Oh boy. Time for liberal rage.
8ch coming back, won’t delete “hate speech”
Other urls found in this thread:
Haha have rape on meds incels
take your brain pills braincel.
>freedom of speech cancelled due to unpopularity of endless zionist war
God bless USA
H8CH is coming back
Good. The Monster Girl Generals here suck ass.
Fuck yeah /abdl/ is coming back!!!
Finally I can go back to shitposting about vidya in the best /v/
>sifting the chaff
I've treated this entire month like a furlough. There really is no other comparable platform, and I won't be letting the door hit my ass on the way out once things are up.
Can't wait to find out SA was an agent of GCHQ all along.
Poor Jews no Stormtards to help them exterminate Whites
If that's your preference than good for you. Sounds more like you're waiting for /jooresearch/ some other stupid shit.
If so it will be the biggest honeypot
The entire internet is a honeypot.
Who owns the root keys for all of the web traffic encryption?
Do encrypted connections (VPN's, proxies, [insert encrypted thing here], etc etc) mean anything to an entity with the master keys?
Oh boy, I can't wait for 8chn /v/ and /hgg/ to come back.
This user gets it. 4/v/ is complete shit.
I really haven't noticed a difference in quality since cripplechan refugees showed up. Doubt I'll notice one when they leave.
Speaking of the sister site, Vice released their long interview with the roller-gnome himself. Pretty embarrassing to watch desu, especially when they started taking about GooberGate.
Can’t wait for more weekend game nights and dev AMAs
THQ Nordic is based....
Forgot pic
Kingdom Come 2 bro.
THQ Nordic bought Warhorse.
Mein body is ready.
Hotwheels flipped a year ago. The Vice hit piece is just retarded script writing.
Liberal media is going to flip which will only make the site more popular.
I guess it's time to shut down Discord now.
he still cant dab though :(
GIVE BACK /32/ AND /fringe/ RIGHT NOW!!!
I have tons of threads that I should download this time.
I hope that the old threads remain alive.
Oh boy. A lot of leftists will have PTSD after they've read this.
Tears. literally shaking
If you can't say what you want freely, it ain't free speech. More than America visited that site and quite frankly, it's obvious they're gonna defend Jews.
>the nose
yep, mark is a jew
Mention 8ch coming back on /co/, /v/ or any of the other boards Resetera fought to take over and you will see dozens of “anons” get butthurt over a “racist stormfront” site coming back.
In fact, if they're coming back online for real, it just means he handed over the server to feds and related. Putting it back up so they can monitor who goes there.
As much as I hate to say it. If you're gonna organize, you're gonna have to do it offline with no cell phones around.
Wouldn’t change anything since by the time shooters post anything it’s already too late.
Feds and other alphabet agencies already have control over everything. They don't need to get special access
Started out KC:D as a tanky knight in heavy armor, and then for the last 5 levels went full on stealth archer/alchemist. Tons of fun was had.
If there's going to be a KC2 it would be nice if the fixed the enemy scaling. For the first 10 or so levels, all my character fought was bandits decked out from head to toe in heavy armor coming in groups of 5 or 6. Now that I'm level 20, I'm fighting bandits in their trousers weilding sticks one on one. Something got flipped, but it at least made those early fights require a whole lot of baiting and ambushing.
And running away of course.
Doesn't help that I'm garbage at the combat.
The news keeps promoting where these "racists" are going thus attracting more people to them. Maybe they should shut themselves down?
Can't believe I'm having to take my virtual johhny off to post this but I miss you so much user, see you and Steinway in a week
Just run, make them engage you in a straight line, and kill them one by one.
Too bad the last shooters didn't even point out the Jew or target any. Well, at least the ones they promote during mainstream hours.
>TFW 1 week until /cow/ can resume their never ending documentation of the autistic
Good, 8sperg refugee niggers can GTFO
No more of the stupid slide threads.
Now , the Reddit shitbags need to GTFO too.
Is it true we're all on a list by just posting here?
this is so creepy, they are going to install a puppet regime to control speech.
Only if a Jew or Jew cock sucker reports you.
no, tor is a different thing
regardless, do you have any idea how many and what type of retards will be posting there after all this publicity?
Codenigger will need extra mods on Jow Forums
apply now at admin@"EIGHT"chan.co MUAHAHAHAHAH
Fuck that rancid farting cock blocking fat autsitc kike
You love him, admit it.
Have you seen the video yet?
They're going to get a fuckton of new users with all this press
Fishface was all up in empathy for him, now that he’s cucked.
One honey in every pot.
They made it so any group in America can organize even Nambla an official pedo group but if any of us dare try to get together we would be hit with bicycle walks so fast and then locked up for life. The leftists Have it so easy
Take your brains pillcel
holy fuck there's no way to post the link to this website (pic related) or even any quote from it
Jow Forums keeps claiming it's spam.
just google the title.
all honeypots filled
so considering how happy they are with his cooperation he probably gave them a back door to people's personal info on 8ch
Snekgirl best girl
4ch leaves quite a few things to be desired.
The only thing that's better moderated is /v/
How is it a honeypot if everybody goes on all the lists just for visiting Jow Forums in the first place and it openly turns over illegal material
It was obvious when they were allowed to come back online.
People will seriously need to consider organizing offline without cell phones.
>implying the NSA needs that shit
>implying PRISM doesn't track the identity and record every single post on the internet anyway
what is Snowden
It is about time to go outside comrades.
Godspeed brother.
What new features did they backdoor install onto the honeypot this time?
> its not free speech, it's illegal speech!
>everybody goes on all the lists
>it openly turns over illegal material
You answered yourself, you mental giant.
Some honeypots are different flavored honeypots than others. Coke, Pepsi, RC, Sam's Choice, pick your poison.
start the war on chill. maybe it'll make more chill.
Doubtful. Literally all they are doing is making a read only mode.
Why even use a computer anymore?
Not surprising, wasn't it fact the FBI was submitting evidence of threats and it was actually the FBI making them? Who knows what sort of thing they talked about behind closed doors
There's no fucking way they would be happy with him just doing that
They asked for people personal info from Kiwifarms's owner when the New Zealand shooter happened
this is meant for
>8fags could finally fuck off.
and stay out
>better moderated than anything
jesus, i don't even want to imagine how bad 8/v/ must have been
>posts on Jow Forums
That means Q is coming back too, which is cool. Or would be, if anything ever happened.
Does that -one- colored line represent their last right? The one to live?
Fucking thank you, I don't even care about 8/pol/, I just want /monster/ back.
Those fucks opened Pandora's Box, except the only hope in it is a noose in which they will have to hang themselves with.
This is WHY 4/8 chan should not be shuttered, because these places are containment areas for this behavior.
Chans are forever
Our pleasure
This place is
chi-com Tranny
You can keep it
>/hypno/ will be back
Aw yes
Who ever said anything about hate speech?
The only thing that was ever an issue is illegal content.
>The entire internet is a honeypot.
This guy gets it.
Id like to submit the idea that even if it does come back, now that its gotten attention itll be just as filled with shills and slide boards as this one.
you know how we hate trannies and such for living in a fake reality? you fags with your gay anime obsessions are exactly the same type of deranged. get help.
>spider girl
>just a human female sitting on a spider's head
And this is why I call to offline meetings without cell phones.
An outlet of expression causes a diminishing of inner reflections and feelings.
Remember, one method of "relieving stress" they give people is going to a punching bag and throwing a bunch of punches out.
So even doing something as little as playing a video game, can diminish the fire within that sustains these things.
Therefore, offline meetings wouldn't only invoke sensations of brotherhood, but it would also modify the air in an exponential way. Where as when one is behind a screen playing battlefield, placating their emotions through the screen, the air becomes one of hopelessness.
So offline meetings without cell phones is a must against the Jewish menace. Otherwise, any online announcement when there are plenty of shills, from varying backgrounds are watching, one ought to never join with something said online. Lest your enemy knows it.
(((They))) have degenerated worse than those they sought to degenerate because they not only sat in the same air of degeneracy, the subsisted off of others growing weaker over time along with the rest of the world they sought to subjugate.
Offline and no electronic eyes is the way to go.