How can we fix the anti semetic problem we are facing in this board?

How can we fix the anti semetic problem we are facing in this board?

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By amplifying it.

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Fuck off, Rabbi.

Ummmm you new here?

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.reponsisble for the current refugee crisis hitting the west, they literally traffic people to the west.
>control the media
>control the banks.
>control social media and porn.

It's an all a coincidence goy.
>control the left-wing political parties.

If you kill all the jews, people won't be antisemitic.
Think about it.

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You can' t fix it. You must embrace it. What advantage is there for being a semite? WHAT?

You can stop posting here for a start.

I've told you cunts exactly what needs to be done in the past, but despite your rhetoric you'd never do the necessary. All you're doing at the moment is making it worse for yourselves just quit while your behind.

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do the holocaust but for real this time

holy shit 17 captchas after failing one

White Nationalism is the weapon Jews use to exterminate Whites

cool story bro

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remove kikes
no antisemitism to worry about then

Portugal. The man. ×bumpz

Down with haters

>Admit to controlling Hollywood
>Controls the news
>Controls the media
>Makes up most of the judges
>Makes up 40% of the United States government and sends tens of billions to Israel every year
>Everyone around the world hates them
>Have laws made in Europe that prevent criticism of you
>Have lobbying groups to promote censorship
>Like any other Abrahamic religion wants to control the world
>honest goy its not us!

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Better antisemites
The ones you have are realy cringe and give antisemitism a bad name
Nobody lives preaching
The best antisemite is the ones that pretends not to be one
Exaple just try the humoristic edgelord approach

>three jews walk into a bar
>of soap

That some big brain thinking right there. I can’t even argue with the logic TIME TO END ANTSEMITISM

>implying the people spamming kike hate are even white

Have sex

>the first Jew says "hi grandpa"

No soap was ever made that was an obviously just another Jewish lie. Imagine washing with something so filthy and disgusting

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Get rid of all jews everywhere


Like pottery.

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In minecraft, when I have problem with creepers, I kill them all.
I tried to be kind with them, but they dont listen and shit my stuff.
I tried to ignore them, but they still come to me and shit my stuff.
I tried to build a fence, but they either go along or destroy it, and then shit my stuff.
So now, I shoot on sight, like the skeletons.
I attack on sight, like the zombie.
I crawl and follow them to kill them, like the spider.
In other word, I do exactly like everycreature, I shoot first and ask questions if there is reminders.

This is the most retarded tweet I've seen in a while. The jew took it as an offense because "becoming a non-jewish state" could mean anything from getting invaded by warmongering arabs to being kicked out of the territory. None of this shit is happening in Europe but animefags have limited intelligence.

Now you are getting it
There is nothing antisemitic here you are just a shitty person
Lots of shitty people out there. Thats the goal to reach out for the average internet user. When you start with charts and the graphs and the quotes and the uss liberty diagrams you scare them away

Realy sad i need to tell you all this

how does israel do its population census?
someone throws a penny in telavivs square

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People are going to see that thumbnail and go "oh my god another stormfag"
Unless your goal is an endless gay circlejerk you need to be more subtle

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To understand driving forces behind new anti-semitism, one must watch the doco entitled "Defamation".

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Have sex

Shove your pilpul up your ass jewboy

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Yeah you tell them shlomo!
after all subversion is your strongest subject

There you go
That is funny
This shit will be reposted by an indian in a ylyl thread and then end up on some niggers Jow Forums meme compilation youtube video and redpill the masses
Its like chess you need to think several turns in advance

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Shaming doesn’t work here Rabbi Interracialpornstene

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The left

Two jews walk into a oven..

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No m8 you don't get it. It's almost like you're all autistic. The people you're talking about are the minority. The type that run around all evangelical like are just new to it and overwhelmed by the the scope of Israels criminality. It's just a phase. The humouristic approach as you put it has always been our main angle.

Just because you want to kill everyone doesn't mean we do. This is a playground not a battleground, we come here for fun as much as anything else.

>could mean anything from getting invaded by warmongering arabs to being kicked out of the territory. None of this shit is happening in Europe
>being invaded by warmongering Arabs
>not happening in Europe

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Needs a Brazzers logo

Fuck kids

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Keep kvetching, Jew. That is the most retarded explanation I've ever seen. It's obvious that the person is talking about it happening in Israel the same way it's happening elsewhere.
Then again, you Jews avoid context as much as you avoid truth.


None of the arabs in London are going to chop your head off anytime soon and none will in Rome. Have sex.


Elie Wiesel lied. Will known holocaust fraud be retracted?

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this is the best one I've seen so far for reaching normies

No it's not. I would concur if he posed the same question as the first one but the second question is so fucking vague you can take it anyhow you want. Semantics isn't empty words.

>Anti Semitic

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Clearly we need to be more antisemitic because kikes keep turning up here.

Effectively pouring petrol onto the fire they started in the first place

Fuckin' pizza bagels.

Abe Foxman in the limo spilling the beans was great. Really jives with that PBS Democracy Now "It's a trick, we always use it." interview.

So are you really just unable to see context and extrapolate information from it as a Jew? Is this why all of you argue as if every point is in a vacuum? Is this why you all always choose to argue semantics instead of discussing a topic at large?

Is this why you idiots can't create anything original? Fine, let me reiterate: it's obvious to anyone able to read context that the anime avatar commenter was speaking of Israel losing its Jewish majority through open border policies that have been enacted elsewhere.

By exterminating all the kike rats so there's no Jews to be anti semitic against

They aren't even Semitic though

Not today, son

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Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Disinfect this, kike:

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There is no such thing as "anti-semetism"

fake jew kike amalekites didn't rise to power on
their own. rome ruled before they did, rome gave
the fake jew kike amalekites their banking charter.
the swiss guard do not guard the fake jew kike
amalekites, they guard the pope, the pope is a
jesuit. you all who play the game of focus on the
fake jews are playing into the hands of rome.

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>even if it’s not true (it is)

This is Jow Forums in a nutshell

Well you can't have anti-semitism without semites so....

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This is true. I remember when I first found the truth. I spammed spammed like a retard. It's good because this is how we keep the infographs in circulation for new generations because oldfags don't post them anymore.

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Only counter Semitism

redpill them that jewishness is a state of spirit and many antisemites are jews in denial themselves

Get rid of all the Jews, of course!

Another holocaust memorial or museum. This one needs to show how bad it was by actually carrying out the atrocities, like the holocoaster, the bear and eagle cages, and that dog that listens to concerts and attacks when people play the wrong note, on actual Jews. People can watch 6 million or more being killed for real to see how bad it was back then.

Fun Fact: Antismeitism isn't actually real.

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By saging and hiding this thread

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Cool thread

Cool jewy thread