Why is he so stupid pol?

Attached: mentalretardation.jpg (800x480, 48K)

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why do you listen to the media like they're your god?


Well he is already smarter than OP

>reading demented boomer twitter in chief spewing nonsense
>'lol what a retard'
>"wHy ArE u So MuCh IntO FaKe NeWs Media?? WAKE UP SHEELPLE!"

stfu ptg faggot could you imagine living in a country where your leader's name is Donald Trump?

Attached: tlingit.png (1306x892, 210K)

He's not, he's the most pro israel president in all of american history, israel is your greatest ally goys.

Seriously? Why do you defend them as if they're your gods? Do you not think that they can be prone to human behavior? That they are infallible?

Why aren't you a billionaire like him, since you're so smart?

Trump is a fucking retard, let's be real here, he's gotten his money from his father and he's gotten his votes from the millions of other retards that live in rural areas of the US

Because your mother won't stop jumping on my dick.

Attached: asian.png (500x500, 29K)

>calling Trump for the retard he is = OMGZ YOU'RE A DEFENDER OF THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA

>I can do it too anytime I want to, I just choose not to

You're literally going out of your way to defend them right now.

>Muh Media
I don't need to follow the media to figure out Trump's a complete retard just looking through his tweets and him publicly speaking

Only as stupid as your average person. He just doesn’t give a fuck.

Have you actually seen him publicly speak or just watch news bits? Everything you consume is media unless you're seeing it with your own eyes.

Don't even bother fellow leaf user ptg faggots will never listen to any criticism of their Orange God

No sane person would actually want to become the president of America

>being this much of a normie
pls go

Kek just watch this senile retard at work
>China loves my big brain

>Heh, I see him speaking all the time. I don't watch the news.
>Take a look of this video from the news I watched. Heh. Stupid Trump

If I can't be a full on dictator, then forget it.

Who says you can't?

Attached: Leaf Fag.png (900x900, 262K)

How fucking stupid are you? That's literally him speaking without any cuts or edits. Maybe you're just as retarded as the Orange faggot you worship

>30-second clip
>that's literally him speaking without any cuts or edits
It's so tiresome.

What a noble, chiselled visage. I wonder what is going through his mind in that snap.

You can't be the dictator of America if Israel already is.

Yeah you can. Take them out. Never stop believing in yourself!!!