democrat control.

Gets shot in 1981, Brady bill doesn't get passed until 1994. Good job.

I'm sorry your wife fucked a nigger

Only kikes think that the only purpose an organization has any business pursuing is profit.

>gave amnesty turning California permanently blue
>broke unions and started the shift from a manufacturing economy to a Wall St. speculation economy
He was a rich get richer President. Fuck him.

>Unions make hundreds of millions of dollars to this day with historically low membership and have never spent a single dollar in an effort to start a competing business.
So you want a union to open their own fucking car manufacturing plant?
Are you fucking retarded?

Based (((experiment))) anyone can come and live here we have no culture all that matters is service to Isra... ahem, freedom.


absolute faggot, signed amnesty and gun control bills, plus he kicked all the chronically mentally ill out onto the streets. If a homeless person shits in your yard thank that faggot

Fantastic idea Mr. Reagan!

So tell me? Where can I get a decent job that didn't get sent to China or India?

You millennial fuckups should be thankful that someone offers you an opportunity to sleep in container with five Mexicans with 4$ an hour, but no, you need to have minimum wage for useless luxuries. American kids these days are so fucking entitled.


Piece of shit like every other POTUS. The man behind radical Islamic terrorism, the fall of the ethnically homogenic Eastern Bloc, and the death of Gaddafi's daughter. Hope he's rotting in hell rn.

Reagan was the beginning of the Boomer Age and the self shackling of American foriegn policy to the whims of Israel.


That's syndicalism, I think.

He beat Communism but surrendered to Bankers.
Milton Friedman created the modern world and is the most destructive Jew in history.
We're just going to lurch from one banking crisis to the next until we hit peak Sovereign Debt and then all go work in the salt mines or some shit.

All major banks in China are state owned, sounds pretty good right?

beginning of the end

What China has is not "Capitalism" but Cameralism.


fuck that shit. then we exercize the privilege of sovereign default. execute any kike that complain and begin the rahowa

I think he was a much better actor than Trump. Reagan also took a bullet from that guy who watched violent movies instead of playing Nintendo like good people did back then.

Fucking legend most american president ever

Boomer here

He got 100% exactly the same treatment Trump gets

>he's an actor
>he's going to get us all killed and start WW3!
>he doesn't know what he's doing!
>oh my god he's just going to TALK to our enemies at some """"summit""""" about disarmament? They're going to eat his lunch and make him pay for it! They're cold-blood killers and he's an actor!
>ha ha ha he didn't get any deal with the enemy maybe next time he'll listen to the experts and just threaten them in speeches, anyway:
>is he more insane or senile? the panel will discuss!
----we are here, 33 years later----
>huh, the Russkies came back begging for a deal
>they just signed the missile ban treaty
>well everyone knew that was the right approach to take, it's not like he was bringing anything new to the table

The last line is the most infuriating bit. All these smug "experts" who'd failed over and over again in the newspapers and on TV, explaining how we had a mental incompetent in charge with retarded Hollywood ideas of How The World Really Works, unlike the Very Serious Experts

And once he was proven literally 100% correct and got the "impossible" deals, all the experts immediately started pretending it was all their idea the whole time, like we didn't remember.

That's why Boomers love Trump. We've seen this before and we know how it turns out.

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>economic globalization
Understand currency trading


Also, after the Beirut bombing, the Pentagon wanted to level most of Tripoli as retaliation, and Reagan told them to fuck off, saying "any retaliation against terrorists that kills innocent people is itself a terrorist attack." That is about the most moral thing a President has said in the last 40 years

Except when Trump called off a strike on Iran because it would kill about 150 Iranians for a drone, or when he chose to light up some Syrian hangars (with warning aforehand) instead of bombing Damascus.

That's a man with a good heart.

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He was just a talented actor from (((Hollywood))) who never stopped playing a role. A puppet of (((them))) He was social smart, but no logical smart: through neoliberalism he destroyed USA and western Europe. Maybe was well intended, but the consequences of his actions are nefarious

The Laur^/\ of Wet Bl/-kets e`nters the thre/\d.`

Instead of p/\rticip/\t^ing in t*hread discussion, th`is L/\ura jus-t w|ants to point out th*at you're currently /\t the ed*ge of the bo/\rd and ab|out to die|. =^_^*=

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A dumb honorary rednecm who literally started a war on drugs that yielded absolutely nothing of value, and fueled the rise of Capitalist America to the retarded proportions we see today.

Don't do drugs. Or Prez Ronimator will terminate your ass. "Just say no."

Greatest USA Prez so far after Prez Trump.

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