Why are mixed-race people so much more common in Latin America than in Canada and the US?

In America we have blacks, whites and hispanics in their respective state-ethnostate like Detroit, Texas, etc, but in Latin America there's not a separation like that, there's not even racial records, graphs, forms, statics, nothing, is Latin America a mutt-ethnostate?

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are people happier in latin america?

Nordic countries better.

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>implying Americans aren't all jew mutts

What kind of autism are you on about?
Latin American forms explicitly ask for racial identity, most spics are half bloods, known as Mestizo, then there are Indo-Mestizos and Indios these are the next most common, then it’s Castizo, Mulattos, Negros and finally the least common of all Criollos or people considered white by Spanish caste.
All of these groups fight amongst eachother except Castizos and Criollos who try to seperate themselves.
Brazil has different racial classifications than in Spanish speaking countries but they still have government based ethnic classifications.
So no, Latin-American countries are not muttnostates, its more like Civic Nationalist Multi-Mutt States.

I guess the ones who live in gated communities are.

>So no, Latin-American countries are not muttnostates
Found the beaner. Almost all Mexicans have African blood. Almost none have any European blood. It's even worse in Brazil and surrounding countries.

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>in Latin America there's not a separation like that, there's not even racial records, graphs, forms, statics, nothing


Less white people, more shitskins...also....MILLIONS MORE nigger slaves were shipped by the Jews to those locations than they shipped to North America. This is the globalist plan for all white countries. They want us erased and white women are their greates ally in this effort.

Nearly 70K gun murders per year in Brazil Muttland. I would say....NOT HAPPIER.

So the entire place is a racial experimental laboratory for (((them)))?

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Kalergi Plan....find some videos on it on Bitchute or youtube.

White women and their fucking niggers. It's all so tiresome. White women are a meme. Born into the best race, decides to breed niggers. The absolute fall of white women. Pure garbage now.

How can white women look at their little nigglets and feel anything for them? When they could have easily had white children. I saw this coalburner sitting with her two nigglets and her nigger baby daddy who was ignoring her. She was watching two pretty white children play and was smiling. Then she looked down at her nigglets sitting next to her and just...stopped smiling. I saw the failure in her eyes. Only absolutely self-introspection devoid white women would breed down. They need to be ostracized.

The island of Dr Moreau is now real.

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>Why are mixed-race people so much more common in Latin America than in Canada and the US?

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hahahaa man, mexican people is one of the moste racist and classist in the world, the whites here suffer a lot more racism because we are just a few, there s actually the term "whitexican" to reffear desppective to a white mexican.


>Why are mixed-race people so much more common in Latin America than in Canada and the US?
I'll assume you are serious.
The analysis is focused on Mexico.
First of all, that mixed race people are more common in Mexico is a bit of a stretch, and I'd like your sauce on that conclusion.
Most of the Mexican population are native American. They are mostly the decendents of tribes that sided with the Spanish Conquistadores against the Aztecs. European diseases and the wars with the Spanish ruined the Aztec people, and Spain rewarded it's allies with valuable Aztec lands.
Most of the territory granted to Spain by the Holy See, was held tightly by the King and the lands were seen for their resources to enrich the crown. Therefore, the people sent to the new world were military commanders and troops, civilian govenors and staff to enforce laws, derive policies, direct infrastructure projects to improve resource extraction, and Catholic Missionaries. There were few settlers. As mexico moved toward being an independent state, the Spanish ruling aristocracy virtually forbade intermixing. The metizos (mixed) were decendents of soldiers and Catholic Missionaries, and tended to fill professional roles for the Spanish elite. The natives made up the peasantry. Take a look at the Mexican elite and you will see that those breakdowns are still more or less in place.