>Jim Testified yesterday >Seemed intentionally vague but left optimistic >No official ETA for putting Greatestchan back up yet, however, lawyer says could be up by next week >Jim Photographed in front of white house wearing Qanon pin(pic related)
I guess we just have to see what can be gleamed from the OAN interview once it drops.
Jaxson Fisher
Wow, how did Q know a guy with terminal cancer would die?
Yikes that's some Nostradamus type of stuff
Charles Phillips
Obvious shill. Exactly one month, down to the minute.
John Ward
In one of them, they're even trying to say Q is a fucking psychic. If there's one reason why I'd consider voting against Trump at this moment in time, it's so this Q bullshit stops.
Shut your whore mouth. Pol is the Q movements little brother. This board has gone to shit since we left. Low quality threads, almost no research... pathetic little bitch.
Caleb Morris
Surely you realize how retarded this sounds to anyone who is a neutral spectator?
I mean what even are you implying? That Qanon murdered a senator and made it look like brain cancer?
Dylan Miller
He lost me after running against "globalists" and then filling up the entire white house with his jewish friends such as "globalist gary"
Dominic Robinson
Normally I'd agree.. but based on what the alternative is... if I don't vote for Trump I likely won't vote at all.
Levi Ortiz
Cool, is he going to bring back /hebe/?
Thomas Baker
Shut up and try to keep up. Save the questions and digest, you're a litte (a fucking lot) behind. Qpillathon commence.
Ether way we seem to get the same thing though. Can't honestly say there was a huge difference between Clinton/bush/Obama and trump years
Liam Powell
I can. My state was completely fucked by Obama's "green" regulations. Sucks to be in an oil-based economy state under Obama.
Nolan Collins
I've actually kept up with Q from the get go because it was interesting but let me ask this, if trump loses this year and a democrat wins due to him not getting shit done, will you faggots finally shut up about this gay ass plan that nobody trusts?
If you fucking Qtards weren't on every fucking board now screaming at each other and everybody else like hysterical women it would be great >ANIME KILLED MY DOG >HILLARY CLINTON INVENTED VIDEO GAMES Jesus Christ calm down pensionniggers, you're kind of embarrassing.