If you like Japanese, then you should extend that to Middle Easterners

Note, image is what happens when you zoom out of a PCA plot. It shows West Asians as adjacent with Europeans.

1. We start with the claim Europeans have great potential and cultural legacy...

2. If you like Japanese, then you are forced to admit non-Whites can also be civil or have great potential.

3. West Asians are way closer to Europeans than Japanese or other East Asians on PCA plots.

4. (CONCLUSION) Since East Asians are very distant from Europeans but successful economically, creatively, and more, then you are led to admit West Asians also have great potential, since they are more closely related to Europeans than East Asians

Attached: genetic_reality_race.jpg (572x532, 43K)

so niggers aren't even humans?

I like Japs because of their high IQ, excellent engineering, and low-propensity to chimp out. Sand-niggers are the opposite of Japanese and should be euthenized with their jewish cousins.

They are a different subspecies.
USA and CIA have been literally supporting Islamists like ISIS and Al-Nusra. The Middle East has been surviving Jewish and Anglo imperialism for the last two centuries. Of course they can't be at their "peak" during a time of endless meddlesome behavior.

Never saw a jap strap a bomb on himself and blow up sushi joint

That's not how it works you fucking faggot.
Greatness isn't a function of closeness to Europe.

Turban poison

>USA and CIA
Because they're jews. The US is more jewish than Israel.

Attached: PF_15.04.02_ProjectionsTables137.png (640x523, 18K)

They were kamikaze pilots during WWII, you dumb fucker. They would have kamikazed more if they could. Regardless, Islamists are largely being propped by CIA.

Yes. It's gotten out of hand since the 60s and 70s.

David Hume wore a turban too, you fucking idiot. Clothing choice doesn't mean shit about one's race.

No, since the foundation of the jewnited states. Jews brought niggers here. They were the ones who started the African slave trade.

Africans are indeed a subspecie

Everything else is a cultural problem, middle easterns have a cultural problem (islam) etc

Yes, I agree everything else is a cultural problem, though Gulf Arabs did mix with niggers more than any other Middle Eastern ethnicity. I am happy to say I have no nigger in me, and I tested this a lot. However, I have checked and a lot of Gulf Arabs have 4-8% nigger believe it or not! Sometimes up to 20%!!

west Asia was great before Bedouin subhuman tribal cults invaded them. the Assyrians and Iranians are a superior race.

>2. If you like Japanese, then you are forced to admit non-Whites can also be civil or have great potential.
Just Japs
>3. West Asians are way closer to Europeans than Japanese or other East Asians on PCA plots.
Nah, inbreeding and rape doesn't make you valuable. Japs are valuable and honorable people. Honorary whites. Middle Easterners are inbred violent animals.

African BVLLs vs euroasian subhumans.

Attached: 1567537410873.jpg (1080x1205, 544K)

Japs are probably more inbred than Middle Easterners. They are just hiding it better, that's all. Just watch some of their anime to see how prevalent incest is. They joke about it in such a frivolous manner. Japanese tend to hide crime rate or incest in order to have better public image. Their culture is all about saving face.

Africans are a literal fucking sub-species on that chart kek

>850 individuals

Most PCA plots show the same thing when you zoom out.

I dont and you have to go back

Killing muslims on Christian clay is justifiable and anyone who supports them is a traitor

A gaynigger and a blonde fashion model
Totally not a bought and paid for image to sell something trite
Good effort tho
I totally dont still hate you and want you to die

There are plenty of Middle Eastern Christians and non-Muslims. People can easily abandon Islam. If your issue is mostly with religious affiliation, I don't have an issue.

>number for France increases
It's actually going down because muslims are giving them a hard time. I cant believe the Geeman number too. They must live very secretive lives because I have never met a Jew in my life here.

I'll accept middle easterners when they make shit like the Walkman. GTFO

>Lawful, intelligent, courageous, inventive, hard-working, believe and work towards social harmony

>>Lawful, intelligent, courageous, inventive, hard-working, believe in promotion of individual liberty, empathetic to a fault

>Anarchic, stupid, cowardly, insipid, lazy, believe and work towards goat rape, incapable of empathy

um no sweaty

They have always been subhuman.

It's just fucking memes based on CIA bullshit. Middle Easterners would have been a lot of stable if CIA didn't back and arm their fanatics in the first place.
Technology and industrialization are causing more damage than good in the long-run.

Islam has NO place in Europe. I can accept 100k muslims who are chill and running businesses and do not wear their trash bags on their head but the rest has to go. Our societies have their own problems.


I don't like Islam either, and I don't have an issue with people who don't want Muslims on the lands. However, not all Middle Easterners are Muslims and many do abandon it. Just force them to convert to something else or leave. Not hard.

The peoples of the Middle East and North Africa were a lot more comparable before a certain inbreeding cult took over.

For each country or "sphere", the reasons for their decline are different.

>if you like scheming japs
nah two nukes were not enough